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  1. I could see many schools changing calendars to fit a mandatory khsaa fall/spring break. I could see many administrators, both district and school level, getting onboard with this idea.
  2. I believe he was an assistant at Gtown for a brief spell. I don't remember the years, but it would make sense that it would be those two blank years in 16/17
  3. Few and far between. I was simply making a point that as school changes and more input comes from the state, the loss of autonomy puts more stress on the administrators to micromanage the school. The role we used to think the HFC used to serve in school just isn't the same anymore and isn't valued the same. ie, kid used to get in trouble, you would send him to the football coach to learn some discipline, teamwork and all the good things he needs but isn't getting. The coach taught him how to deal with problems in a physical yet constructive way. Now you have a platoon of mental health advisors both in and out of school that ask him why he gets in trouble and prescribes time of reflection. I'm not saying either is better or worse than the other, but that is what school is now. Priority is on kids mental health and behavior, and counselors trump coaches.
  4. He should be, but is not at some places
  5. I would think Van Isaac (Former Adair HC) would be the heir apparent. I think he was MS HC this past year but could be mistaken. Simon Clouse HC at Nicholas would be a good phone call too. They are both alumni.
  6. Coach Graham is a great man. He treated me with respect and helped me when I needed guidance as a young coach. He made sure my teams were offered opportunities and always reached out with encouragement. Thanks and Good Luck coach Graham
  7. Has it even been posted? I checked BBHS website and the Diocese of Covington website and didn't see it posted. I checked when it first happened too and did't see BBHS or Holy Cross. Unless they have a different way of doing things than other schools, but I would assume you'd want to collect a pool of applicants...
  8. "Most" people on this board are saying winning programs are good jobs. And it takes a lot to win any championship. I see what you are saying. I agree with you actually. Although I don't see many losing-teams-that-play-hard still in the category of good jobs. My thought provoking question is: 1. if you had Admin/community/parent support (the 3 pillars we can all agree are important) 2. kids played hard and did good in school 3. fundraised the program out of the ballpark 4. but regardless of who the coach is, cannot break .500 due to who they line up against each year Is that still a good job? Ask a coach to sign up for a gig knowing there are not any/enough kids that can make the entire team competitive against the competition. Is that job attractive? Some places are not good jobs because half their schedule are already losses designed by the KHSAA, and the demographics can't/won't support the amount of athletes needed to match the success of their district contemporaries. I've coached kids where the pre-game meal was literally more important than the game (in the grand scheme of things). Great experience, eye opening, rewarding. I wouldn't call it a good job though. @coachhawk said it, you have to have dudes walking the hallway. Then your culture can get them on the field.
  9. I agree with your 3 points, but not with your final statement. Talent pool must also be considered. You could have all the support in the world but a small or poor talent pool. That coach still might not ever hit your "high water mark". Is that still a "Good Job" if you do everything right all the time and still cannot find a way to win?
  10. I sincerely wish him good luck. There are a lot of resources at his disposal right now, an experienced group of kids that have 2-3 years of varsity playing time already, and the ongoing stadium upgrade. Hopefully he can use all that to overcome some of the obstacles that keep this program from being competitive, and trust that there are many.
  11. Pendleton County at Dayton has been changed to an 8pm start.
  12. Is anyone aware of their scrimmage schedule? Who and where this Friday?
  13. To go off of what you said, A friend once told me that there are more good coaches than good jobs. In a market where the have's and have-not's are separating further and further, and there are more have-not's around, I'd say the outlook has changed. Now, with the prospects of landing a great job out of the gate very small, guys are more eager to take a shot at it on their own early and leave their mark. Often times at multiple stops before landing "the job". Make no mistake, the fact that there are less people getting into education, and therefore coaching, means there are more opportunities for young people to try their hand where they would have been passed over for experience in the past. I am the only teacher/ football coach in my entire district, despite my best efforts, which is scary. Across all sports, there were only 4 teacher/coaches in our entire school this year (3A size). I recognize there are many other factors at play in my district, but I'm sure this trend is being seen at other small, rural districts as well. Take head coach age as an indicator that there has been a shift in education. If we do not change something and start recruiting and retaining young men into the profession of teaching/coaching, the talent pool for coaches will decrease even further. So often we see in these threads people wishing their next HC to be in the building, which IMO is essential, but that will go from a requirement to a luxury in most places. The next thread won't be about HC Age, but HC's in other careers that allow them to perform the extra 40-50 hours of work each week required to lead a football program. Coincidentally, if you know of any careers like that, feel free to post them here... 😉
  14. With a dozen applicants and 5 that were worthy of an interview, even if you have a name circled, it is good to have a pool that you can compare. With that said, against that backdrop, he was still the clear choice. Congratulations to Coach Monroe and the entire community. I love to see local success come back to their roots and get opportunities.
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