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happy ol' dad

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Everything posted by happy ol' dad

  1. This is the funniest thing that I have seen in a long time... What was the American people doing putting him in the office....
  2. Registered Dem but vote for the best person in my eyes....
  3. I am only 26 years old and didnt really follow poltics in high school but I have been very interested in this subject for a while and I havent heard of a better speaker than Obama. When he spoke the other day after winning Wisconsin it gave me chill bumps and inspired me. I dont know if he is the best canadate but I do really enjoy listening to him.... Can people on here tell weigh on some people that they enjoy listening to....
  4. I was wondering why Hucklebee was staying in the race.. Maybe he had alittle inside info on this ... If this is proven to be true then McCain is done..... thank God !!!!!!!!!
  5. 1 Elliott 2 East Carter 3 Rose Hill 4 Bath 5 Raceland To me the rest of the teams doesnt matter
  6. I live in Ashland and would like to see this. This would generate alot of money and is a perfect location for since people in Ohio and WV is nearby....
  7. I am not very surprised. Tomcat sports have gone off the deep end. I think the swim team is pretty good though. Wonder if they charge to go watch a swim meet?
  8. I think a much better question is, does Hopson want BCG????
  9. I think it was BCG thought that Crawford got fouled when going up for that dunk he missed...
  10. I guess your not listening to the game... Sounds like the scoring is pretty even...
  11. Maybe thats whats wrong with Putnam Stadium... We let Russell use it a couple of years back and then the place starts falling apart:sssh:
  12. At the half EC 37 Ashland 28 EC outscored AShland by 11 in the 2nd quarter
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