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The sarge

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  1. From my understanding that is a big part of it and more money sure does help. He has done a fabulous job at WV. I hope Cole Mosier gets a shot at this having been waiting in the wings for a while now.
  2. He is OL and listed as Offensive Coordinator but Coach Barth I think called the plays.
  3. Yep, and history would say that is way too big a jump especially considering they are moving to 3A.
  4. I have seen both teams play and Beechwoods' defense is not what it was last year. The offense is hitting on all cylinders again but the difference is defense. I lean towards Mayfield with the home field advantage.
  5. This team is no where near the team that played at Bishop Brossart. They were thin to start the year and the injury bug bit. They will struggle the rest of the year.
  6. That is to start year. Ended with upper 20's to lower 30's.
  7. With the few bodies they have had it will be a very tough schedule.
  8. I think need to find more players this year, in lower 30's at the end of the season. Traditionally, they are upper 40's and 50's.
  9. If Trimble goes to 1A that works but if they stay in 2A Beechwood would not be put in their district. The district currently has 6 teams(Walton, Trimble, Shawnee, Owen, Gallatin ,and Carroll) and Beechwood would make 7.
  10. Zulager is a tough solid runner no doubt about it.
  11. This could be a possibility but I have heard that Walton-Verona could have numbers to move to 3A.
  12. Depends on which WV team shows up. The injury depleted roster that has been there for most of the year or one that has it's full compliment back. After this week against Trimble County, and next week a bye week, I would image they have their players back.
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