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Perfect Practice

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Everything posted by Perfect Practice

  1. I can see that you are stirn in your ways. Thats fine. You may lose, and probably dont like it, but no one does. IMO its a shame that you let a guy like LeBron James off the hook because of his star status. Because what do you do when the day comes that your star player doesnt shake hands??? Do you let him off the hook? Because now, he hasnt listened to you, and he hasnt shown sportsmanship. Two signs of disrespect. Secondly, I completely agree that it is a parents job to raise and be a role model for their own child. However, if you truely believe this is the case with all kids, then you sir are living in the lonely tree. Many, MANY kids do look up to these athletes as role models, not only because they want to, but many have to. A shame yes, but also a reality. As far as Duke and Kobe... Its also a shame that you turn a blind eye to the greatest basketball player of all time. You really missed out on a lot. There will never be another like him.
  2. The whole story is overhyped. He got dunked on. Who cares. It's basketball. Manute Bol was 7'6" (or there abouts) and he got dunked on a lot, same with Yao Ming. It's bound to happen. However, this is just one more cog in the machine....
  3. Why the pedistool sir? He ISN'T the next coming of Michael Jordan....
  4. Wow. Was that called for? Must have struck a nerve. On the other hand, you are right, he is a grown man. A grown man that is watched by millions of little kids everyday. You said you coach a little league team and you make them shake hands and teach them to lose graciously. That is to be commended. Therefore, shouldnt LeBron understand that he is a grown man, and shouldnt act like a child. How do you hold yourself and your team to one standard, but then say it's okay that LeBron doesnt. Are you holding LeBron up on a pedistool like some others do? His actions dont support what you are trying to do with your kids. No one is trying to take his money away. I hope he earns all he can. But, he doesnt have to be a sore loser, a baby about a video tape, or be non-loyal to the people and place that made him.
  5. But, it's basketball. Isnt that what LeBron James does? Besides, it was played on the court.
  6. Many will probably criticize me for the following statement, however, i'll let my opinion be known to the masses.... (this is being stated without having read any of the prior post in this thread) LeBron James has proven to me to be somewhat of a... I dont want to say classless.... but, less-classful individual with some less than mature tendencies. The whole Crawford dunking on the LeBron ordeal is ridiculous. It's basketball dude, you are bound to get dunked on sometime in your life. Im sure it wasnt the first time, and it probably wont be the last. Whether it is Nike's issue, or LeBrons issue, no one will probably ever know except those involved. Some say Nike took the tapes because it was after hours, and some say that LeBron told them too. My opinion, i believe it was LeBron's doing. The guy seems to be letting his ego go to his head. Secondly, the whole not shaking your opponents hand fiasco was lousy. From the first day you play sports as a child you are taught to respect, and oblige your opponent. Heck, in MMA guys beat the hell out of each other and they shake hands and hug after the match (Brock Lesnar not included). As a guy who grew up playing sports, and a guy that knows a bunch of coaches who teach it, you always shake the opponents hand at the very least. He doesnt have to be happy about the loss. However, he is supposed to be a role model. So now, when that superstar athlete in a highschool game loses, he doesnt have to shake hands because... LeBron didnt. LeBron wants to be seen as a worldwide superstar, but not a respectable sportsman? This tells me that it's very much about the money, not the love. You play for the love of the game and to win the game, not to become the game. (True this is partially the mass media's fault as they hoist him on a pedistool, but only he can let it get to him). There were many, MANY before him and there will be many after him. My last beef... You should never ever talk about playing basketball in another city or for another team during the season. You play for a team in the city you grew up around, and in a city where everyone loves and admires you, yet it's not enough because you are in a "smaller market." I just don't get that. LeBron James is an amazing athlete. He has done a lot of great things for people and charities. He is also a very talented, gifted basketball player that will be considered one of the greatest when his career is over. Even I love the sport enough to respect his game. He is a spectacle to watch on the court. It's when the game is over when I really start to lose some respect. How does everyone else feel?
  7. Boy, this kid moves around like a hot potato. I dont know how they afford it (none of my business, just curiously wondering, not expecting an answer).
  8. Glad to hear that DSAS is doing so well. I hope the all the kids from Indy Elite are doing well also, but especially the player from KY. How is Zollo doing? How about Abell? Fant? Knipp?
  9. I agree with you here. It's about the player a college coach is recruiting, not the team. College coaches dont recruit teams. I also agree that it does have to be a decent team because any decent team will likely have good players that coaches are looking at. Case in point, take Josh Forrest off WKY Elite and they are likely not as well off as a team (The same if you take any teams best player). However, Mr. Forrest is getting some really good looks.
  10. Now this would be great to see. I'd pay the price of admission! Good idea.
  11. This may be something that you are able to do within an organization. But, isnt this something that anyone could do. I actually new a kid that played football here in NKY for a local school and his parents sent out film and stat sheets to some mid-level D-1 schools. Those same schools then in turn contacted school coaches and his parents to get more information. So to your point, anyone can get in touch with a coach or athletic program if they want to. This same kid was getting some pretty solid D-1 looks, but for his benefit he decided to stay local. Anyway, as a guy who seems to know a lot about and support the Shining Stars organization... what are the biggest schools that a Shining Stars player has gone to or played for?
  12. No, I have seen Zollo. I'll correct myself and put Northern Kentucky since that was the primary conversation. However, I still dont think anyone works harder. Maybe the same, but not harder. How is Zollo doing now by the way? Good I hope.
  13. As far as the two teams go... Shining Stars and NKY Bulldogs, just because this is a thread about KY AAU teams, shall we not forget that the NKY Bulldogs are team built using only kids from one area (correct me if I'm wrong), Northern Kentucky. Shining Stars 16's, I believe pull kids from several areas throughout Kentucky. Isn't that correct? So, I think it's to be commended what they have been able to do against teams that mostly pull the best talent from several areas or even cross state borders (prior to the live period of course). Anyway, I cheer for all Kentucky kids. I want to see them all go to college and make something of themselves.
  14. I dont think Stauffer is better than any player that Shining Star Sports has to offer. But, I do think he is better than any of the 16 year old players they have that play his position. To debate Stauffer to Schuette and Gilbert is pointless because they play very different positions. But, I think Stauffer would be more of an asset to his team, just because talented, athletic bigs are harder to come by. This is just my opinion. Stauffer puts the ball on the floor better than Geisler, Brown, or Pike. He also has a better outside jumpshot than those 3 players IMO, and he still seems to be improving in that area. Geisler, Brown, and Pike are really good players, and do extremely well on the block, but the further out you move them, the more ineffective they become. I think all 4 players in the discussion can rebound the heck out of the ball, and all seem to defend fairly well. Some maybe better than others, but whatever. As far as Pawsett, I dont think you can say he is a better player. He is probably more efficient around the perimeter than Stauffer, but he doesnt do as well in the paint. So that discussion is a push. I dont want any of this to be misconstrued... Geisler, Brown, Pike, Pawsett, and Stauffer are all really good players in my estimation. I really like to watch pawsett because for a bigger guy, he really does well on the perimeter and rebounds good. Pike is also gonna become more dominant this school season getting more time with Dixie Heights. Same with Brown, hopefully, at Boone County. Geisler speaks for himself. Lots of minutes last year and did very well. And, I am just a spectator who loves to watch basketball. I have seen many great players and the one thing Bobby Stauffer seems to have over those guys is that "it" factor. I dont see anyone at this age level play with the work ethic, passion, and intensity that he does. Wow! Where does he get it?
  15. The fact that SS 16's have Pawsett, Geisler, Brown, and Pike is very physically dominating. The NKY Bulldogs may have struggled with the overall post game. Stauffer and Vollet are what the Bulldogs have to offer with physicality inside. And, all though Stauffer and Vollet are very tough, it's alot to ask 2 guys to bang with 4 guys. Pike and Brown were very strong in that game from what I saw. The Bulldogs have 2 other tall guys in Hodges and Stewart, but they dont necessarily play as "bigs" or "bangers". Where I disagree is when you saythat Stauffer would benefit from playing with another program. We've allready been down this road. You dont have to play with an organization to get recognition. Stauffer, and the Bulldogs do just fine where they are IMO. Plus, from what I have heard and saw a little bit of last year, is Stauffer playing with a SS team and he was on the bench behind Jake Thelen. Nothing against Jake, but what is up with that? Stauffer has dominated Thelen in their match-ups, even though Thelen is a good player. In this case playing with Shining Star Sports limited what Stauffer was able to do last year. Why would he want that again? Individually, and at his respective position, Stauffer is better than any player, and does more for his team than any player on the SS 16's.
  16. Scott Schuette is good. As is Jordan Gilbert. But, are you putting them in the same class with Fucci, Fant, Barkesdale, Abell etc.??? If you are putting them in the same category as Fucci, Barkesdale, Fant... then you should certainly put Stauffer there IMO. Stauffer has a unique ability to Score, but that is just one small aspect of his game. He can rebound and defend. Not to mention that his passion to win and play the game is second to none IMO. I would put Stauffer is the same class as Fucci, Fant, Barkesdale... at his respective position. He just doesnt get the exposure they get. He is from a smaller, less public area. As for Pawsett, that kid is one from the SS that I saw them in a game against the NKY BUlldogs that looked like a game changer. They had no answer for him. He hit 4 threes and had a few rebounds as well. Would be interesting to see them match up now with Montgomery on that team. A shame their season ended. I like watching the SS play a lot.
  17. I'll give you that. I cant have it both ways. I guess what I was meaning was that the NKY Bulldogs win over DSAS was a good win. That DSAS team is the most loaded 16's team in the state of Kentucky. The wins that WKY Elite had over the Bulldogs were also very good wins with the team that the NKY Bulldogs had at the time. I think it's hard to do a top five team over the summer because teams do change. Granted, you can do a top 5 of anything you want, over any span of time. You'll always have people with differing opinions. If we make this more present time, people will still have differing opinions (which is fine and good), but I think it would be tough to leave the Bulldogs out of the top 5 conversation.
  18. Someone spoke of Josh Stroud in a previous thread. What team is he playing for? I havent heard much of him all summer. I know he is a good player, but what team does he play for? Are they one of the best?
  19. This will be a continuation of the conversation that was started in the "Eddie Ford Hoopfest" thread. In regards to the NKY Bulldogs win over DSAS, you cant discredit that at all. Last I checked, you play to win the game, and the NKY Bulldogs did that. Besides, DSAS had 5 of the top 10 players in the state playing against the Bulldogs. How many of the Top 10 players do you need to beat a "small team from Northern Ky" that "lacks a difference maker" (according to some of you). It's incredible how anyone could say that the NKY Bulldogs dont have a difference maker. Bobby Stauffer is the best big man in NKY in his class of 2011. Make no mistake about that. He scores, rebounds, and defends at a very high level. If he wasnt a difference maker, he wouldnt have some other AAU teams all over him for his services. However, he feels he is best served with the Bulldogs and they give him the best chance to win. They have done very well IMO. Next of all, putting Travis Montgomery in the line-up makes a huge difference. If you dont believe that, then you obviously have not seen Travis play or, have a bias against the Bulldogs. He is 6'4", can score, and is as athletic as they come. As I stated previously, I will give you DSAS and SS at 1 & 2, but to say the Bulldogs arent in the top 5 is incorrect IMO. My Rankings: 1. DSAS 2. SS 3. Charlotte Court 4. NKY Bulldogs 5. WKY ELite/Lexington Ice Reasoning... DSAS and SS speak for themselves (Great players and really good wins). Charlotte Court has done some good things (beating SS in the Take 5 was big for them). I put the Bulldogs 4 because with Travis Montgomery, they beat WKY Elite twice IMO, and the Lexington Ice have Fucci, and he is GREAT! However, they dont have anyone to contend with Bobby Stauffer. Plus, they have Jake Flesch who IMO is one of the best on ball defenders in NKY and I think he could do a decen job on Fucci. Dont get me wrong, Fucci will get his, but Flesch would defend well against him. Flesch held Forrest in check while guarding him in the WKY Elite game in Lexington.
  20. I respect your opinion, but what is your reasoning for the NKY Bulldogs not being in your top 5 in the 16U? None of the teams 3 through 5 in your listing have done anymore than them.
  21. That is great. I am glad to hear that he is doing well and tearing it up on the aau circuit. Surely he will work his butt off to get a lot of good varsity minutes. I still contest that this camp was non-beneficial to many players IF the CAMP coaches were allowing this to go on. Basketball is about working within the team (and within the offense and defense) and I dont know any coach whose game plan is to just shoot three's all game long. Its great that this kid can knock down the tre', but what else can he do? Just curious as I am not extremely familiar with him.
  22. If these two players had such great games in a "pick up" or "camp" game that's great... But, where does the other team come in? If those 2 kids are scoring 40 or 50 points in a game and throwing up 30 to 40 shots or whatever, how does that benefit the other players??? Dont these teams have coaches or leaders? Throwing up 3's everytime down the floor is bad fundamentals and non-beneficial to other teammates. Sounds like a badly run camp IMO. I agree that if they do it on the AAU circuit, or during school ball, that is great and good for them.
  23. You know, I thought so. But, I am not sure anymore. I had heard at the beginning of the summer that UK was keeping an eye on him, but I havent heard anything since. I dont know that this kid will get that big D-1 offer as maybe expected last season and earlier this summer. Dont get me wrong, I CERTAINLY hope he does. He seems to be a great kid, and he's a really nice player, Im just not sure where those offers come from or when???
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