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Everything posted by Cardinals44

  1. Would love to see our boys pull it out but as long as they give it all they got and give them a battle I would still be happy if we end up on the losing end. I am certain our coaches will have them ready. Hope for a good clean hard fought ballgame with both teams coming out injury free when it's all said and done.
  2. It's def gonna be warm Friday night. I would love for us to have a good cushion points wise going into the 4th qtr. The last 2 games went into OT and it was obvious we were gassed. I have a feeling with MC having the numbers and can sub some players here in there that it will help them in the stretch. Not making any excuses bc football is played 5 months out of the year in both hot and cold conditions. I guess what I'm saying is that's the only thing that worries me is if our tank runs dry.
  3. I jus thought it was kinda funny how they were chanting that in the first game of the season and still had 2 more to play before they played Mayfield. Of course it makes us feel good. Not trying to make a big deal out of it. And it was mostly the kids. Good luck to y'all backinblack. It's gonna be a dog fight.
  4. In 2014 & 2015 Mayfield has gone 14-1 and both losses were in OT to 6A McCracken County. Obviously I'm biased but if we did lose the game Friday night by a small margin then I think we should still remain at the #1 spot. If they blow us off the field then that's a different story. I don't see that happening though.
  5. Late in the 1st half vs Tilghman, 3 games ago, McCracken was chanting "we want Mayfield" and did it several times throughout the 2nd half. Glad to see that they look forward to playing us. As everyone knows this one has been a dandy in all 3 match ups and I think this one will be no different. I feel like if we can control the line of scrimmage and not give Jones all day to throw then I like our chances. It makes you feel good when you have a big 6A school chanting your name looking forward to playing you. I'm gonna say we walk away with the W. Mayfield 35-31
  6. Thought we come out flat in the 2nd half. Yes we had a decant lead at half but can't let off the gas too early. Thought our offensive line played good tonight. Hats off to Trajon Bright! Kid is an amazing player and had a great game. As someone mentioned above, heard he had over 300 yds rushing. Wow! Still happy with the win over PT. Need a few improvements in some areas and I think the coaches will get that done as we head into the toughest part of our schedule.
  7. I will have to let someone else answer that. I don't want to tell you wrong.
  8. You got that right. He's got the heart of a champion to make up for it.
  9. Bright goes 82 yds. Beast mode. 34-6 4:44 left in 2nd.
  10. PT fumbled on next possession. Mayfield recovers and a few plays later punches another one in. XP no good 27-6 7:23 left in 2nd.
  11. Pick 6 for Mayfield. 21-6 Mayfield 9:00 left in 2nd
  12. PT went for it on 4th and 5 from the 30 and got down to the 3yd line. 3 plays later they punch it in. XP no good. 14-6 Mayfield 1:10 left in 1st.
  13. I've seen both teams play already this year. I can't say this is one of the better Tilghman teams I've seen. They have some playmakers but don't think they have enough to get past The Cardinals and especially when we are at home. We have beat them 10 years in a row now and I'm pretty confident to say this will make 11. It wouldn't surprise me if we see a running clock in this one. Not saying it will happen but again, it wouldn't surprise me.
  14. Both coaches agreed that they were gonna wait it out until 11:00 as long as there was no more lightning strikes past then. It did stop, then after the 30 min delay the 2nd half started around 11:30. About a 2 and a half hour delay. Given those circumstances I thought we did a pretty good job finishing the game especially with a very wet field. That was the last game between these 2 teams for now and I thought Marshall looked really good compared to the last 2 or 3 seasons. Hopefully the coach has them going in the right direction.
  15. Wish we could pick up 2 of these teams. Not sure how much longer the deal is up with Ft Campbell
  16. I will have to agree with Toothpick! Hear this every year and then eventually we make a believer out of people. Not trying to say we should be #1 over BG, jus making a statement. Like Macdon said, Coach Morris is a phone call away.
  17. I cannot confirm this but many a people have told me that Union City will not play us. Look at the run they have had in the last 3 or 4 years. Don't think they have lost 3 games in 4 years and also have brought home the hardware those years. Again, I scratch my head.
  18. Thanks for clarifying that for me. I did not know Marshall dropped down to 5a.
  19. Right......but I've always thought playing better competition makes you stronger and it could make you better.
  20. 6a Marshall County comes to 2a Mayfield Friday to see if they can knock off The Cardinals one last time before dropping us after this year. Heard rumor a few weeks ago that they wanted to drop Mayfield and not play us anymore and Coach Joe confirmed it on his radio show Sat morning after the Ft Campbell game. I understand this game has been one sided over the years but I can't figure out why they would want to drop us especially when the 2 schools are 20 mins apart. Again, I understand Mayfield has won most of the contests but surely Marshall has taken something away from playing the better opponent. I'm not trying to beat up Marshall here at all. I think they have a good program and hopefully this coach will do good things with them. I was jus scratching my head as to why they won't out.
  21. As for Mayfield's kicker he did fine. He went 8-8 on xp's. Didn't put any kick offs into the end zone but maybe if he keeps working he will get there. This years team is gonna be fun to watch. Defense is gonna play lights out again this year and our playmakers on offense jus need to get some reps and of course Bright, well he is gonna get his!
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