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  1. I feel like Ramen is a clear winner. It's essentially some really good noodles then you add whatever you wish to it. It's harvest season and while I don't have a garden I do have some friends and neighbors that do. So this year habaneros are doing well apparently and I've been putting them in Ramen different ways. You can cut them in half and let them boil with the water and noodles, throw the core and seeds in as well, when you drain the water the seeds will stick to the noodles, which adds a nice flavor in the long run. Then add whatever else ya want. My favorite way lately to cook ramen though, is to precook the noodles then transfer to a wok and add whatever else ya want and stir fry it with whatever vegetables and protein you want, as well as whatever sauce that would pair with it. So many things you can do with a pack or Ramen noodles if you have other things to add to it. That said, the noodles are high in sodium and my doctor says they're bad for me and anyone else in general. I'm still gonna eat them though..
  2. Playing them during the regular season probably would have helped Russell learn a little more about Ashland's offense and how to defend it.
  3. So Russell is gonna play the game against Ashland? That was a short boycott.
  4. Bonner will do just fine and I believe Jarred Pricket is still on the staff. I hate that coach Mays is gone but he will land back on his feet and the Ashland program will still do well this season.
  5. Everyone knew Raceland was building a championship caliber team that could challenge or win against the larger schools in their area as well for years. Now it's like it hit them right in the face unexpectedly. Grow up and get better, losing to Raceland this season isn't a terrible thing, nor will it be next season, they will beat most everyone on their schedule, if not everyone. But don't cancel a long standing series over losing a game. Use that game as a building experience going forward this season against everyone else on the schedule, next season as well, regardless of what the outcome of that game may be. Playing good teams makes you're own team better, don't schedule down or cancel a series just because you're "salty." Get better and win, don't just take your ball and go home.
  6. Ashland is getting there. They're as good as anyone when healthy and super fun to watch.
  7. Phelps is who I'm hearing as a replacement. Was told that coach Tacket turned it down.
  8. I believe Porter is fine. He took a beating in that game but he's a gamer and the incident everyone is referring to was a cramp.
  9. I've never been to a Costco but I do love sams club for certain things, mainly bulk household items. Their meat can be really good as well if you know what to look for.
  10. Ashland likely isn't a top 20 team at the moment but I do believe that they will get there and be in the hunt come tournament time. The offense and ball movement just isn't there yet, but I expected that to be the case early in the season.
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