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    Football, reading, grandkids,traveling.


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    retired nurse, active mother and grandmother

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  1. In the end, I am glad Dee won. She was the only “villainess” at the end, but was loyal to a point. Austin was too loyal. I, too, am glad Jake won the fire challenge. He tried so hard and was so inept, he needed that.
  2. Old Fashioned Fudge 2 cups sugar, 4 tablespoons Hersheys cocoa. Stir together in a saucepan. Add 1 stick of salted butter and 5 ounce can of Carnation evaporated milk. Stir until boiling. Keep a boil for 7 minutes, stirring. Remove from heat and add 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1/2 cup chopped walnuts if using. Stir for 3 minutes and pour into a butter dish to set up. Cut into squares.
  3. Katurah and Jake can’t win immunity. Julie, maybe. Jake’s idol is good. He could use it to stay safe or save someone at the next tribal. That gets him to 4. Can he win at fire making? Don’t think so. Julie wins if she takes Katurah and Jake. Dee seems determined to take Julie and Austin. I would be scared to take them, so maybe that move is bold. I’m waiting for Austin’s reaction to Dee’s vote. Either Dee or Austin will win the next two immunities. Who would Dee pick to start fire? I think she takes Julie and has Austin make fire with Jake.
  4. I think Emily is the clear choice. What growth. Drew is the smartest without a target on his back. Dee can win some more challenges and Austin sits around with a grin and all that power. hum!!
  5. They have spent so much time on yellow, we hardly know the other teams. What a mess! I like Kaleb. He really talked Emily off the cliff in a very nice way. I think no matter how far she goes in the game, she has learned something about her abrasive self.
  6. Lots of lawyers, 30 year olds. The only good guy on yellow has a target on his back from that weirdo Emily. She is poison. No favorites yet. It seems like a lot more silly girls and geeky guys.
  7. After All these years, Thanks to @Jumper_Dad, I have an Avatar.
  8. Cottage cheese with tomatoes and green peppers. Cottage cheese with pickled beets. Cottage cheese with pineapple, Mayo and paprika served as a dip with potato chips. Always with fresh ground pepper. Cottage cheese after pancakes and syrup. (Takes the sticky sweet taste away).
  9. Really liked this final and the people. I want to know if @PP92 is going to try out.
  10. Why, oh why, did they not take Caroline out? They talked all around it and then voted Jamie. Stupid! Jamie and Heidi and even Lauren are boring. Caroline can make fire if she survives next vote, then she wins.
  11. If Carolyn can only keep her cool!!! The Jamie fake idol is so funny. The more she protests, the more they don’t believe. Carson was trying to keep his age a secret and Jeff says there will be non alcoholic margueritas for those underage. The puzzles will never be the same again after Carson. I would have voted Carolyn off immediately in the beginning. Now I’m rooting for her to pull out that idol at final council. She and her silly behaviors have grown on me.
  12. I never thought about Frannie being good at challenges. That adds another reason to get her out. Carolyn is still playing like she isn’t playing. Good move on her part.
  13. Caroline may be the most irritating, crazy, lucky, vindictive survivor ever. Is she also smart and the player she sometimes appears to be? Time will tell.
  14. MJA24 so sorry for your loss. I, too, am facing this season without rehashing with my baby sister who passed last year It’s another reminder of our closeness There is one word for the first episode: Paranoia!
  15. You will do sock shoe sock shoe when you get old enough. It’s too hard to bend your knee twice.
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