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Everything posted by Watchmen

  1. Typical..... it seems that some are always extracting parts to try and legitimize their story line. At what point did I say it was ok for anyone? I said "Kuwait and Bahrain must still be under the assumption...."
  2. I knew this would bite the clintons. Kuwait and Bahrain must still be under the assumption that you have to buy political influence after years of giving millions to the Clinton foundation for favors Hmmmm.....
  3. Not arguing with what you say in the surface. But it would be nice to know how well a teams shoots 3's Rebounds etc... that being said is if you don't scout your opponent. It's hard in high school with limited time and budgets to scout an opponent a lot. With that said, if a coach does his homework he will know his opponents. But I would still like the same level of access to my stats as they do mine
  4. I think your are right in the fact sk is out running and pressing more. That's one element, another is she seems to post at times and girls just simply look at her and don't give her the ball. Then I think she becomes tired or frustrated and doesn't post She could flat out dominate a game if she was fed the rock and finished It would be good to see her force fed one game just to see what she could do with volume opportunities. But she has to want it too. She has the ability to be one of the most dominate players. Whoever gets her in college could find a gem. If she ever decides to commit to becoming the best version of herself. I haven't seen many that stop her
  5. Meier not hurt. You are correct though. She needs to put herself in the conversation.
  6. Thoughts and prayers for #20. Hope she has a speedy recovery.
  7. Agree ball89 Balanced scoring will help this team against some of the states top teams. The good news is they still have a lot where they can improvem Ball movement is good at times but we still have a few that hold it when one more quick pass and you have a wide open shot. Especially against the zone. I thought they did a really good job against waltons 1-3-1. They were well prepared to see that zone. Also had the kids in great position against the 2-3 but we were our own worst enemy when we moved the ball a few players would stop the ball movement as if they wanted to shoot when all they had to do was swing the ball one more time. Also blew several fast breaks when the primary ball handler kept the ball when a team mate was wide open for an uncontested layup. PASS and get the guaranteed 2. Team ball not me ball. Good news out of that though is they created these opportunities thru good defense. This team is fun to watch when they get after you defensively. I can tell you that if your not interested in playing hard defense the coaches have plenty on the bench that will. Girls missed a bunch of rotations in the first half on there press, but looked much better in 2nd half and that's what created the separation on the score. Sk did a really nice job rebounding. Probably best effort of the season. If they can continue to play hard defense, get their defensive rotations down (if your not interested you not playing mentality from coaches). Rebound, take care of ball and move it. No ball stoppers. This team will continue to improve leaps and bounds. After watching sk bench play. There girls they put in late are long and can really get after it. If teams think they can let up when they are in that is a mistake. This group comes in with more energy and is hungry to prove they should get minutes. They are developing nicely and can see them playing key roles somewhere this season As I said earlier. Walton is a good team. They really handled the ball under pressure and played hard. Sk defense eventually got to them onseveral key chunks that allowed them to pull ahead and continue to distance. I don't agree that Walton isn't athletic. They seemed to be athletic but were just overwhelmed tonight
  8. Walton Verona is a nice team. I think they will make some noise this year and are certainly not as devoided of talent as some have said. They will have their bumps in the road but will also give a lot of teams all they want Offensively Walton shoots then all pretty well but they really need to develops some type of inside game. They are also not a selfish team which leads them to some great looks due for their ball movement Defensively They can throw multiple looks at you and need to continue to refine There 1-3-1 is effective and so is their 2-3 Zone press and man to man need to tighten up and I can see that coming as the year plays out If you overlook the bearcats you may find yourself in a battle
  9. One shoe doesn't fit all. My kid played soccer ran cross country and track. She was so active that she was beginning to have health issues. After reviewing her daily activities, the doctor recognized she was being hydrated enough and not getting enough calories. School protested her lunches. After the doctors note and my legal threat. She was allowed to take her lunch and carry water bottle to class Socialism sucks.
  10. Gilliam among others may very well find their way back in the starting lineup. The good news is that your coaches have options. Options make your players work harder to get in the starting lineup and rotation. Working harder makes you a better player. I found that when my kids played that I had to remain positive with them and encourage them to work. In the end, they are all grown and thankfully very successful and I would like to think these lessons helped them along that path. Don't sale your coaches short, encourage your kids to work hard and enjoy the opportunity and blessing it is to play on a talented team. Sometimes is the parents that are more upset than the kids. If your a parent, take a deep breath and pull for all the players on the team. As Jesse James said.... enjoy the ride!!!
  11. Can you even walk behind the visiting bench? I thought you had to walk in front of the bench to be able to access the stands?
  12. Man there is so much mis-information on this thread that I thought I turned on MSNBC for a moment
  13. My last comment because this thread is funny. One person fires something out and of course this an evil team now. There were 10 eligible players to play varsity last night. 13 on the roster. 3 hurt: Buckner, Stamper and Vickers 5 started. Meier, Niece, Jones, Harmeyer, Harney. (Gilliam has started last 2 years but Harney was tabbed last night) Off the bench: Gilliam, Bush, Waite, Dressman and Chenoite ALL players played in the first and 2nd halves. You clarly see that you don't have a lot in numbers to go to if you want to go into your bench. At least two girls will be on the floor that have seen significant minutes. There is no way around it unless you play with 4.
  14. I'm not sure what this proves...? There were 10 eligible players to play varsity last night. Your proving that 7 of them did the lion share of the scoring??? If your trying to prove something on disproportional play. Maybe post minutes??? Maybe that doesn't sell what your hoping everyone to buy? Were you at the game last night?
  15. Yes. Your right. My understanding too the budget was cut this year so the staff couldn't bring in all the kids to play together all summer. Seeing is how they are from all parts of the country. (sarcasm). I will say though its funny how comments like this come about. I can't think of one kid that lives outside of the Kenton County School district. Wait.... no never mind. There isn't one. Not one single player.
  16. I walked out of gym for a few starting the 4th qtr. cam back in with a little over 6 minutes to play. 4 players on the floor were all players that do not play significant minutes. There was no press and bailey was running point. The other four players on the floor are not ball handlers. They are bigs, so the coach leaves one player in to handle the ball. That basically leaves one of the players that start. I too would have left Harney in as she is still learning SK system and could use the extra work. Not from a skill standpoint, but from a program acclimation. Smart move on the coaches part. Can't emphasize enough, sk did not press late in game. However, as ncc subbed it played into sk hand as ncc struggled stopping sk's bits in the post because they had a very tall team on the floor. That I think contributed to the score as well. I know it's frustrating losing by that much. But this was a typical game that just clearly got away from ncc. If I'm sk. I tell my girls to play hard. I think it's worse when you say " rebound that ball but don't shoot the layup ". That bothers me a great deal. Just like football. Run between the tackles and if you can't stop that I can't help you
  17. Harney opened the game with 3 - 3 pointers and sk never looked back. She seems to be starting to get more comfortable and played well tonight. Sk was just to much for NCC and ran away with this one 70 - 30
  18. 33. 15. Half. Ncc playing a lot of zone. Good for sk girls as I don't think they have faced a zone much this year
  19. I agree. But some are trying to remove even him from our daily lives
  20. You are very well trained by MSNBC. I don't know where I said or insinuated "if trump fails will be in chaos". But I guess it's better to say that to fit your narrative? What I did say that I find it sad that people hope we fail and go into chaos. Very different comment. I find it vety disturbing that people think we can automatically bounce back. We are not bullet proof as a country. We are not impervious to fail as a country. No nation in this world has withstood the test of time since the beginning no matter how powerful or isolated they were. That's why it's important to know and understand history and not to become a victim of something that could be prevented. I find a lot of people in this country very naive as to how the majority of the world is. I've been fortunate to travel a lot, and I can tell you first hand this world is a very scary place and I'm very thankful me and my family live in this great nation. If for no other reason, I know they wake up every day and I don't feel for their lives like many many parents do around the world. Our ignorance to this is making us become very dillusional as to what gives us that security and the wonderful things that we have. I'm just terrirfied that we are inviting our own demise
  21. I find it sad that we have citizens of this country hope a president does horribly. I disagree as I know for a fact how a sitting president can directly impact you. I own my own business and have always provided healthcare for my employees. We had stellar rates. Once obama came into effect, our premiums increased so much over the next few years we all most had to drop the coverage because we could no longer afford it. We shopped in the open markets and realized if the employees paid for some of the costs increases then we could continue to help. There were no other viable options. In 30 years we never have had an issue until obama care. That is a direct example of how a president can effect you. I pray that you are wrong and I hope this country can stand strong and proud again Thank you for answering and hope you can find a way to get thru your bitterness for this countries sake
  22. The question is not what you think. It's what you hope for the country. Do you hope trump does well? See that's what amazes me. How do people get so far on one side that they can't even answer a simple question. I personally hope all of our presidents knock its out of the park regardless of republican, democrat, green, independent etc... how do people hope someone does poorly for our country?
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