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Everything posted by gh0pper

  1. Going to miss Arien's speed and Taylor's leadership. They have some holes to fill on defense as well due to graduation.
  2. Sometimes it comes down to luck. Several times I was in the right place at the right time. If you put me in a room of 50 guys and asked whitch one played pro football I would be one of the last you'd pick. Sadly now it seems that coaches think bigger is better. Not always the case, my son plays defensive end on his team at 190lbs. Last year he lead the team in tackles with 128. This year he weighs 205 but probably wont be looked at to play football because he's undersized.
  3. They have 2 defensive linemen returning, the noseguard and defensive end.Some really good linebackers returning also.
  4. Will be very hard to replace Beasley's speed.Losing leadership at QB when Heckenburg graduated.Hard to say about defense,they lost 4 or 5 players there.
  5. What about North Oldham's defensive line?
  6. My son plays football and wrestles. Wrestling has definitely helped him with movement and strength not to mention balance and leverage.
  7. Portman is a junior also, he's only 16. He would be a sophomore if he hadn't started school a year early.Looking back they didn't record stats for his last 2 games so he stayed at 105 from the 11th game.
  8. Collin Portman made Honorable Mention. It's good but wonder if anyone voted who watched him play. Also wish they would spell his name correctly. He has a stack of trophies and awards with his name misspelled. Maybe he should think of changing it.
  9. Collin Portman had 105 going into the last game.Overlooked because he's very undersized for a lineman. Has body and speed of linebacker.
  10. North had a defensive lineman catch their return man from behind on a kickoff. They matched up pretty well speed wise.
  11. Hard fought game by both teams. Hopefully everyone gets home safe and sound from their travels. Good luck to Owensboro next week.
  12. I doubt that there is a better defensive player than Portman. He should be playing linebacker but because of undersized players is playing defensive end and tackle.He goes against kids outweighing him by 80 to 100 lbs every week and wears them down. Hopefully they can put him at linebacker next year to take advantage of his speed.
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