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George Amberson

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Everything posted by George Amberson

  1. I can do it if im by myself but I imagine it'd be a lot more difficult in any game that I'm playing in. Hopefully I can get to the point that i am high enough where it doesn't matter.
  2. One of my favorite books (this is where I get my username). The Kennedy assassination fascinates me to no end.
  3. By toe raises, do you mean calf raises? As far as palming goes, I can palm the ball, I wouldn't say easily by any means but I can palm it.
  4. Thanks for all the responses, I appreciate the help! :thumb:
  5. Good win for the Cats. They are continuing to make progress which is good to see. Loved the way they attacked in the first half. A lot of careless turnovers but at least some of those were caused by us playing so fast, which isn't a bad thing IMO, just needs to be cleaned up a bit. They looked really good in the zone for the brief moments they were in it. If I had to guess, I'd bet they are practicing it a lot and not just tipping their hand right now and will start using it more and more as the postseason is upon us. Also, GREAT free throw shooting! I agree with whoever said that they didn't like the faces Cal was making. It's entertaining as a fan, but when he gets on the Harrisons and others about body language he needs to make sure he's living up to it on his end as well. But, other than that, no complaints.
  6. I do weight train yeah. The main thing I've been trying to figure out is what I could do 2-3 times a week to improve my vertical while also being able to work out the other areas like normal (arms, chest, etc.).
  7. I do have HBO... my dad and brothers said Game of Thrones was really good. Been tough to catch all these shows I was trying to catch up on Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy and just kind of got lost in those shows. Somewhere in between I finished Blue Mountain State too.
  8. There are a ton of current and former athletes who use this site so I figured this would be the best place to ask. For awhile now I have had aspirations to dunk. I am 5'10'' and can grab the rim pretty easily off one and two feet, but have only been to "shove" the ball in for a dunk, so obviously I need to improve my vertical some more to dunk convincingly. Seeing if there is anyone that was in a similar situation to me and got over the hump or anyone who has some good advice in general. Thanks in advance.
  9. I think that's my biggest concern is that I will get sucked into the show despite knowing that it nosedives then feeling obligated to watch the train wreck unfold just to see how it ends. I don't have too much personal time outside of work, working out, friends/family/loved ones, so I don't want to get too invested in a show if it's not going to be something worth while.
  10. I've heard a lot of good things about both The Wire and Boardwalk Empire... sounds like Weeds isn't going to make the cut!
  11. I've heard a lot of good things about House of Cards so this is definitely a possibility. Seeing as Weeds is like 7 (maybe more? not sure) seasons I definitely don't want to get that invested in a show if it is going to drop off dramatically.
  12. Yes, it is. Like others have stated, we'd be getting him for a little bit less than what a lot of people predicted it would cost to sign him. So like I said, I hope we can get the deal done for him. I understand your hesitations though for sure.
  13. Like others have said, I hope this won't prevent us from keeping Latos. I believe the Reds will figure it out. Also, Bailey is getting better and we have put in so much time developing him it'd be a shame to see him shine with another team so I hope the Reds do get this deal done.
  14. Any shows you think are on par with the ones I mentioned? I'm open to anything.
  15. Sounds good, I think I will give it a try then, thanks for the input!
  16. Has anyone watched this show? Just finished Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy as much as I could on Netflix, was thinking about giving this show a chance.
  17. It's Monday and I still have a bad taste in my mouth. Even though it was likely over anyway, the play that really summed up the game (and the season for that matter so far) was when Prather went in between FOUR UK players and came down with the rebound. That was tough to watch.
  18. I'm just shocked that people are picking Florida to win by a good amount AT RUPP. UK hasn't lost at home outside of last year's team, I don't think they will lose this year either. Also, the biggest margin of defeat has been 5 points, so like someone mentioned they've been in every game. Should be a good fight, and although I think Florida is really good, they also lost to UCONN and Wisconsin on the road that UK is better than. We shall see.
  19. I just don't see UK losing at home. Florida's offense isn't that good, which helps our (not so good) defense. We also play way better at home. 70-63 Cats
  20. And i'd have to completely disagree with you on that... he gets hacked A LOT and it goes uncalled. But, to each his own. And yeah, there's no doubt they allow more contact in the post than on the perimeter.
  21. I've experienced the same. Bench, I agree, there is absolutely no point to prestiging. If there were, I would definitely do it.
  22. It's amazing how often Randle went to the free throw line the first part of the season and how he has games now where he barely gets there at all. I feel like they allow a lot more contact with him than others in the paint.
  23. The CBI could be calling Indiana's name this year :sssh:
  24. This is my point, IU is not irrelevant, they are a historic program. It irks me they aren't acting as such, like they are Northwestern or something and are just happy to get a big win at home every now and then. But hey, if it doesn't bother you, then more power to you.
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