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Ram Fan04

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Everything posted by Ram Fan04

  1. Posted in the parking lot after the Fairview game via iPhone! Farley stepped up well tonight. I believe his quarterbacking skills are just as strong as Boyles. You have to remember Farley has taken just as many varsity snaps this year as Boyles! However Boyles presence in the secondary was severely missed tonight. He should be back next week! He has been sick all week. And suffered a concussion first series of the game. He was taken to the ER, they conducted tests and he was very dehydrated from his illness. I believe they put him on an IV as well. But I imagine he will be back in full strength next week. Racelands secondary better practice hard this week! LCA passed at will in the first meeting! :fight:GO RAMS:fight:
  2. Ok I'd be a liar if I said I haven't been thinking about this one since the end of the 4th the first time we played. It's gonna be a battle! Let's go rams!
  3. GO RAMS! And thank you for the support from RP, Painter and all the other local guys supporting us. It's great we can support eachother like we do. Well until we play one another.
  4. Oldrambler the game you mention where they danced around on our R was my last home game played as a ram. Very sore subject for this household! Every time we beat them I get a little piece of that back! Go out and play hard rams! Trust me you do not want your last home game as a ram a L from the view!
  5. I always love defensive quotes! :thumb: I couldve cared less if I touched the field on the offensive side of the ball when I played! I was so nervous starting linebacker my freshmen year against Dayton. Coach Dixon grabbed me by the shoulder pads and said you're not a freshmen you're a football player. Offense wins games but defense wins championships. Get out there and take care of business. Ever since then I've loved orange crush! And the defensive playing these guys do with that rams on the front of that jersey!
  6. AMEN oldrambler! I love defense! Good offense puts a crowd in the bleachers, good defense makes them come back to the next game! I have yet to see this ram team HIT people and punish them this year! And this is the perfect week to start! The only pain that matters is the pain you inflict on others!
  7. Im just waiting it out. Waiting and hoping for a godrecruit class. If Michigan had signed pryor it would be a diff Michigan team. Without Rich Rods speedy qbs he's used to it hurts his spread offense gameplan.
  8. Rams could run a double tight set this week and have great success on the ground and through the air. They can do so many different things out of that set to challenge a def coordinator. With the strong backs, great Oline, poised qb, great recievers it's a off coordinators dream. Whether it's up the middle with the DC express, pitching it to Cody Kelly, or a play action downfield to Selvage or McKee. When you through a spread offense in the mix it makes it almost impossible to defend. I've questioned the play calling somewhat throughout the year in close games. But as the year has went on it seems they've finally developed a strong gameplan really put these defenses on their heels.
  9. I was dissappointed with my Wolvs last year. This year I just quit watching them all together. I'll be watching sat hoping for a upset! Don't know if it'll happen. I don't think Michigan can stop osu's offense.
  10. Hes very frustrated and I can see why because I'm frustrated with the wolvs this year!
  11. Rams come out play hard and shut down Fairviews offense! 48-12!
  12. Rams I want to see a defensive show this week! Offense sells tickets, defense wins championships! Play mad every down of the game! Be mad they even have the football on your field. Punish them on every down make them remember the time they got HIT and BEAT on, against the orange! P.S. Oldrambler nice avatar. You have to rub it in my face don't you? Didn't you get the memo? It's official hate on the color red week!
  13. A&F fierce!!!! And hollister, polo blue.
  14. The tomcats definately have the best field in our area! I loved playing there. It's truely a great football atmosphere.
  15. I'm terrified of spiders! I won't go under the house due to It! I don't really like heights. And I can swallow my tounge. I lost my license for 3 months for streetracing. I cried the first time I watched Friday night lights. It came out the football season after I graduated. There's prob not a day that goes by that I don't miss playing.
  16. Shinedown-devour! It's new just came out recently. It will get you amped!!! Foo Fighters-My hero Linkin Park-numb
  17. I would love to see Flo rida and TT in the natl champ game! Just glad I don't have to watch Ohio State get embaressed again!!!!
  18. Ashland has a speedy runningback that's for sure. I believe broke loose for a 80 yard td last night against Dixie. Don't hold me to that though!
  19. Raceland plays Fairview again this Friday. And more than likely will play lca again the next Friday.
  20. Once again glad to see the tomcats pull this one out! Rumors were going around that Raceland and Russsell would be the only teams left in the playoffs from this area this week. And I said nope Ashland will pull a win just watch! And I was laughed at. And look who's laughing now! Great win for the program! Anytime a team from this area plays away in the playoffs and walks away with a win is impressive.
  21. Already played once this year in key district game! And as always this is a rival game who knows what can happen.
  22. I hope Ashland can remain in a close game with them. Good luck to painter, graybeard and the tomcat fans heading north this coming Friday!
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