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Posts posted by letthebighogroot

  1. I agree & lets hope Faulkner is coaching from here on because I do not think he would do what I saw Mayes do last night. Ferg leaves @ 5:02 in the 4th with a 20 point lead & re-enters with a little over 2 minutes to go & EC leading by 19. MC not showing any signs of a comeback. Then Evan had been out for a while & re-enters with 43 seconds remaining in the game & EC leading by like 17 or 19. I know I have posted a similar comment on another thread but I just cannot believe what I saw. Come on Coach Mayes it is tourney time do not foolishly get someone hurt, especially one of your vital cogs!! I am still dumbfounded by this move!!


    Some people on here, (and I don't mean you or anyone specific) that haven't followed EC before but do now because they have a good team have found out what the knowledgeable EC fans have always known! And I'm not bashing the man, for years he done a job that nobody wanted. And I'm sure he has always coached the best that he knew how, doesn't change the fact...

  2. Trying to stay objective here, given that I broadcast games and have some close ties to the coaches in this region. If we are talking strictly this year and we are talking about coaching what you have and results, I would go with:


    1. Brandon Baker --Good talent, has won 22 ball games, great game coach

    2. Rex Cooksey -- Good staff who knows the game, great motivator

    3. Scott Floyd -- Has done a lot in first year with decent talent

    4. Jeremy Webb -- NOBODY thought the Comets would win 19 ball games this year!

    5. Jim Hicks -- 2 great players, motivated them to a pretty good season.


    Go ahead, throw the darts. I can take it.


    At least you don't show any home town bias;)

  3. I am a little old school so I have to go with Ben Rogers Lee and Fred Bear.


    Current list would include Michael Waddell,Will Primos,Spindoc,Preston Pittman and Paul Butsky and last but not least... "The Nuge".:ylsuper:


    Forgot about "Uncle Ted" I approve of his enthuhtiasm, but I can see where non hunters would be offended by him. But any man that will make ammendments so that he may own his own herd of buffalo is without a doubt a friend to hunters and gun owners!

  4. I am tired of taking care of other countries, I am an American, therefore, I should worry about my neighbor here.


    Exactly. I'm a Union member. Businesses don't take jobs away from here for any other reason than profit. Anyone that thinks otherwise is badly misinformed!

  5. This is a terrible argument. People that are pro-gun want NO REGULATIONS.


    fast cars are regulated - emissions, safety & it may go 200 but you have SPEED LIMITS.


    motorcycles are regulated as well - license, speed limits, helmets


    This is not about need or not needed it is about regulations!! People that are pro-gun want very limited regulations/rules. The problem is that EVERYTHING IS REGULATED (food, environment, speed limit, cars, building codes, fire codes, taxes, etc etc etc)


    You're right, this is a bad arguement. Owning a gun is a RIGHT, owning a vehicle is a PRIVLEDGE. If you think that our citizens owning guns isn't important and our military can always 100% protect us. Then for your sake I hope your right! As for me, if they come to take my guns, they better pack their lunch!

  6. I just want to say, its not the power of the weapon, the amount of ammunition it holds, or the rate at which it is capable of firing them that you need to worry about! Its who owns them. And the people that are going to use them to harm others aren't going to buy them from dealers anyways. All laws and regulations do is make it more of a hassle for law abiding citizens!

  7. As far as some people posting on here that a common citizen has no NEED for certain types of weapons. Let's apply that to everything. Turn in your sportscars, a regular citizen does not NEED to go faster than posted speed limits. Same for certain types of motorcycles that can go 200 mph. Give them your 4 wheel drives also. A regular citizen has no NEED for one, you can get anywhere you NEED to go on paved roads. I could go on and on and apply this to more than just automobiles. Truth is people don't need lots of things that if they don't use correctly can result in death to innocent people. I own many guns, but I don't feel the urge to own a machine gun or other military type guns. But I know some people that do. Do they NEED them? No, but lots of people get a rush from firing these weapons, and they do it in a harmless fashion. I have no problem at all with someone owning any and all weapons they want, as long as they use them safely and keep they away from and educate their children about them.

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