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Everything posted by Preachit

  1. Year-ohs Tortilla.....TortEya I'm not sure if I have followed correct protocal.
  2. I can't find it anywhere? Did they play?
  3. I thought that it was illegal for a church to campaign for a law. Wouldn't this disqualify them from being tax exempt?
  4. This topic came up today in Sunday School while we were studying Ezekiel. How has the development of Christians denominations hindered the spread of the Gospel? How has it helped spread the Gospel? Try to answer both questions.
  5. I don't think I was being insulting. I just attempted to answer a question..... or implied question........... that wasn't exactly directed to me.
  6. Very good. But there are people out there like formerkywrestler (who asked the question) that need reasoning. But I guess this is another topic for another thread.
  7. Design of the universe Proximity of the earth to the sun Combination of elements in oxygen only found on Earth Axis of the earth providing sun rays which allows the food chain to exist Creation of Life Scientific principal of impossibility Anthropologically speaking: The same "type" God being worshiped in hundreds of cultures on six continents over thousands of years.
  8. Did I say any of those things? You posed the question "Why would anyone elect to be gay knowing that they will be chastised?" or words to that effect. I am stating that people make decisions all the time that have destructive consequences. Why did you not answer my questions though? Also, I do personally know two people that were pressured into homosexuality by both homosexuals and heterosexuals.
  9. Why do people elect to smoke cigarettes? They know it hurts their body and the health of those around them? Why do people shoot up with needles? It is very dangerous. It is illegal and can result in prison time. Why does a father molest his daughter? It hurts himself, his lovely child, will cost him his freedom, and the world will chastise him for it. Why do I choose to eat poorly? It hurts me and the world sometimes looks down on me. People make decisions that harm themselves all the time. We are people and we all make stupid lifestyle choices.
  10. All Spice (amazing seasoning if you've never heard of it. They sell it at kroger) and an over-easy egg on top. Possible scratch the egg and spread some Montgomery Inn sauce on top as well.
  11. But do people claim to be BORN a liar or BORN a thief? Do thieves and liars attempt to have their sins accepted and affirmed by society?
  12. Exactly. And that is why I know that homosexuality is not a "Born" condition. It is very clear that the Bible condemns homosexuality (no on really disputes that fact they more dispute whether or not the Bible is true) and since God would not create sin because he is God, we can deduce that God did not create said person homosexual. Do you understand my take? Not agree, but understand?
  13. Idiot as in wrong (or not agreeing with me), not idiot as unintelligent.
  14. I think he's an idiot. I love your name though. I had an uncle named Habib.
  15. Various audiences and perspectives. Matthew wrote his Gospel for the Upper (SES) Jewish community; just as Matthew was because he was a Jewish Tax Collector. Mark wrote his Gospel for the Romans (that is why Mark himself writes aramaic translations into his work) and from the perspective of a teenager living during Jesus' time. Luke wrote his Gospel for the Greeks because he was a Greek Doctor whom at the beginning of his work explains that his research was thorough and based on eye witness accounts because Luke was not around Jesus during his ministry. John wrote his Gospel at the very end of his life, kind of his final memoir intended for everyone from this perspective of Jesus' right hand man. Four different authors writing about the same topic gives the story validity. Four different perspectives for different readers and no contradictions. Indeed there are no contradicitons in the Gospels despite what skeptics claim.
  16. I think I disagree. I believe that man has decided that some things are open to interpretation just because they do not like what it says. Symbolism and figurative language is very common in the scriptures but for the most part those passages are obviously symbolic or figurative. And what they symbolize is not subjective at all. I beleive that God wants us to understand the Bible as he has written it, not how we interpet it.
  17. Personally I do not see how that is possible. How can the Bible be a moral guide to live ultimately through Christ but not be an exhaustive concordance on contemporary issues (I realize you did not use those words but Iwas struggling to type my thought). One cannot believe that the Bible is accurate and not believe that it is the perfect word of God. The Bible itself claims to be God-Breathes and not Man_Breathed.
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