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  1. (Love his choices of players to post pictures of when it comes to his two tweets.)
  2. Spencer is a 6’4" 230lb tight end/defensive end who is currently entering into his sophomore year. His time in the 40 is 4.709. As was mentioned in the Cov Cath football 2024 team thread, Clukey picked up his first college offer from the University of Kentucky, and now he has picked up a second offer from Miami (OH). Nice work, Spencer!
  3. Silver Grove Independent School District didn't have an adjacent independent school district that wanted to merge with them - that's why they merged into the Campbell County School District. The only independent school district they could have potentially merged with was Fort Thomas Independent Schools since Silver Grove does share a couple hundred yards (at most) of its city limits with Fort Thomas. But Fort Thomas Independent didn't want to entertain the idea, so Silver Grove consolidated into the county system. I don't know that there's like an official "rule" on the books with the Kentucky Department of Education that independent school districts can ONLY consolidate into the larger county school district, so much as that is just really defacto how it happens. I can't think of many recent instances of independent school districts consolidating in the last 25 years or so, aside from Silver Grove. Most consolidation in the state took place in the 1950s when the "county" school system was established in the first place. The truth is, I don't know that there are many instances outside of northern Kentucky were you even have independent school districts that share borders with another independent school district at this point. And then additional to that, I don't know that there are many instances where one independent school district decides they want to merge with another district and then there is simultaneously an immediately adjacent independent district that's interesting in flipping their world upside down to add in a whole new base of students with a merge like that. I know when I've talked on numerous occasions with administrators in Ludlow Independent, Beechwood Independent, Erlanger-Elsmere Independent, and Fort Thomas Independent schools about "Do you think Dayton and Bellevue schools will ever combine?" there was zero mention of "Oh, independent school districts can't merge with one another into a larger independent school district, they have to consolidate into the county school district." Instead, they've literally ALL said that the reason they think it is so unlikely that Dayton & Bellevue, and/or Dayton, Bellevue & Newport will merge is because of ALL the headache that is. That requires a TON of work and decisions to be made, not to mention the fact that there will be significant changes to the property tax rates (which is one of the primary monetary resources for public schools) within those districts. Dayton's property taxes are $4.46 per $1000 of assessed property value, Bellevue's property taxes are $3.91 per $1000 of assessed property value, and Newport's property taxes are $2.60 per $1000 of valuation. Once you determine the new tax rates for the consolidated school district, here are just a few of the questions you're still left with figuring out: How is the new school board decided on? What if there are differences in terms, wages, etc...how is that addressed? What facilities will they use? Will they need any completely new schools? How about sports teams and coaches, what stays and what goes...if anything? There's going to be a lot more busing required now. Do they even have buses, or is that an entirely new problem?
  4. So East nabbed their "every few years" title in the All Star game. If the recent history holds true, West is the favorite for the next few years. 2024: East 28 West 17 2023: West 20 East 12 (OT) 2022: West 14 East 0 2021: West 40 East 34 (3OT) 2020: No Game (COVID-19) 2019: East 10 West 7 2018: West 20 East 13 2017: West 25 East 7 2016: West 41 East 30 2015: East 28 West 7 2014: West 28 East 20 2013: West 38 East 7 2012: No Game (Not enough participants for West.) 2011: East 26 West 8 2010: East 16 West 10 2009: East 6 West 0 2008: West 27 East 14 2007: East 44 West 14 2006: East 43 West 0
  5. I realize money is certainly a factor to consider, but I'd love to see them take the two stanchions for the entry gate and/or the ticket sale booth and build them out of field stone as an homage to the stone used for the ticket booths and walls around the stadium at OW Davis Field.
  6. That's awesome, BB! I'll definitely be tuning in. Getting the rosters for the All-Star Game is usually an ordeal, because oftentimes there are coaches who don't tap who their team's all-star players will be until within a week of the game. I've heard tell of more than a few times over the years where players find out "your on the all-star roster" from their coach a night or two before the game, and the game itself is their first time in pads since the end of the football season.
  7. Anyone have any word on two players transferring into the football program? One from the Palmetto State, and the other from Lex-Vegas?
  8. A teaching job in the school was the only reason Coach Sullivan is not currently the head coach at Dixie. From all reports, Sullivan was going hard for the Dixie job, but they didn't have a teaching position available for him. He could have remained teaching at Cooper and coached at Dixie. For the record, I still don't believe Sullivan has interviewed at Cov Cath. Although he could hypothetically remain teaching at Cooper to continue to work towards his KTRS retirement while coaching at Cov Cath, I don't see that happening. First and foremost, I don't think Cov Cath wants to set a precedent of having the head coach of one of their marquee athletic programs working in another school. And then after that, just logistically it's a 25 minute commute from Cov Cath to Cooper when there isn't any traffic on I-75 (which we all know is a rarity anymore). So if Coach Sullivan were to get the Cov Cath coaching job while teaching at Cooper, that makes morning practices a pretty major difficulty, and then you run into the same thing again in terms of him getting there for practice to start right after school.
  9. I've been hearing that there are discussions taking place with Jake Thelen. He has a heck of a resume, as well as being a Cov Cath hoops alum, and a third generation Colonel. I'd love to see that hire happen, and I think that would honestly be the best case scenario for the hire from a program and community standpoint, both, no doubt. Definitely seems like money would be the big challenge to make that happen. But if the money is hypothetically there to work out the retirement debacle for Sullivan, then I would imagine the money is there to figure out things with Thelen.
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