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Ram Fan04

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Everything posted by Ram Fan04

  1. Thes kid is truly a great player! The best part about him I think is his awareness of the football on every down. Even if he doesnt make the tackle his right next to the guy who does. IT doesnt matter if its 25 yards downfield. He goes all out until the whistle blows. One of the best up front guys Racelands ever had period! And if im not mistaken he runs a sub 4.7 in the 40. He has all the intangeables of a great football player. Size, strength, awareness, and heart.
  2. Congrats to both the Rams and the Devils! Wish I wouldve been off work I wouldve liked to see this one firsthand.
  3. I have a Westinghouse 32" 1080i. I'm very pleased with it's performance for the price! Although I am thinking about an upgrade on black Friday.
  4. It's not going to be as good as cod4. Cod4 is hands down the best online game ever I believe. But I'll give it a shot. It's going to be a remake of cod3 with cod4 matchmaking. But I agree I'll be picking up gears of war 2 as well!
  5. Excellent post as usaul painter!:thumb: Thank you for your support of the rams as well. Best of luck to your Tomcats!
  6. Happy Monday rams! Hope you boys came out to practice today with intentions of improvement! If you expect the comets to show up and hand you the game you're sadly mistaken! TCB!!!
  7. I always love my grandmothers butterfinger cake.:thumb:
  8. I tried that. He had no real reasoning to support his theory.
  9. Maybe the coach knew he couldn't play with JC! So he just didn't want to get anyone hurt and was looking ahead to the next game.
  10. I'm going to go with Fairview as well. 35-28.
  11. :thumb: Great post! I know I'll be there in orange!
  12. :thumb: I agree oldrambler! I'm done with this thread as well. I'll talk Russell again in 09.
  13. And I see you chose the comets. Not saying West Carter won't beat Raceland. Just wondering what you're basing your pick on.
  14. Raceland's coming off a big victory agaisnt the devils! Stay focused, the comets have beat you before when you were the "better" team. Don't let them come in on your senior night and push you around!
  15. I believe they are. They're by far the best team in the area! I figured this one would get ugly quick. Not because the tomcats are bad. JC is just simply that good.
  16. ^^^ There it is! The comment I've been waiting for!
  17. JC is a solid team! I wasn't far off I predicted 42-14.
  18. I agree doc! The pass was there all night. And russell was getting zero pressure on boyles. But take it or leave it we got the W, that's all that matters.
  19. Great day to be a RAM!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile winning is winning!
  20. To be honest I was very dissapointed in Racelands offense! Russell was lining up 8-9 guys in the box and raceland just kept running the ball. The out and slant was there all night! Oh well a win is a win I suppose. Defense played strong the second half! Congrats to the rams! Raceland livin the dream!
  21. He was never in! I work with his moms boyfriend! And as of last night he talked to her while I was sitting there and he was not playing! As a matter of fact I also kept him updated on the kiwanis bowl by checking it on my phone all evening. And as far as tougher districts go. When I played 00-03 we wouldve been better off in 2A than 1A! Even the years Russell won state title they wouldnt have beaten Beechwood or NCC! With an exception of maybe the 02 team. We scrimmaged Belfry in 02 and beat them in a close game! But seriously who cares about the past and whos districts tougher! Tonights game doesnt involve any of that! Im going to pick Russell by 5 TD's. Our line is to small and to weak to play with Russels front 7. And our starters haven't played a full game since LCA so we're gonna be sucking air by the end of the 1st. I know Maynard and Hoof have let these boys get out of shape. Id say between the dinners at sidelinedocs and the unconditioning that these boys have prob gained 12 lbs a piece! Rams you are the little brother and you are not capable to play with the devils! Youre only good once a decade! And I dont even think you have any district titles do you?
  22. Sounds like one heck of a game! Thanks for the updates, one of my co-workers was very interested in this one!
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