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happy ol' dad

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Everything posted by happy ol' dad

  1. sorry about that ...... But I cant picture this 100k a year.... My mother is a teacher and she makes 30k a year and has been doing it for 15 years.... I guess I should of went to become a Drug Awareness teacher because I hear they make alot of money....
  2. I apologize for mentioning the player... Just my opinon though.....
  3. He makes over 100k..... and yes to my knowledge he doesnt teach...
  4. I am willing to bet that the school system spent less money on computers and text books last year than what Mattney was paid for the great service he provides... But I dont think he teaches....
  5. But they have broke some rules or they wouldnt of been punished.... Will they be something that says what happened?
  6. Does anyone know if the KHSAA will release a report that says what the findings were???
  7. Thats what all of us want to hear... If the truth isnt being said on this site please let everyone know....
  8. From what I hear you are totally correct.... Man it must be nice..... He hasnt even got his team to a state championship game... Wonder how much he would get if they won it.....
  9. No you are not.... Hes not even a teacher I dont believe....
  10. To me this incident has to be blamed on the HC and the administration.. I know that when you register for school you have to give transcripts and addresses and this should of made a lightbulb go off somewhere.....
  11. So he was forced to move from his previous school to come to JC to play football... That sounds like kidnapping to me.. What the # for your local police ??? Seriosly, this kid must of knew he was in the wrong but the thing that gets me is that Mattney had to know and didnt it anyway.... Do you think you all can take some money from Mattney's salary and upgrade the bathrooms for the upcoming season ... It wouldnt hurt him cause he was found guilty of making money in real estate.....:thumb:
  12. What exactly have they been through? I was at the last 3 JC home games and seen the young man not being able to participate but he is at as much fault as everyone else. I am amazed by the JC fans that will not elaborate on this subject and what they have been found guilty of... But continue to pay Mattney the money and things like this is going to continue to happen, IMO....:thumb:
  13. I think that people are able to post anything they want to within the rules of the site.... I agree with the ealier posters that private schools get hammered and nothing is to be said about this situation....
  14. So your saying that UT wont make it to the SEC championship game, cause UK is going to be there.... :thumb:
  15. To me the only reason the same family members go to different schools is for sports......
  16. Well I am going to have to be careful in this one.....
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