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Everything posted by UKFAN4EVER

  1. No,I had to googgle it, because I knew his stats were not good. This Camel Bump has no clue about sports and Tracey Jones come on, a Hall of Famer>
  2. Tracey Jones stats are not HOF ,6 years in Baseball 27 home runs 273 BA. I know now you no nothing about sports.
  3. If it is that bad, why have you not offered you help since you think you are an expert?
  4. Porky, trust me she is being serious. She is clueless when it comes to sports and coaching.
  5. I do not know why you conitnue with your comments here about the past coach. He left to take care of his sick wife. Parents like you think your kids are All Stars and they are not. If your daughter is so great, why did you not send her to the other Alexandria School. Oh, I know, she would not be playing there because her number is not right. The negative comments you have made have gotten out to the team and the other parents. You seem to be beating the dead horse(Not the BGH, LOL), come on, give Sandi Kithcen a chance. There are things you can do to help out the situation here and the first one is to give the coach a chance.
  6. Well, your George Gregg did not come up on Goggle, so you I guess your daughter learned how to hit from an imaginary hitting instructor.
  7. What about the other questions?
  8. Ok you played at Slow Pitch, right? At Campbell County? When? Most improved does not really mean a whole lot sometimes, right? What does being photogenic have to do with sports? Who coaches her in select?
  9. Jose Reyes won the title with a .337 average in 2011 in the National League and Miguel Cabrera won the American League Title with a .344 average. Did she play on a Rec or Select team? So if you are a cheerleader you lose skills as an athlete? Every parent pays entrance fees, work concessions, and gives advice for the most part. So what awards did you win in High School as an athlete?
  10. You are mising the questiona and the point. First of all, what have you done for the School? Next, she tones her body? Well just because you have a tone body does not make you an athlete. How would you rate her skills at fielding, hitting, running and etc? Some of the great athletes do not have toned bodies, but their skills in the sports they play are awesome.
  11. So what have you done for the School? What kind of work outs does she do in the Gym? Do they teach hitting there?
  12. So what have you done for the School? Do you work with your daughter to improve her hitting? Does she work on her game with other players in the off season. You mention that she plays soccer as well, how does she do in soccer? Does she play select soccer or select fast pitch? To be a good athlete and to stay on top of the game, you have to work at it. If a player only shows up to play sports during the seasons and does not work in the off season, they will not have the skills or the mindset to be competetive.
  13. I think I know who Camel Bump is, one of the old names in the County that think with their last name they have the God Given Right to be at the top of the depth chart. There sometimes are these parents out there they do not care about talent, but what their last name is or was.
  14. Ok, now I am going to ask you, the season has not started right? Next, it seems to me that the Fast Pitch Program that these gilrs come up in is weak? Next do any of the girls work out on their own to get better? I would not run my mouth here, Sandy Kitchen is very well liked in the community and she is very dedicated to winning. The program will need a few years to get to the next level. But until these girls learn the fundamentals and play competetive, the program will struggle. I would not measure how many wins this team has, but how they progress in their skills to become a better team. This program has never really done well and the reasons are stated above. Coach Lambert started the progess to get these girls better and Caoch Kitchen will continue the process.
  15. Camel Bump, I cannot figure you out, you bad mouth the Campbell Head Coach and then go watch other teams scrimmage. Evidently, if you are watching scrimmages, your daughter's number must be higher than you posted and playing on the Varsity Squad.
  16. As a coach, the job is to put your team in the best possible situation to win. The Highlands Coach did what she thought was the best way to win, take the other team out of their game plan and see how the dice roll.
  17. Good win for the Lady Camels, the Mason Pep Band did show up the Camel County Band. The Mason County Pep Band brought a lot of excitement in their music. The band from Camel County must think "Centerfold" is the School Song. I thing they played it more than the fight song tonight, just like any other night. What is up with that Camel County Administration?
  18. So with both Brossart Teams done, I guess the BGH is back in the pasture.
  19. The BGH has escaped from the corral. Let me know if he is found.
  20. Would you bake a cake without all of the ingredients? It is about being able to do all things on the floor to be a Regional Player.
  21. I was talking about Brossart, but what does it prove when you bring players down to play JV and Freshmen.
  22. How many girls did they pull from their varsity to play? They are always good about doing this.
  23. The Horse thief must of have got tired and returned BGH.
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