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  1. We all hope this meets with your approval or did Walton's new AD move too quickly? Maybe you can trash him too. From his background there will be some changes on both sides of the ball.
  2. That's because you have no idea about his commute, his teaching schedule, travel to the facility, and his wishes. He's a high school football coach.....You make it bigger than life. Basically you have no idea of everything involved with being a teacher and head coach. Walton will continue to play and the new coach can be ready to roll by the end of the dead period.
  3. It's apparent you've never coached. Teaching jobs sometimes open at the end of the school year and opportunities become available. I really don't think he cares what guys like you think. He cares what his wife and kids think. Hang his team out to dry? He did everything the right way, worked hard, and was successful. Folks like you are why ladies and men walk away in coaching. It's HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS. Pretty cheap shot about "save a few bucks in gas". It's about TIME. Fort Thomas to Walton, then to Verona, then home. He's given the Bearcats all they asked. You seem to be an expert.....apply.
  4. So sorry to hear this. Great coach and great guy. Rest in peace. Enjoyed those Friday nights working your games.
  5. Don't tell the folks at Lyon County that lol. I think that many folks around KY feel the same way about their respective coach. Coach Ruthshatz did a great job......but the Colonels have been a well respected program for a long time way before he arrived. They have had many fine coaches.
  6. I would assume so......but the times they are a changin lol.
  7. I guess that could happen. Old guy....that didn't happen many moons ago lol.
  8. You need to research Kentucky Basketball before making this statement.
  9. Why? He left.....I don't believe he was terminated from the article.
  10. You guys need to realize that Tim is in the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System. The pension is substantial. Boone County pays more than the diocese and his extra duty pay is probably very good compared to CCH. His extra duty pay also figures into his retirement. This is a HS basketball job.....not major college. He has been at Cooper since it opened I believe so I would imagine financially he might take a hit.
  11. I believe he was also head coach at Campbell County before Aric Russell.
  12. All it does is allow for NIL money. Perhaps they can go somewhere and showcase their talent, but bottom line it's about $$$$s.
  13. At 34 years in KTRS you earn about as much as you do working, potentially a little more. No retirement, state tax, etc. Many people just have had enough fun by then lol. Corbin lost a few really good players and I would imagine at this point he knows in his heart it's time. Personally I really respect that decision. Trust me, you know.
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