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NSA Spying on Journalists?


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I wouldn't take anything aired by Olberman at face value.


Why would the person asking the questions and receiving the answers from a former NSA employee be important?


I don't the guy's answers/accusations would change on O'Reilley's show.

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Why would the person asking the questions and receiving the answers from a former NSA employee be important?


I don't the guy's answers/accusations would change on O'Reilley's show.


Clearly, you must have been a huge Dan Rather fan.

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OK, can you point out anything that Olbermann has aired on his show that has proven to be false?



A simple google search will turn up any number of lies, distortions, half-truths and unsubstantiated claims. It's not that hard although it used to be even easier. There had been a small cottage industry on the web dedicated to pointing out Olbermann's lies; often times using the actual video from the show. Using the actual video was so commonplace (and effective) because there wasn't any need to misrepresent or embellish Olbermann statements. They were sufficent in themselves. However, Olbermann and MSNBC must have felt too much like fish in a barrel because they have since orchestrated a campaign to remove much of the video that was out there.


However, in response to your challenge, how about the time that Olbermann claimed that Guiliani said that the Democrats would be willing to invite Osama Bin Laden to the White House when Guiliani had actually said Assad. Olbermann even played the actually video of Guiliani mentioning Assad but then went on a typical Olbermann rant with Huffington about how ridiculous Guiliani was in claiming the Democrats would invite Bin Laden. It was all somewhat surreal (as many Olbermann shows are). Then, after Olbermann got called on the obvious error, Olbermann had the gall to blame the error on an AP story. Olbermann apparantly would like us to believe that rather than relying on the actual video THAT HE PLAYED ON HIS SHOW, he relied on an AP story. So much for a journalist using primary sources!


Now if you prefer distortions to lies, how about the time he claimed that Sarah Palin was a socialist. (Palin lies and distortions are particularly plentiful) If thinly substantiated claims is your cup of tea, how about the time Olbermann claimed that not putting the Kaiser in jail after WWI was partially to blame for WWII?

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Clearly, you must have been a huge Dan Rather fan.


Come on , Shooter. I'm a big fan of your intelligence and I know you're smart enough to know that the claims are the claims no matter who the claim-er is making them to. KO is not the issue here.


What are your thoughts on the actual claims?

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