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Everything posted by Realreason

  1. Way to work young man. This is a nice fit for him, should do well there. Congratulations!!!!!:thumb:
  2. Picked up an offer from the Oregon Ducks today:thumb:
  3. Central has made it a game One minute Central ball 51-48 Dunbar
  4. Hollingsworth getting to basket with Cozart out. 41-30 Bulldogs end of 3rd.
  5. Central going cold and Dunbar starting to move the ball nicely. 30-23 Bulldogs
  6. Cozart alters a shot on one end but misses a gimme in the other. Cozart with the foul his second. Dunbar misses 2 FT
  7. Cozart has done a nice job of taking away the paint. Hollingsworth struggling a little from the outside.
  8. I will post updates while I can, my phone didn't charge at work
  9. 22-20 Dunbar at half. Has been a good game so far
  10. I would add Cozart from Madison Central to the list. Defensively one of the best in the state down low, offensive, well lets just say a work in progress. Only goes about 6'5" 6" but has 7 foot wing span. Only a sophomore, so I expect his offensive game to catch up. Defiantly not at the top yet, but on the list I would say.
  11. I think rebounding will be the factor and LCA seems to do it very well the 3 games I have seen them play this year. Catholic guards can be a problem, and are very good, but LCA gets good play out of their guards to get the job done. I think the combination of the Hendrickson from the outside and Rode getting to the basket whenever he wants will be the difference. I didn't think LCA would be in the top of the mix this year because they are a young team, after seeing them, I have to say I was wrong. LCA by 5:thumb:
  12. This region is so tough but after watching LCA I agree they are at the top. They have 3 6'5" or 6" guys who will make it tough on any team. They crash the boards on every play and Hendrickson can flat out shot the 3 for a big, I have seen all of the top 4 11th region teams play and I think they are playing the best right now. We get a shot at Dunbar tomorrow, hopefully Central can start putting some things together and get an offensive game grooving.
  13. that will be a great fit for him....wish him well:thumb:
  14. When everybody contributes FC is going to be very tough to beat. That is what makes them so tough, even if somebody has an off night, somebody is capable of picking up the slack.
  15. I am going to go with, addition by subtraction, and the better TEAM, I'll take Southwestern for the win. Wouldn't completely be surprised by a double digit win either. As always just my opinion :taz:
  16. I agree, the production and picture quality of the games were great, they could have done some more homework on the teams and players IMO. They didn't even know who Luke Johnson had committed to, doesn't make them bad guys.....just not prepared.
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