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Everything posted by TTS_JF

  1. It's crazy to me that there was so much talk of Cobb being traded or possibly released before the end of the pre-season, and he potentially scores the game winner tonight.
  2. I like both really well, but if I had to choose I would take the NFL. The biggest thing for me with college is the cream of the crop seem to be so much further ahead of the next 10-15 teams.
  3. TD Randall Cobb 75 yards 2:13 to play 24-23 Packers
  4. 23-17 Bears with 2:39 to go it's Rodgers time to shine.
  5. I agree 100% and I understand Bell wanting a long term deal, but losing almost a million a game seems crazy to me.
  6. Bears trying to milk the clock, seems like they've went away from what worked in the 1st half.
  7. Packers look to be rolling now, they still need a running threat of some sort.
  8. Bell is heck of a player, but I think today showed that the O-line is pretty solid with the numbers James Conner put up today.
  9. Double Check is looking pretty good in the 2nd half, seems to be a little hitch in his step but the arm has no issues yet. Packers have used the short passing game to slow down the pass rush of the bears and it just paid off on a long td pass for Rogers.
  10. Aaron Rogers went to locker room, 17-0 Bears at the half. Khalil Mack earning that money, he's everywhere and scored a TD.
  11. Good game for Conner, due to NFL contractual obligations I didn't get to see OT how stupid
  12. Thanks to the Ravens for not playing Collins after the fumble, helped me in fantasy NONE
  13. @LC99 If your kicker scores everyone on your team will have at least 1 TD. Thanks for the beat down
  14. 5 Stanford 3 Florida 3 Northwestern 1 Georgia 1 Clemson 1 UC 1 Miss. St 1 Houston 1 Iowa 1 Mich. St. TB 42
  15. Usually a team shirt, cargo shorts, and hat. On a side note is there anything better than shorts and a hoodie in the fall at a football game.
  16. Nike Air Max for me also Behind That: Brooks for Running flat footed as mentioned above, and New Balance might make some of the most comfortable shoes I've ever put on.
  17. I like some of MGK's stuff, but I'm sure the next track from em towards he should be fire.
  18. 7 Rams 5 Seahawks 3 cowboys 2 Bengals 1 Redskins TB Rams
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