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Everything posted by 16thregionfan

  1. Shelby Valley just keeps on rolling. Congrats to these kids, keep bringing that basketball pride to the mountains.... Too bad Shelby and my Elliott County would possibly only meet in the second round; would love to see a state final with these two.
  2. Imo, that could be the best Regional Tournament in the state this year.
  3. Wow, that is an upset.. Im looking at the 7th region, with JTown, Eastern and Ballard. JTown and Eastern seem to be the cream of the crop in that region, but I could see Ballard pulling an upset and going to the state tourny.
  4. Just wondering if there has been any big upsets in the district or regional tournament yet. If not do you guys have any predications of possible upsets?
  5. I see your point; however it is also an advatage to have the majority of your players transfer in. So I think we are just picking hairs here. And I find it hard to believe that the notion of holding players back is even being debated in this thread. Its been going on for years, every good team does it, and its a known fact that this happens. I am done arguing about this. This thread was started to showcase two talented and great young people. Start a thread about holding kids back if you want; buts lets not tarnish this one because we want to argue the "legend," every Elliott hater seems to be worried about. Great job Ferg and Shae, and Dale a great job to you for preparing these kids; it had to take a lot of determination and basketball disipline to get them were they are at.:thumb:
  6. Were not hiding anything. Just because we dont live on this site and get the response that you were looking for does not mean that we are "hesitant." Dale is right, we should not throw kids names on here and I shouldnt have mentioned the two Scott players names. Its really none of anyones buisness what parents do with their kids. Now if you really want to talk about an interesting fact, lets talk about teams who are almost completly made up of transferred players. Now thats interesting.:thumb:
  7. yeah we got our players from around the county line, not from all over the state. Just out of curiosity, where did Jackson and Euton attend school before this year? You seem to have missed that in your post as well. :thumb:
  8. Sounds like your a little worried since you are so concerned with Elliott.
  9. This is just another attempt to try and bash Elliott by throwing the fact that some of our boys were held back. I know for a fact that several Scott County and Holmes players were held back, and schools have done this for years so I dont see how it has anything to do with the so called "legend." Its people like this that just makes my love for Elliott basketball stronger because I can see how intimidated people are at a small mountain teams success.
  10. Making the regional tournament after a losing season, is a good run. It takes one game to get to the tourny and they got there. Thought you said Russel was going win the first game againest Elliott? Ill take Elliott by as many as they feel like putting up that night.
  11. I dont know much about the 15th except for Shelby Valley; is there anyone who has a good shot at beating them? I hope they win, I am an Elliott County fan and love to see mountain teams do well. Would also love to see and Elliott-Shelby rematch in the second round of the state tourny.
  12. Im imagining Russell wished they had a rabbits foot in each pocket as well.:thumb:
  13. Yes this should be a good game. I wish though that Bath was on Elliotts side of the bracket; I would love to see these two teams play. But they still could in the finals.
  14. Great job boys, couldnt make it tonight due to being sick; but I was listening. Im excited for the draw tomorrow..... Lets make it 3 Regional tournys in a role and end with a state championship!!!!
  15. Wow another close game between these two schools. Heres the scores from all there games this year. Dec 29 Fairview 61 Ashland 50 Jan 2- Ashland 54 Fairview 53 Jan 20 Fairview 55 Ashland 54 Tonight Ashland 53 Fairview 52 Talk about a good match up. Out of four games they both won two and the last three look like the same game with a one point win in the 50's. This is great basketball!
  16. Wow, thanks. These boys are very special to us and I am glad you can see why.:thumb:
  17. I was at the game tonight, East played hard and did what they had to, to win. Unfortunately they came up short. They have nothing to hang their heads about. The refs? They were really bad. Billman obviously has it out for Ferguson and the Technical was Jonathan was sick of being rode like a horse all night. East may feel like they were robbed, but let me assure you they got away with more traveling than AAA. So the refs were really off their game. Elliott gutted it out. Perhaps at time Elliott was 1/2 a step slow, but East did a wonderful job of controlling the tempo as they stated in pregame interviews that they wished to do. Congratulations East Carter on a good comeback in their season and best of luck in the future. Good Luck to Elliott onward on their march to Rupp.
  18. Let me say that in a different way. East will be out to take Elliott down and though I think they are dangerous, they have not proved they can play with Elliott. I wouldnt be surprised if it was a close game but I still believe Elliott will win by 25. :thumb:
  19. I agree, East hasnt proved much to me. Ill take Elliott by 25.:thumb:
  20. Well West is playing better. Even though East is playing better they have not been what I thought they were going to be this year.
  21. Your right; its going to be a tough game for Elliott playing East in the first round of the district on East's home floor. Though East did not have the season I thought they would have (They were picked #2 in the region) I still think they could be dangerous, and I am sure they will give everything they got to be able to beat Elliott. However I think Elliott has no problem playing in these high pressure games, and have been in this situation many times in the past, and in the end I think they will pull it out. Im always more nervous about the opening of the district, even more then the regional final. With that said, I think Elliott can beat any team in the state if they play their game. It will be a great tourny this year and I cant wait to see how Elliott stacks up against Scott or Holmes or whoever they play. (if they make it to the state which by all honesty they should)
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