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George Amberson

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Everything posted by George Amberson

  1. Also, the landlord apprently reported something around 9 pm that led them to believe something was going on in the building. What was the suspicious activity that the landlord supposedly heard? This all just seems off to me...
  2. As others have said, it seems extremely odd that randomly (it seems) Brogan would tell friends he is looking for his cell phone and then go decide to hang himself. Also, you might need a search warrant or other things to go into those types of buildings, but it seems pretty logical to go ahead and do that for any location in the surrounding area. This very well could be a suicide, but I hope there are more answers to all these questions soon. My thoughts and prayers go out to Brogan and his family.
  3. The real playoffs for the Heat begin in the next series. Sometimes I wish they would do a re-alignment and seed it 1-16.
  4. Great game. Both teams looked really good defensively and the pitchers were in complete cruise control pretty much all game. Have to feel for Boone's pitcher to lose by hitting a guy, having a routine grounder to third booted, and then a texas leaguer to fall in between a few guys for the win. Hats off to both teams. Good luck to the Red Colonels tonight!
  5. Game 2 their best lineup was one that had Norris Cole in it, he really shut down Stephenson in the 4th quarter to help secure that win.
  6. Also, more times than not, you're not going to see great offensive output from Paul George against Miami because he has to spend so much energy guarding LeBron.
  7. I don't see it either, just seems to be the common things people say when they think it's rigged for the Cavs.
  8. The reason people are saying that because they think it's a way to lure LeBron back to Cleveland and get Cleveland formidable enough to where they can be a threat to the Heat and the NBA can have another storyline. FWIW, I don't think it's rigged but people think there is a conspiracy with everything.
  9. Wade is a hall of fame player no doubt and always seems to come through in the clutch. But man, how many injury related incidents does he seem to be in where what he does can be considered dirty? :no:
  10. Durant dominated last night, but Westbrook still left his mark. Great series for Westbrook (and playoffs so far) and Durant as well. I can't imagine how good the Thunder would be with a coach who actually ran an offense.
  11. I'd feel a lot more confident about Miami losing in the finals if they didn't have such a cakewalk in the playoffs. The east compared to the west is a joke.
  12. The one time I felt like Durant was going to be the alpha dog officially was when he warped into this machine there for a few months with Westbrook out and continuing it when he got back for a little while. But, and this is the same thing that happened last time Westbrook +Durant played together in the 2012 playoffs, the Thunder seem to absolutely thrive on Westbrook's energy. Yes, Durant is going to score a lot because (IMO) he is the best scorer in the world, but Westbrook gets the guys going. As PP92 said, Durant is happy to stand 25 feet away from the basket at the end of the game and seems to shy away a bit while Westbrook is the one leading.
  13. Insanely competitive. For all his faults, the dude will do anything to win. You have to take the little bit of bad with Westbrook and accept it when you have so much good coming from him. Right now, he is averaging 27 points, 8 rebounds, and 8 assists in the playoffs. In the 68 years of the NBA, no one has ever averaged that for the playoffs... Also, even though most don't want to admit it, the Thunder go as Westbrook goes, he's the alpha dog on that team...
  14. Harden is good, but I take Westbrook over him all day and twice on gameday.
  15. Yeah the weird thing is most people I hear trash the Browns a lot are Bengals fans... which of course makes no sense at all. If anyone would understand, you'd think it'd be them.
  16. I'm not sure what fans you know but any knowledgeable fan of the Browns that isn't thinking with their heart knows that outside of a couple seasons we have been back it was a long long long shot of being good. I do believe that they have a chance to be pretty good next season. Of course, every season I hear on the radio and other various places that "this is the year the Bengals go to the super bowl! They are going to turn that corner!" Point being, most people in every fan base is optimistic in the off season.
  17. I've seen a lot that say that he was... either way he is the best fit for the Browns with what they want to do, kind of like Kyle Fuller was for the Bears instead of Dennard.
  18. It's just annoying when no matter what the Browns do they are trashed on every possible website, social media, tv show, etc. Oh they took a QB high?! He's gonna suck like Weeden! Oh they didn't take a Qb, Hoyer stinks! No matter what, there is no winning. If the Browns suck so bad I don't know why anyone wastes their time to talk about them.
  19. That is one of the most outlandish comments I've ever read. Come on man. I hope if any team you ever like happens to be bad for a long time you don't just roll over and quit like you suggest the Browns do. Also, look no more than the team that most on this board like that has the longest streak in professional sports without a playoff win. Maybe they should just give up too
  20. Note the bolded. That is your opinion completely, not fact. I think he is the best, so does that mean I'm right? They now have Joe Haden and Gilbert to play the outside corner spots with Skrine getting pushed to the inside (where he is much better). It did upgrade the defense and if you studied and knew the way Coach Pettine runs his defense you would realize this is the perfect fit for his style of defense. As for your second part, the only thing he has in common with either of those QB's is a draft day slide. Rodgers is arguably the best quarterback in the league and a future hall of famer (barring injuries) so yeah if he isn't as good as him that's not very surprising. I think Manziel has the potential to be very very good and clearly the Browns think that too. Time will tell on that, but there is plenty of reason for optimism. I love how others mock the Browns no matter what they do without knowledge of the situation.
  21. To say I am pumped about the Browns would be an absolute understatement. Got the best corner in the draft (in most peoples eyes, yes bengal fans Dennard is very good too), acquired a first round pick and fourth round pick for next year, then used the pick we got from the Colts for Trent Richardson and the third round pick we got from the Steelers in a trade and picked up the QB I wanted all along. Wow! This is the most excitement I have felt as a Browns fan in a long time.
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