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Everything posted by Preachit

  1. Here's a name to throw out there. Mike Key from Lloyd. Could he be successful at Highlands?
  2. If I had a striped shirt I wold blow my whistle and say "Foul on B-Ball Fan" When you requested that I not "drag" you in I said "okay." But I knew I didn't hurt your feelings. Sounds like you've experienced worse then anything I would say or do. But I do believe homosexuality is wrong and I know exactly why I believe it and I have sound reasons.
  3. Some would say Walton is very much like a private school.
  4. Since you do not know who my co-workers are then you really cannot make such a statement. When the two sides are able to have an objective and prolonged discussion on the topic, usually the legitmate causes come out. They are usually related to abuse, single parent households, overbearing mothers or fathers, or other psyscho-social factors
  5. I hope I have never made anyone ponder suicide or made them feel harassed. I would not support any physical violence. I believe homosexuality is wrong. But I do not hate anyone.
  6. I am more concise. Animal Topic: Its just a response. Their actions are not comparable to humans leading a lifestyle and feeling the emotions. Its like when a dog humps your leg (ever happen to anyone but me). The dog is not in love with the leg. Masturbation: I really don't want to talk about it. I'm not copping out, I just don't want to type about it. Barren/Sterile Couples: I do not believe that sex is only for pro-creation. My wife of eight years just had our first child and she was on the pill for seven years. The inablity to reproduce has to do with medical issues outside of the sex act itself. My purpose in my biological question was to point out that sexual compatitibily and the possibiliy of pro-creation are parallel to each other. They exist as one. Religious Question: First: Why do you call me a devoute bible passage quoter? Slave/Women: The Bible says there is not distinction between them and free/male. It just says be a good slave if you are one and be a good wife. Food: Dietary laws were changed in Acts. Eating Shellfish is not longer a sin. Homosexuality: Several references, not just a "rare" one. Compared to Other sins: All are equally bad but no one claims to be born a robber, liar, mugger, etc. I did not want to write an entire one-act play. But I think I covered everything.
  7. You may be surprised to know that I indeed have studied and read countless pieces on this subject and have even conducted field research myself. I am around homosexuality on a regular basis. I have family members, friends, and coworkers that choose to lead that lifestyle. We've dicussed these issues before and none of them seem nearly as emotional as you do when talking about it. Some of them would agree with you and some would not. But lets try to put anger aside and simply look at a couple of questions. Social Question You or several others on this topic claim that they know of no one who is against same-sex marriage and that the landscape of our country is changing, however whenever same-sex marriage is placed on a ballot it is more often voted down. How can you explain that an ever-changing world continues to follow this pattern? Biological Question Every creature in history that is naturally sexually compatable with a mate is able to procreate with that mate. If homosexuality is natural than how come it cannot result in procreation? Religious Question I don't know if you mentioned religion in any of your responses but here is a pretty simple question. One cannot argue that the Bible speaks against homosexuality, it blatantly does and it is not debatable. One can however argue if the Bible is accurate. Do you agree with what I just said? Athletic Question If Marquette comes back to win this game, then I have a pretty good bracket. How is yours?
  8. For someone who "Has seen the light" and is comfortable being connected to a homosexual lifestyle, you do not seem at all at ease. You seem really angry. I personally am not angry. I wanted to complain about what I though was a tasteless commercial but truth be told I have probably spent a whole ten minutes dwelling on it. Your posts are like long Psalms full of various emotions. I think that is really where the debate has turned in our country. The conservatives do not seem to be nearly as angry as the liberals do whenever the issue of homosexuality is brought up and the liberals are accusing the conservatives of being close minded and hateful.
  9. Pedaphiles say the same thing. They claim to be born with their attractions. Why would any one choose to be attracted to little children? Where does it end?
  10. You can't guarantee that any will answer you in an email. Thanks for phone #. I'll call and update you all.
  11. The fact is that everyone is intolerant. Even the people that claim to be open minded and accepting of all lifestyles. The truth is those people are only tolerant and accpeting as long as you agree with them. There are people on this message board that blatantly criticize me for being intolerant. Is that not in itself a perfect example of intolerance?
  12. I'm willing to actually discuss the issue though. If they are going to be so proactive and courageous, then why refuse to accept calls on the subject. When chik-filet (SP?) was on the other side of the issue people applauded the liberals in this country for protesting, organizing a "Kiss-in" and hurling insults at the President of the company. I simply wanted to call and complain, was not hateful or damning. But I am not afraid to discuss the issue. I wish the church would have been louder and complained more fifty years or so ago when Roe Vs. Wade was passed. Personally I myself feel old because just three years ago I was taken out of the 18-29 age group.
  13. So I call up Amazon's customer service today to complain about the recent commercial that supports gay marriage. Actually you can't call customer service, you have to email customer service and request that they call you back. But they did call me back I politely asked the woman who I could complain to about the commercial. She said that they are not accepting calls on this issue but she could write down my comments and pass them on to the corporate office. I asked for a phone number to the corporate office and she claims that there is no number for the corporate office. IT is kind of funny that Amazon is demonstrating courage when creating the commercial but are demonstrating cowardice by their refusal to even discuss the content with someone who disagrees with them. It is very intolerant of them and a perfect example of bullies trying to force their own worldview down the throats of the general public.
  14. I sit and listen. I see and watch. Respectfully, I think you are incorrect. See below. Neither did Coach Clink. His cupboard was packed.
  15. I was not aware that there was a basketball offseason at Highlands that could be utilized for player development.
  16. Was he interested in the job four years ago? Has he done enough since then to warrant such a position.
  17. Any update on this one? A few people said last week that an announcement may be coming.
  18. It was decided a while ago. You live in this state? UK had a reletively big game at rupp this afternoon.
  19. This actually had the potential to be a reasonably intelligent discussion where ideas on the subject could be shared without sarcasm.
  20. From what I understand Coach Terwiliger had some health problems or his family had some health problems and he had to resign in order to tend to them.
  21. I know their coach resigned at Christmas Time and was wondering if the interim coach is going to be full time next year.
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