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Perfect Practice

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Everything posted by Perfect Practice

  1. Now that is good observation right there. You are probably the first to notice. I know I didnt. Nice job. haha.
  2. But, if you know sports so well, then you would agree that the best kids should play. People can say what they want about sports, it's about the W's first. If it wasnt, coaches wouldnt get fired and players wouldnt get benched. Now sure, sportsmanship, comraderie, brotherhood, sisterhood (for the females), discipline, respect, integrity etc. are also a part. But, it's first and foremost about the wins. To win, the best kids should play. Wherever they are. Not just at CCH.
  3. So if Bart Simpson came on here and posted facts you would believe them. Anyone could come on here and post something and say it's fact. Doesnt mean it is.
  4. You are actually inaccurate when you speak of the o-line. The o-line didnt switch out hardly at all, if at all. And, you all take me all wrong... I didnt say only seniors play. But, at the positions where there are seniors that have been around for all 4 years, they are getting their playing time, well deserved or not. Debate it all you want. The facts are the facts.
  5. Hahaha! You say "especially at CCH"??? That is exactly why I say that the seniors play over the more talented juniors, because it is CCH. Whoever says that the more talented players doesnt mean it produces a better product on the field typically means that person has a bias towards a player who may be a senior. Better talent on the football field DOES mean better player and plays made. Now, if you would have said potential, I might have agreed with you. Potential could mean that a kid has an upside to be good. More talent means he has reached that potential and is, infact, better.
  6. Call me crazy, I think every game matters. And... I am pretty sure that Coach Wirth, the rest of the staff and the players would agree. In a 10 game season, every game matters. I do agree with you that a second scrimmage would have been very nice for the Colonels. For the players and the coaches and staff.
  7. Ha! I sqwuak boldly at the statement of best RB in NKY. Miles Simpson IS the best RB prospect in KY, period. Atleast heading into this season that is. If healthy, he will run all over NCC and any other team on his schedule. The kid is a stud. And, it wont be his performance against NCC in Nippert that gets him to a school like UC, it will be his performances from last season, and his performances this season (again, if healthy) that will carry him where he needs to be. Must we not forget that he must perform in the classroom. I dont know of his academics enough to comment there. But, I am sure he is a fine kid and does what he needs to. Football wise, he gets it DONE.
  8. I didnt get a chance to see this game. I thought it would be much closer than the score indicated. From what some of you said, it sounds like it may have been, except for the TD's late. I guess my issue is, and I know this happens at alot of places, but you have to have the best talent and potential on the field that you have. At CCH, it is my understanding that some of the younger (juniors) with more talent than some of the seniors, had to sit because they were "just" juniors. I dont understand this mentality. The point is to win games! Or, is that not the point anymore? The politics at some of these schools are amazing. I have heard from quite a few people close to the CCH situation that they have some linemen, offensively that can protect better in the run and pass, and are more athletic, but dont play because they are juniors. I dont understand this. Congrats to Ryle on the win! They will be tough this year. CCH has a lot of work to do.
  9. From what I heard and read, Elliot had a fantastic game! Good for him. Sounds like his partner in crime, the change of pace back had a great game also. That running game will be tough to stop this season. Does anyone know how the younger Vollet did at LB? Just curious.
  10. I heard that Travis Elliot had a big game! Good for him. I also heard that Tate Nichols did not have such a good game. Can anyone confirm that? I just know what I read and sometimes writers can be bias. Does anyone know how the younger Vollet did at LB? I look for Ryle to compete with Highlands, but Im not ready to say they will win just yet. I would look for Elliot to continue his running ways. If I am correct they play each other twice this season, maybe in the second go round.
  11. I am glad to hear that Walton won this game. Congrats to the boys, i am sure they worked hard!
  12. Did SK play on opening night? Or was it a scrimmage game somewhere. On their schedule it says they dont play til Aug. 29th against NewCath. How could he have been hurt if there was no game?
  13. My prediction is that this is where Miles Simpson will be playing next year. For the Cincinnati Bearcats. Now, by no means do I really know, but living in No. KY, these are the rumblings I have heard. For the game, I will take Simon Kenton by 10.
  14. I was hoping that someone could tell me about NCC (Newport Central Catholic). I had heard quite a few times over the summer how good they were going to be this year, but they lost to Dixie who just controlled the whole game. Any word? Thanks
  15. Oh yeah, Remy Abell is a stud. I saw him a few times over the summer as well and he has a ton of talent and upside. He was a pleasure to watch and I think Eastern will be fantastic this season!
  16. Are you serious? Of all the info in that post you pulled out the little tidbit about AAU. I just said that situation reminded me of an AAU situation. I was necessarily comparing AAU and high school ball. Bottom line is, that Scott Co. team is loaded. They didnt lose because Phares wasnt there. They lost because they got beat. So, to say well "Scott Co. lost because... Phares got hurt"... that is an excuse my friends. Deal with it, accept it, and get over it.
  17. Sure, injuries are a fact of life. But, one injury shouldnt make all the difference in a season for a team loaded with talent. Apparently, the majority of you dont think that Euton, Guyn, Jackson, Flannery and others are up to snuff. Apparently you must have a 5th stud or top player in KY to win. Reminds me of an AAU game I saw over the summer when I watched the NKY Bulldogs (a team apparently loaded with talent from No. KY) beat the DSAS and they didnt get their do respect because a player was missing. Garbage! Again I ask, how many studs does it take to win games? Basketball is a team sport, not about 1 guy. As I always say, 1 guy cant carry 4 guys, 2 guys cant carry 3 guys, it takes atleast 3 guys to carry 2 guys. And the Scott County team had more than 3 guys an they were missing 1. Shouldnt make such a difference. Injuries happen, but whether you like it or not, IT IS AN EXCUSE for losing!
  18. The kid at BG is Chane Behanen. When we talk about Rico, I would say he is the best player in KY at his age group. There are some others behind him in age and grade that may be better than he is now when they reach Rico's age.
  19. First injury, then a bad call. It's always the officials. Anymore excuses?
  20. Everyone expected them to compete for the state title. Did they? No, they didnt. Therefore, they didnt do what was expected of them. Injuries or not, Im pretty sure if you asked Euton, Jackson, Guyn, the coach etc. They would have said they could beat anybody. And, how many top talent guys do you need to win games? They didn't do what everyone said they would do. Now... They will be with Phares all year, who you say was there best player last year. Or, leading scorer and rebounder. I dont think they are number 1 or 2. I have Holmes at 1 easily, and then I think Eastern at 2, maybe Scott County at 3.
  21. Eh, what does Demling know? He reports what he feels that day.
  22. I have read several times now about the Setty boys having to "buckle down", "get to work", "stay focused", or "stay motivated"... has this been a recurring issue with the young men?
  23. This is what I found in an article: Kentucky, Virginia, Vanderbilt, Oklahoma State, Oregon State and Notre Dame are just a few of the programs that are starting to get in contact. My Take: I wish we new what "get in contact" meant. I am hearing from several people that these schools are watching games that he has played in, but they have not necessarily contacted him, his parents, or the school. If coaches are just watching these games, that is quite different than recieving a call or a letter. I have been to many tournaments where many coaches are sitting around watching games. I wont say this is pointless, or means nothing, because its good exposure, but it also doesnt mean that a kid is being "recruited" by the school. If these schools have in fact "got in touch" with him, the parents, or the school, that is FANTASTIC! I hope they are because he seems like a nice player. But, I also hope we're not getting filled with hot air.
  24. Dont get me wrong, I do think they have a lot of good talent. At the same time, there is only 1 ball to go around. Can they share it and the spotlight. Not to mention, I think there are certain players on this team that will take a step back, in other words, people will catch up to them talent wise, and they will get beat. Im not saying they wont make the sweet 16, I just dont think they will finish number 1 or 2, and possibly not 3. Is Phares a Senior to be? Just my opinion.
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