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Everything posted by Glyde

  1. Thanks for pointing that out, Capt Obvious. No one on here is suggesting moving all games to 10am, all the time, forever. It's OTO at 10am, for a legit reason, and I don't see why that is such a problem for you. JV does it every week. Players are so ready for the season to start, they'd play on a parking lot at midnight right now if they could. Feel free to sleep in Sat at 10.
  2. Wouldn't Saturday night be the optimal time for a HS football player? Can sleep in and rest all day instead of getting up for, and going to, school. There is a whole world of select/club/AAU/travel players in almost every sport that have to play in tournaments starting at 7am, 8am, or first light. Doesn't seem to hurt their performance. You can't tell me playing football early is any different.
  3. But getting up at 6am for school on a Friday, going to school all day, and then playing a game that night does?
  4. No wonder most BGP posters are morbidly obese. Try having a bare bones salad and an apple sometime! And put down the mouse and do something!
  5. I say Ryle, of course. Certainly an early season Top 10 matchup.
  6. Is it also tough mixing boys and girls teams together? and Villa? come on . . their girls team has 7th graders on Varsity, and I'm guessing it's not because they are soccer phenoms.
  7. That hardly seems like an equal and fair playing field. Was it a random seed? If not, what was the seeding based on? Back-to-back in the first round while the other team sits seems unfair.
  8. Will add it's the same for every other sport too - boys and girls.
  9. First game of season for 8 teams is All-A tourney regional. 4 teams getting knocked out tonight.... Bellevue vs. Heritage Academy Lloyd Memorial vs. Holy Cross (Covington) Ludlow vs. Beechwood Villa Madonna vs. Dayton
  10. Ryle only having 1 vote is ridiculous. Ryle will pick apart NCC and Cooper.
  11. So true. There's no conference schedule. You will never see standings published anywhere. No conference website. It's like it doesn't exist. Then out of thin air there's all-conference selections at the end of the season, but those are barely made public, and mean little since, like I said, no one even knows there's a conference.
  12. I'm not a complainer, I'm a mocker. SK got catfished by the equivalent of an internet hoax. Didn't Manti Te'o go to SK?
  13. What would SK do in the event of a Sharknado, Killer Bees, or Bigfoot sighting? Canceling was so incredibly lame. Didn't know 'Neer Nation likes to drive a Prius, play for the tie in soccer, and vote for Obama. I seriously hope SK Wins state this year, otherwise this is all anyone will remember.
  14. Notre Dame with a commanding lead as the season begins
  15. Scott with a slight lead over a yet unnamed team as the season begins
  16. North Oldham with a slight lead as the season begins
  17. Will it be safe to go? The Kiwanis Club is holding their annual plant sale in a nearby park. Things could get a little dicey.
  18. With now 2 streaming broadcasts too choose from, why fork over $$ to Highlands? (don't they have enough of your $$?) Stay home for free and enjoy a cold one while listening.
  19. Just to be clear - the KVCA has 2 different poll results for the same Top 25 poll posted in 2 different places on their website.... Click on the tab marked "KVCA polls" and then click on 2014 Preseason Poll - August 8, 2014 to see one version or on the home page at KVCA.org under latest news on the left there's this: 2014 KVCA Preseason Coaches Polls (August 8, 2014) Presesaon Top 25 Coaches Poll They should be the same but are not. Which one are we supposed to believe is correct? Probably neither. They also can't spell preseason.
  20. You're trying to compare clear cut, no doubt, blatant law breaking (Deters), with a perception and opinion that his swift arrest, while 100% lawful, was unethical in process. I don't see them as the same thing.
  21. It's an opinion. Legally you could never prove that.
  22. That link you provided goes nowhere. The top 25 poll on the KVCA website as of this morning still has: Villa at #4, NDA at #5, Newport at #11, etc. It's still the same original poll. It's right on the front page of Kentucky Volleyball Coaches Association, or the link is here: http://affiliates.avca.org/Portals/3/2014%20Preseason%20Poll%20Release.pdf There's been a lot of talk about poll updates and polls being fixed, this is the only poll I've seen.
  23. It was unethical to arrest someone who has a legit warrant out for their arrest? To me, unethical would have been not to.
  24. The "government" is actually people like you and I, people who grow tired of blowhards who think they are above such mundane things like observing the speed limit or renewing registrations and licenses, which sometimes causes the wheels of justice to move a little more swiftly.
  25. Judging from the picture, I would say a laying off Chipotle and fast food in general might be a good idea.
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