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Everything posted by bjaynes

  1. Stokes is 24. After being let go go from the Bengals practice squad he returned to BW to finish out his HS eligibility. Just kidding. He does seem like he has been around for awhile. I had the same feeling when Jonathan Jackson played for Mayfield.
  2. I am thinking the side of the "cut in the hill" is the perfect spot.
  3. I hope it's not left over from your plate that you had after the Dixie game.
  4. Seriously, money is your rub? I do not see the athletic boosters at BW calling an emergency fiscal meeting any time soon to discuss the loss at a gate, if there was one. Some of the costs you mentioned would have to be incurred no matter who the opponent was. My point was made regarding the players completing something together and the hope of a community trying not to lose a program. Maybe they could not afford to bring cheerleaders but who really cares. Maybe they were away at a competition just like BW's band does and misses some home games. Some get what I was saying, some don't. Oh well.
  5. You are doing a lot of "betting" and "guessing" on this post which is fine. Players that wanted to quit on an 0-11 team would have quit much earlier in the season. Pro players fall down and run out of bounds so as not to get hit. At least, I "assume" they do not want to get hit.
  6. VOR, you are bang on. I sat with the Bracken County parents at the game Friday night. Not because I knew any of them but I wanted to get their perspective on their program and how they felt about being there. They were all glad to be there and spoke glowingly of their sons and how hard some trained throughout the year. They spoke of hope in that there are increasing numbers in the ranks that will potentially play football in the future. They spoke to each other about ideas around recruiting and getting more people involved in the program and the strive to be part of a "community". They were proud to be there. I don't give a rat's posterior that they finished 0-11. They completed something together. Maybe they did not enjoy the outcome but they enjoyed seeing their kids play one more time. To me, there was more to the outcome for Bracken County than what the scoreboard said. We get so caught up in dealing with blowouts that we tend to lose sight of the big picture.
  7. Bracken County at Beechwood. My 4th grader and kindergartner are too young and naive to understand the potential mismatch. Being a K-12 school they are all about the school spirit and the event and of course hanging with their friends. They are asking me to take them to the game and I cannot deny them that.
  8. I come from Michigan and for the most partI like the playoff format they have established. They play a 9 game regular season and their playoff position is based on a point system that takes into account the strength of schedule. You also must win a minimum of 6 regular season games to be playoff eligible. 5 wins, on rare occasions, will be accepted if playoff spots need to be filled. They have 8 classes compared to Kentucky's 6. They play their state finals on the Fridays and Saturdays of Thanksgiving weekend which is nice because most people are already taking time off. This gives more fans the opportunity to see their teams and makes travel a little more palatable since Thanksgiving can be used as a travel day which I do not see most folks balking at if their team has a chance at a championship. This comes into play for the Upper Peninsula schools who might have a days drive to get to Detroit which is where the finals are held, indoors albeit, which isn't all bad either in a Michigan climate.
  9. I figured as much that you would have forgot about us after the close call a couple of years ago in the Skyline Showdown and the thrashing you took the year before. How dare a little 1-A school take a big 6A school behind the woodshed. SK has improved since then but BW would schedule SK again in a New York minute.........if SK was willing to take the risk.
  10. All signature wins. If BW and MF spend Thanksgiving together then we might see the best game of the playoffs. Now, your thoughts Snake?
  11. How does Mayfield's win over 2A Caldwell stack up against BW's wins over Franklin County and Cov Cath?
  12. Whatever keeps your fantasy going............
  13. YOU DID NOT! You said SK "LET THEM" have one. Big difference! You trashed your beloved program with a few words.
  14. So you are saying your beloved Neers tanked this one? Unbelievable. Try explaining that face-to-face to the kids that gave it their all and were so sore after the game that they probably could not move. You might be using Morse Code to deliver the rest of your posts. Please, please consider how things might come across to the general readers before you post. In one sentence you shamed the entire SK players and staff and MOST of the fan base.
  15. Maybe not worried but I would be wary. Those same kids are a year older now and in HS that makes a huge difference. I still like SK in this one but the scoring gap will depend on whether an angry SK shows up or an SK with a fragile psyche.
  16. How many off of this "terrific" ten list will reign as state champions in 7 weeks?
  17. Not much other than hoping that players stay healthy. Blowouts happen in all classes.
  18. You know exactly what I mean. Say the name. Let's not beat around the bush.
  19. Being a BW fan has NOTHING to do with it. Your comment was child like and uncalled for. These coaches work their butts off to help the kids and you sling crap like that? Grow up and hate somewhere else.
  20. You make such a bold statement so tell us who you think it is. It's easy to hide behind your keyboard.
  21. Well, there just might be plenty of readers now who think you belong to the same circus.
  22. Let me put my doctoral studies aside and get right on it.
  23. On the contrary. This should be in the BGP HOF. Right next to the award given to the person who submits the most posts on his or her thread that they also started.
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