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Trump is already walking back his most important promise on the economy

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:poop:His followers can still twist this into a win. Just give them time.:poop:


Trump is already walking back his most important promise on the economy - Yahoo Finance


After the anemic economy during the Obama years, I'll take 3% growth any time. He's only been in office 1 month, let's see what it is after a year. Once this time wasting foolishness by Democrats,of getting a cabinet approved and it will be, a SCOTUS nomination approved and confirmed which he will be, and get a health insurance plan to replace ACA which they will have, which is dying under it's own weight. And then get tax cuts approved for all Americans, which they will be. Then we will take a serious look at growth. Not counting rebuilding the military and infrastructure. Oh, the money he will waste you say. :poop: Obama blew through $7 trillion, what was that spent on? Shovel ready jobs? Lots of shovels are still waiting and so are their hungry families.

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Look everyone, Rule 2 is Rule 2 and we are not going to allow it.


And please please please ncf, would you please chill on the anti-Trump stuff for awhile, please? He is everyone's President whether we like it or not and ideally we all should give him a chance.

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