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Posts posted by littleluck55

  1. I've had some dandies:


    Spent a month building boats from scratch. I've still got the old Les Expos cap I wore that summer that is still caked with fiberglass and resin and other chemicals that probably are germinating as a small tumor inside of me. I won't wear the cap anymore; never got my last paycheck.


    Spent a summer working at a skid (wooden pallets) factory -- the summer before leaving for college. They didn't turn me loose with the nail guns, sadly, but I operated various types of dangerous saws with no training whatsoever, for a whopping $3.35 an hour. Nearly chopped off a finger; also made my first real death threat to a person.


    Worked a year and a half in the kitchen at a restaurant in the mall at BG called Garfield's. Valuable experience and life lessons, but it was hot, dirty work. Thought it was interesting when, on my first day, I noticed it required six people to carry one bag of trash out to the dumpster.


    Worked at a brand-new factory in my hometown the year after my freshman year in college. It was like a class reunion. They turned us loose on expensive towmotors with expensive Telxon inventory equipment with no training whatsoever. I watched one of those machines fly out of my buddy's towmotor as he rounded a corner particularly fast, then get drilled by another buddy who was coming from the other direction. I got going too fast in one of them and drilled the base of a seven-story shelving unit, bending one of the support beams several inches. They actually hired me back a few summers later.


    Used a weed-eater for 8 hours daily during the 1987 summer clearing hillsides at Pier 99 in Gallatin County. It was the cicada summer, so the strange little beasts spent the whole day clinging to me out of lust for the sound of the weed-eater, creeping me out to no end.


    I spent three days selling junk toys and such door-to-door at businesses in Lexington, Barbourville and Stanton. Pure hell.


    Tobacco, hay, digging potatoes, picking corn, etc., etc.


    I had that job too. My uncle owned a pallet place.

  2. I know for a fact that Jefferson, Kenton, Boone and Fayette county Public schools must compensate all coaches, they can be para-professionals and work outside of the school but they must be paid something.


    Then this is a disadvantage the school board put on themselves. This is not a khsaa rule and quite frankly, a stupid rule the school board would make. If someone is willing to help a school for free and they are qualifed, why wouldn't a school take them. No wonder we are in this economic condition.

  3. This does not mention an alumnus of said private school getting a money order to cover the tuition payments for an athlete and handing what is in essence cash money off to the parents at the game. As far as the KHSAA is concerned there is no scholarship and they refuse to investigate it but this is how "needs based scholarships" are covered on Shelbyville Rd. It is completely illegal, that's not to mention the illegal personal contact of potential athletes in the 8th grade to offer them this great deal. Or the letters sent to 8th graders from said alumnus offering "diversity scholarships" or "leadership scholarships" to potential athletes before the family has made contact with the school or the child has been accepted to the school, also completely illegal. This has all been going on for 2 or 3 decades at minimum and since it is not an official coach but a "friend of the program" the KHSAA turns a blind eye.


    As for the level playing field, no public school is allowed to have volunteer coaches, privates are - see Trinity's 25 strong coaching roster when JCPS staffs are limited to 6 distric paid positions and 6 more if the booster club can fund them. These 12 coaches must coach all 3 levels of football, Trinity has more freshman coaches than most publics have on staff for varsity.


    No public school is going to get 100-150 freshman playing football, period. As Larry said, at least in JCPS, space is limited in the programs at Male and Manual (since they are in the same district, I thought this a good comparison) and they have females and Title IX to deal with, privates can accept as many incoming freshmen as they like, many of the athletes hand-picked (see above), plus no Title IX to suck away football funds on girls lacross. These two factors mean that that the privates can spend 2 to 3 times the publics on their program and we all know money talks.


    These are the facts, go with God


    Is this true? Why wouldn't khsaa allow someone to volunteer their time. Are you telling me Highlands is paying Cris Collinsworth to coach the receivers part time?

  4. She was only charged because she was a teacher, right? I believe the consent is at least 17. Would this have been ok if it was 3 or 6 months later when the kids were 18. I am not sure how a gym teacher has an abuse of authority. "If you don't come to my house with 2 of your friends tonight, I am going to fail in you gym." I don't see it. Again, all the boys went to her house because they wanted to, and then told their friends to do the same thing.

  5. Anyone in the country? that's your opinion but have you seen Don Bosco Prep, or St. Thomas Aquinas, or Pratville Alabama? Yes they look superior to neighboring states but what about highschool football in Texas, Florida, Alabama, and California? You would be nieve to believe Trinity could beat anyone in the country. Take the top schools from all those powerhouse highschool football states and match them with trinity and you're looking at a lot of upset minds in KY.


    I know you can't compare scores, but Miami Central (a top 25 USA Today team) beat Elder on a last second fg. And we all know what Trinity did to Elder. I believe this year's Trinity team could compete and beat anyone in the country.

  6. This is the part that always gets me about trying to track these things. I first heard the 47 yards on the internet. Then I heard 71. Then I read here it is 81. Which is correct and official and how do we know?


    Great article here: http://dailyindependent.com/localsports/x250780371/THE-QBS-EXTRA-POINTS-KHSAA-needs-strict-policy


    If you have a back that is competing I think you should have to turn in the stats as the season progresses. To do it at the end of the season (or not at all) leaves the hint of impropriety.


    Like keeping books, it could be easy for any school to "cook the stats" once the others have been turned in. There is no evidence to lead one to believe this to be the case here but there is the smell or hint of it just by the way it looks.




    I think Jude is exceptional and deserving of all accolades his way. It's just a bad way to "run a railroad" IMO.



  7. Speaking of injuries, Is it only a "rest of football world" rule that states that when the clock stops to attend to a player down on the field that he must come off the field for 1 play?


    I saw it at least 3 times tonite for Elder and nobody came off the field. Anyone...........


    When I was watching the internet broadcast, I saw the Elder Vorhees twice get hurt, but no Elder trainer or coach come to look at him. He stayed down for awhile but ended up going back in the huddle. Even the announcers said they should look at him.

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