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Posts posted by littleluck55

  1. His assistant coach is the summer ball coach. The AD decided to go a new direction. He did not resign because of his wife's illness as he has coached the last two seasons under those circumstances which makes this decision all the more puzzling. Simply, his contract was not removed. From what I know, he played the younger players over the upperclassmen which made many of the upperclassmen parents mad and several upperclassmen quit. The coach set standards that some of the players were not used to or could not live with and they left. And then there was an issue with club volleyball players who played for a NDA volleyball coach and missed NDA softball games and practices for club volleyball practices and tournaments. A position a head coach should never be put into but volleyball is queen at NDA - that is common knowledge. The AD is one of the former very successful volleyball coaches. That led to another set of parents being upset, complaining to the AD and so the decision to move in a different direction was made. Under these circumstances, the NDA softball program will continue to play second fiddle to other sports.


    Good info. Although I do have to point out Dave does coach 12u travel team and Jeff coaches 10u team I believe. Seems to be a very good coach.

  2. I have a question for you softball guys. Just reading some of your guys posts, it seems the only way to get a scholarship is to play travel ball. I have a 5th grader playing rec and I think she is pretty good. Can someone explain how the travel teams work and how many there are? Are there different levels of travel teams? Any info would help steer me in the right direction.



  3. Here was an interesting article I came across involving a recent college graduate in California trying to get a petition signed for students with a 4.0 gpa redistribute their gpa with students with lower gpa's. He is trying to compare it to taxing the wealthy at higher rate than everyone else. It looks like he is filming some type of documentary. He is also trying to get everyone to sign an agreement to pay $47,000 each to cover the national debt.




    And for the record, I am for a sales tax only. I figure it would tax the wealthy at a higher rate as they tend to buy nicer things. It would get drug dealers and anyone else who works for cash. And be simple.

  4. My brother in law owns 2 apartment buildings in Ft Thomas and he always has had at least one tenant who is renting just to get a Ft Thomas address so as to send a child to the Ft Thomas school system . Basically a mail drop .


    Why would someone rent an apartment at $500 to $800 a month to send their kid to HHS when they could pay tuition for $2500 or $5000. Now if your brother in law was sending his kids there and using the address, that makes more sense. Highlands loves tuition students (students and athletes) as it puts much needed money in the coffer. There was an article a few months ago about how Highlands is trying to crack down on people using addresses and not living there to send their kid to Highlands to avoid paying tuition. I know personally, of at least 3 cases, in the grade school last year where the board kicked out the student for not really living in Ft. Thomas.

  5. How do you signal that you're betting for the dealer? I know I ask a lot of dumb questions, but I'd rather look dumb to you guys than end up on someone's YouTube video. :cool:



    Oh, and if there's one thing the dealer won't have to worry about, it's me getting up after 2 or 3 (million) hands. :sssh:


    I get it too, poor choice of words, but that was funny. To bet for the dealer, when you place your normal bet in the circle, you put the dealers bet just above your bet outside the circle and I let them know I am betting for the dealer. You will find dealers very helpful. Even though they work for the casino, they are really rooting for you because they make their money in tips.

  6. I will throw my 2 cents in:


    Most dealers I know like when you bet for them instead of just flat out tipping them. If I get on a run of wins, I will make a $2.50/$5 bet for the dealers. If I have a big win, I will tip out some at cashout.


    Please do not keep jumping from playing one hand to two hands. And please don't sit at a table for 2 or 3 hands and get up.


    Just like anything, you will run into streaks. Your goal is to minimize losses when the streaks are going bad and maximize when going good. Which means if you are on a winning streak, you need to increase your bets. I bet in increments. If I win first hand I pull it back, 2 in a row I double bet, 3 in a row I pull one bet back, 4 in a row pull 2 bets backs, and anything I win over that I pull everything back. When I lose, I start back over. Example

    $25 win

    $25 win

    $50 win

    $75 win

    $100 win

    $100 win

    $100 lose



    Last thing, you can keep your strategy card on you and reference it while playing. Casino's do not mind. You can use your phone though. Always double down when your card tells you too, this where you make your most money because odds are in your favor.


    Have a great trip, the Wynn is awesome.

  7. I personally do not think the family should be charged but if they did, I can see that side of it and I wouldn't be outraged. I researched a few articles and prosecutors have the some freedom on the charges. Some cases there were charges, others not. It can range from a misdemeanor to a felony with over 10 years in prison.


    This was an interesting article. I will quoted some of the highlights. http://edition.cnn.com/2009/US/04/21/forgotten.gun/index.html


    A Florida boy remains in stable condition just days after he found his parents' long-forgotten handgun in a closet and accidentally shot himself in the head. His stepfather found Jacob Larson, 12, with a gunshot wound to the head Friday. The stepfather called 911. The sheriff's office says it's unlikely that they will face charges. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that 17 states have child firearm access protection and safe-storage laws. Chief Assistant State Attorney Bruce Bartlett says that although laws are needed, an accident with a firearm can be a greater penalty than any judge could ever hand down. "Sometimes, the injury of a child is more severe from a punishment standpoint than any kind of criminal charge," he said. Bartlett said his office has filed charges in previous cases when there was culpable negligence on the part of a gun owner. But, he says, there are cases where accidents happen, not crimes.


    I found this regarding Kentucky law so based on what I read, the parents will not be charged. Kentucky is not one of the 17 states requiring safe storage laws.


    Consumer & Child Safety




    Kentucky imposes no design safety standards on handguns. See Regulating Guns in America: Design Safety Standards for Handguns for a comprehensive discussion of this issue.


    Locking Devices



    Kentucky has no laws regarding locking devices for firearms. See Regulating Guns in America: Locking Devices for a comprehensive discussion of this issue.


    Child Access Prevention



    Kentucky does not impose criminal liability for negligent storage of a firearm, even if a child gains access to the firearm and causes an injury or death.

  8. I think it depends on each circumstance and what the actual conceal law is. If the kid was left alone to explore, then absolutely charge them. But from my understanding, the parent was securing the first child in the car seat and then was going to do a second. If the child picked up a scalding cup of coffee and poured it on himself would the parent be charged? I think as long as the parents obeyed the law (conceal/carry permit and that permit doesn't say it needs a trigger lock around children), I don't know how to charge him. Either way, terrible for everyone involved

  9. I have personally never smoked weed and have only had a few cigarettes in my life. I was an athlete in high school and college subject to NCAA drug testing and the people I hung out with (athletes mostly), probably 8 out of town tried one or the other and mostly both. Everyone that smoked cigarettes tried weed. And to this day over 20 years later, there are still a few cig smokers and guess what, they still smoke an occasional joint. And these are professional people. Every study I just researched put the number of about 50% for both trying cigarettes and smoking weed. I would think it would be higher.


    I would really hope my children wouldn't try either, but I would hate for one of them to get arrested and have something on a criminal record when they are applying for jobs. Take the legality out of it, and I think cigarettes are much worse for you over a lifetime. Cigarettes are physically addictive where marijuana is only psychological addictive. Much harder to quit cigs than weed.

  10. What a terrible accident. I would think it would depend on if he had a concealed permit. If he has a permit, I am not sure he would be charged. A big part of having a concealed permit is having access to it when you need it in a hurry. If it had a trigger lock or unable to access it, no sense in having it. I have a tough time with this. If the child was left alone in the car while they were eating or something, absolutely charge them. But they were only securing a second child which I assume didn't take very long.

  11. Outsider yes, explain to me what the problem is in Ft. Thomas. If your facilities are as bad as you say and you don't have any money then you should be getting some of that money that is going down to the mountains. Either you have the money and are misusing it or you don't and the big money areas should be helping you out.


    You might want to read up on KERA, the funding each school district gets from the state. Ft. Thomas and other schools like Beechwood get penalized by the state. Fort Thomas ranks around 170 out of 174 or so of funding per pupil. And unlike some other sports, there are not many individuals willing to donate a ton of money to the softball team. A lot of the funding for the sports come from the community and the booster clubs. There are many organizations willing and trying to help with everything (ex. Ft. Thomas Education Foundation) but there is only so much money which can come from the community.

  12. Come on, can't I get a little jab in. All joking aside, any word on why they turned down NKU and there offer to host the district tourney.


    I was told they didn't want to play the games at NKU because there is another district playing there and if there are any rain outs, it is a nightmare trying to reschedule games with other districts also. They thought it would be easier to play it at Highlands.

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