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Everything posted by CincySportsFan

  1. Mixon just "won" the Angry Runs segment on Good Morning Football for the play in which he ran over Jamaar and half the Raiders defense. First time a Bengal has won it.
  2. Saw this on FB over the weekend, got a good chuckle out of it. "Introducing the Reds new right fielder!"
  3. Family and I were just coming down the cut in the hill, and I see these lights up in the sky, out in the distance. When they don't move, it grabs my attention. By the time we get to the 12th Street exit, I figure there's a blimp up around UC for the game. Traffic had slowed down at that time, due to merging traffic, so I got a better look. Then I realized whatever it was, was heading straight for us! I'm going to guess it was probably somewhere near OTR or there abouts when it did a HARD turn to the west (exposing it's full underside to us) and headed straight back up towards Mt. Auburn. I know those things probably don't turn on a dime, but the maneuver they did over downtown was IMPRESSIVE. When it was all said and done, I'm going to say it was easily a 200+ degree turn. Wish I could've gotten my wife to video it, because we had a front row seat.
  4. If they already had a 12 team playoff, just think, we could've avoided all this conference realignment crap we've had to go through. NCAA has screwed this up 10 ways to Sunday.
  5. Purely speculation on my part...but, could it be due to the changing of the seasons and people spending more time indoors with each other?
  6. Well, the same could be true for a QB sneak. You've got the entire DL, the OL and the QB, and you're telling me they can accurately spot where the ball was when his knee went down in all that humanity? If someone needs a half a yard, giving or taking 6 inches can be huge. I'd argue that has more of an impact on the game than giving/taking 5 yards on a punt that goes out of bounds.
  7. Just remember, he never played AAA ball, and only had 34 games at AA. And during his entire minor league and college careers, he only played 2B for 6 games! I'd say he did a heck of a job, considering all of that.
  8. IF done correctly, isn't it basically using geometry (where two lines intersect) to place the ball? The back judge has the easy part, as his line is already established by the sideline. The harder part is that of the referee, who must determine the path (line) the ball traveled. I'd imagine they go from where the punter kicked it to where it landed out of bounds. Then just wait until the BJ crosses between those two points. But, I agree that on "curving" kicks or those affected by the wind, just seeing where the ball landed does not necessarily indicate it's true path.
  9. Over the past week, I have read articles saying the Michael Lorenzen has been approached by a couple of teams interested in him being a starter. That's what he's always wanted to do, so I imagine he'll be signing with someone other than the Reds. Also Sonny Gray and Luis Castillo have both been mentioned as part of trade packages. Hey Bob...the next time you have to "align your payroll", just sell the team.
  10. Not the first time this has happened. Probably about 10 or so years ago, I saw the same thing happen at Grant County (don't remember who they were playing). Like HCP, I was in complete disbelief as to what I was seeing. I even asked two guys next to me, if I actually saw what I thought I saw. Unbelievable.
  11. I again fall back onto my theory that the committee decides what teams they want to put in there...and THEN they find the criteria that is needed to satisfy those results. No way can you say one week that head to head matters, and then the very next week, say that it doesn't.
  12. I have zero faith that the Reds will do much of anything right this offseason. In all honesty, it would not surprise me that not only will Castillo be gone, but Sonny Gray and Jesse Winker as well. Mike Moustakas will/would be gone too, if they could find a dance partner willing to give them a bag of balls in exchange, just to dump his salary. They don't care about anything other than slashing payroll. Not only is the goal probably to get below $100M, but maybe even $90M. And when you consider that Votto is going to take up $25M of that, and Suarez another $11M...there's not a lot left to go around. Next season is going to be rough to watch. Will be another battle with the Pirates to stay out of the basement.
  13. Reds decline $10M option for Wade Miley and put him on waivers. He's quickly picked up by the Cubs.
  14. I'm by no means an expert in weaponry...but, it's still pretty easy to differentiate between blanks and live ammunition, isn't it? I mean, there's no projectile/slug, right? Aren't the ends of the bullet casing visually distinct? I mean, Joe Q. Public may not initially recognize a blank from a live round...but, I'd think anyone who's supposed to be the "expert" on set, should. Which then leads to some other difficult questions down the line. 1.) Was the armorer really an expert? 2.) Were proper protocols followed? 3.) Did someone want to sabotage the film? 4.) Did someone really want someone else to get shot?
  15. In a pretrial hearing last week, defense lawyer Kevin Gough expressed concern that “White males born in the South, over 40 years of age, without four-year college degrees, sometimes euphemistically known as ‘Bubba’ or ‘Joe Six Pack,’ seem to be significantly underrepresented” in the jury pool. The defense team has “a problem with that,” he said. Hollywood couldn't write something like this. Unbelievable.
  16. Reds aren't signing Correa. He turned down a 6-year, $120M deal from the Astros before the season started. That's for a team that's gone to the World Series multiple years. He ain't gonna want to come to Cincinnati. If we're dreaming of pie-in-the-sky scenarios, I'd say there'd be a greater chance for the Reds to sign Kyle Schwarber.
  17. Yeah, we'd be about 4 or 5 years too late on him. Respected the heck out of him when he was with the Pirates...but, it'd be a firm pass from me now.
  18. Brent Celek, Connor Barwin or Kevin Huber would be ones associated with the program, like Kelce. Don't know if any of them would move the meter like Travis might have.
  19. I think I read something yesterday that said the initial pool was pretty close to the demographics, but that the defense ended up eliminating 8 black prospects. Of course, they said it had nothing to do about race (yeah, right). The judge even made some comment about how there was something racial in the selection process, but said his hands were tied with regards to what he could do.
  20. Nick Castellanos opts out. Castellanos, 29, had .309/.362/.576 slash line this year. Had $34M and 2 years to go. Now a free agent.
  21. CFP = Farce, in my opinion. Imagine if the NFL selected it's playoff teams by a committee instead. There'd be people arguing that the Patriots should be in over the Bengals right now, because even though Cincinnati has a marquee win over Baltimore, they've lost to Chicago and the Jets, a team that New England has manhandled...TWICE! And hey, the Patriots have been to the Super Bowl how many times, and won it? This just blows the whole "I like CFB, because every week matters" mantra out of the water. Because it doesn't. You can literally win Every.Single.Game...and not make the playoffs because of what someone "thinks" about your team. If they want you in (or out), they'll come up with a way to justify it. It's great if your team benefits from it (Ohio State, Bama, etc.)...but it sucks if your team is the one getting hosed.
  22. Yeah, I think everybody saw the writing on the wall. His salary would darn near double from the $4M this past year, and would still be splitting time with Stephenson. Just hate that we have a guy for 8 years, and he wins 2 Gold Gloves, and get pretty much nothing in return. Somewhat surprised me when I saw that he was the second longest tenured Red, behind Votto.
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