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Everything posted by D-Rob

  1. Pitt has made it official that Birch has left for "personal reasons". He needs to make a decision soon to be able to play the 2nd semester next season.
  2. Former Cat Keith Bogans waived by the Bulls. He started all 98 games last season but the Rip signing pushed him out.
  3. I've heard they are trying to get rid of evrything from the Phil Jackson era except for Kobe.
  4. Lakers need to get younger to keep their run going. Trade Pau for some young talent, sign Dwight and go from there.
  5. I like Dan Gilbert's passion as an owner, but he just doesn't think before he does something.
  6. Now the "experts" claim he is unsure if he will leave Pitt and UK probably wouldn't be a choice. I think this could be UK saying nothing until it becomes official he is leaving Pitt. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
  7. CBS Sports @CBSSports "Hurd was a top dealer in Chicago, police have a list of NFL players who were supplied drugs"
  8. Stephen A Smith just said on SportsCenter that he is predicting Kobe to demand a trade by seasons end. He says Kobe is livid with how the Lakers are regessing. I doubt this would happen but it was interesting.
  9. Biggest part of the deal for me is the draft pick. Instead of looking at it as a pick, look at it as a player and ask if someone like Anthony Davis with Eric Gordon worth CP3?
  10. This is so un-Clipper like, deciding to win now instead of building for the future. They gave up good pieces to win for a while in the future but they could win this season with this deal. Not a championship but for the Clippers, playoffs are winning.
  11. They better hope they lock him up or it could become Shaq part 2.
  12. I don't get what makes New Jersey so compelling to Howard? Maybe it's Jay-Z and the new arena. It could be playing with Deron Williams, but I just don't see it.
  13. Has anybody in the state besides Willis had a better start than Prewitt? He has become a double double machine.
  14. I don't believe the hit was suspendable. It was just the fact he is such a repeat offender that gets him the suspension. I can't entirely fault Harrison for the hit, as it seemed McCoy had just gotten rid of the ball as Harrison got there.
  15. It depends of the type of loss for me. Nobody bleeds blue deeper than me but some losses I know are for the better. While I know Saturday will only help in the long run with this great team, I still took it hard because of how it happened. I was listening at work and as soon as the shot went in, I instantly took my lunch break to just get away. I actually enjoy reading and listening to what Cal and the team has to say after a loss. When Ole Miss hit the shot to beat us last year, I threw a shoe on the ground so hard it bounced up and hit my roommate who was 7 feet away.
  16. Alabama OC McElwain agrees to become Colorado State Head Coach.
  17. KBergCBS Ken Berger Source says "looking promising" that Baron Davis gets waived and ends up with Knicks. Cavs haven't made decision, though, and have until Friday.
  18. Good move by the Clippers for what the Hornets are asking. Giving away your second best young player and a top 5 pick. Would you rather have CP3 and lose all your players or keep your young talent and throw in someone like Harrison Barnes?
  19. I don't know if I agree with this. http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/page/Paulclippersdeal-111212/clippers-run-la
  20. This on top of the long lockout is the beginning of the end for Stern IMO.
  21. Agreed. The Clips have put together a good young core and likely have, at worst, a top 10 pick next year to add to it. They would be willing to give it all up for one guy who isn't guaranteed past this season. But this is the Clippers we are talking about here...
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