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Gametime's Wedding Bash


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Last night, Mr. & Mrs. Gametime held a small soirée to celebrate their recent nuptials. It was a great night, and BGP was well represented. I would list those in attendance; but I'm afraid some of them won't remember having been there, and it could cause them undo anxiety. :sssh:


Seriously, it was really nice and I was glad to have the chance to be there to help celebrate. :thumb:

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Oh, forgot to mention this. I finally had a face to face with my musical nemisis, Jim Schue!


I have one question for all of my friends. Why?


Why did you not tell me Jim Schue was three times my size?! Did you not think this little tidbit of information just "might" have been helpful, all of these months that I've been dumping on his musical tastes?! :mad:



Ah, but one of the highlights of the night was when the DJ played Hotel California! I'm not saying anything; but GT may have had something to do with it. :cool:

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Last night was a blast and it was great to have some of my BGP family there to enjoy it with us. Thanks to everyone that made it, and I hope you guys had half as much fun as we did...


Great time. Wish we could've stayed a little later. Didn't get to talk to 98 much and didn't see Jim at all. We could've raised some major hell in Erlanger last night, like the old times...

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