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Posts posted by littleluck55

  1. Threadjack......


    Highlands 1989 AAA State Champs.

    That senior class won 1 game as freshman. Very senior dominated team in 89. There, I just named one..... Coaching does indeed make a little bit of difference...


    This is pulling one out of the air. I think this is a great example of how a coach can destroy talent also. Paducah Tighlman had 7 athletes sign D1 that year. 5 with Louisville. That coach had by far the best talent 3 years in a row and did not win a title.

  2. I am pretty sure Dixie has a quarterback going to the defending national champion. They definately have some talent. People keep bringing up Highlands because of their talent. Success breeds success so yes, there is a lot of talent who wants to play for Highlands. There are also a lot of kids who work hard. And as Tim Tebow said, "Hard work will outperform talent when talent doesn't work hard." I believe Highlands takes a lot of regular Joes and makes them outstanding. Not to say they don't get talent too. If I remember correctly, Towles wasn't even the starting Freshman quarterback. I may be wrong though.

  3. It doesn't matter why he took a knee. Maybe his kicker was hurt, then you line up and go for 2. I don't care if Jude didn't play another down, it is still classless. I will give you Matney is a good coach and has built a very good team but what does this teach the kids. It's ok to kick a team when they are down. The running clock was put in for one reason, to not embarrass another opponent. To take a knee so you have more time, how do you justify that.

  4. Guess which of these events isn't true:


    • A) Fort Mitchell police officer stopped and questioned a 11-year old for taking his trash out to the street late at night. Seemed "suspicious". Officer then proceeded to get out of the patrol car, and walk said 11-year old to the front door of the house, ring the doorbell, and then question the parents as to whether or not "they were aware that their son was out so late".
    • B) Fort Mitchell police officer pulled a gun on a 22 year old for "prowling suspiciously" in the backyard of his parents' house. Said 22 year old had, in fact, gotten home at 1:00am, and was turning off and reeling up the hose after his father had accidentally left the sprinkler run.
    • C) Fort Mitchell police officer pulled over a 20 year old resident for turning left out of a street with a sign reading, "No left turns during the hours of 7:30am-8:30am, or 2:00pm-3:00pm". It was noon. Same police officer pulled over the same resident under the same circumstances TWO MORE TIMES over the next three months. On the third occasion, the officer actually wrote up a ticket for insubordination, after resident was standoffish for being pulled over three times for the same bogus charge. Charge was thrown out in court, as the police officer had no cause to stop the resident in the first place.
    • D) Two Fort Mitchell police officers stopped and temporarily detained 3 teenage "suspects" who were walking down Dixie Highway after one of the officers they saw an empty plastic baggie laying on the ground on the sidewalk where they had passed. "Suspects" were stopped and searched for drugs, relating to the "paraphernalia" located on the ground by the officers. The baggie did not belong to the teenagers, and contained cheese-cracker crumbs. This was confirmed by the second officer, who arrived upon request to provide backup.
    • E) A 25 year old Elsmere resident was drinking at a bar in Covington. Resident, realizing he was not able to drive, hailed a taxi, and asked if it would be okay to stop at the PNC Bank in Expressway Plaza on Dixie Highway so he could withdraw cash to pay the cab fare. The taxi driver approved. When the Elsmere resident stepped out of the taxi at the bank, a Fort Mitchell police officer pulled into the space next to the taxi, walked up, and questioned the gentleman as to what he was doing. Sensing that the subject was intoxicated, the officer administered a field sobriety test, and arrested the subject for public intoxication, also dis-allowing said subject to pay for his cab ride. Suspect was jailed overnight and charged with public intoxication, and failure to pay for services rendered. Both charges were thrown out in court.
    • F) None of the above.


    None of these instances mean they are incompetent. It would seem some of the officers are probably overzealous though. And in a couple of these instances, I don't have a problem. I would say many middle/upper class suburbs probably have these same types of instances as there just isn't much crime.

  5. Sportsmanship is all but dead it seems.


    When I played, I was actually told not to shake hands after the game. Coach always said whoever loses, they sure don't want to shake hands with the other team so it be best just to get the hell off the field as fast as possible. It starts at the top. Of course, I would personnaly rather not shake hands than get stuck with a tack.

  6. Didn't look like the Birds were working on anything offensively.....Just simply heaving it and hoping a Bird comes down with it. Seemed like another "goin' through the motions" game. Defense looked "soft" at times.....hard to stay focused I suppose with a running clock in the 1st half. Could this be the year that the Bluebird offense carries the team to state?


    Must be nice to go through the motions and score 68. Or be soft and give up 0. Sounds like a good game to me.

  7. I would think a facility should have some type of bathroom facility available (port-o-let or something), someplace where a handicap person could watch a game, and be able to get an emergency crew to an injured player without having to hike a steep hill with a gurney. The Highlands field could be nice with a little work. And they don't share the field with varsity football, they take a seat to the junior football league.

  8. ESPN would be the #1 reason, hopefully the sport keeps growing. There are more girls getting out and trying to play at a higher level. Seems like more and more kids are taking hitting and pitching lessons. We are still miles away from other areas but you have to start some where.


    I can tell you Highlands had their softball meeting for parents last week and it was the largest turnout they have ever had. There were a ton more kids in middle school interested in trying out this year. They are getting to work this week.

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