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Everything posted by MNCM

  1. 5 - GRC 3 - Frankfort 3 - LCA 1- Letcher County Central 1- Danville 1- Madison Central 1- Owensboro 1- Glasgow 1- Meade Co 1- Bryan Station TB- 68
  2. I would love to see it fixed but there is a better chance of winning the Powerball. If everyone is going to play, then they will rotate districts and match-ups will just fallout like they do. (If they don't seed for Boys Basketball - it surely wont happen in VB). If public schools want to have the same success as the privates do, then they will have to do what is nessecary. While your disdain for the public schools is obvious, I will keep supporting all the teams than play (yes - even your team).
  3. I can't believe Shane turned out to be the bad guy. I agree - Daryl is turning out to be a good character for the whole series. Perhaps a relationship for him and the blonde girl? Merle will be back - maybe he finds the little girl?
  4. And BK may very well be correct in the end (Hard to argue with the success of Assumption, NDA, ect..) But there are 13 other regions, and countless schools who deserve the benifit of the doubt until proven otherwise. To just secede that one of these teams will automatically win in any given year isnt fair to all the other young women who play the game. This is why they play the game. Anyway - Congratulations again to Assumption.
  5. That may be the end result, but let's give the other regions a chance to disprove it.
  6. Typical - How about picking all Region winners instead of just the powerhouses?
  7. Congratulations again to Assumption on another State Title!
  8. No one will be able to join you. There isn't enough room for you and your ego. Really making those hard predictions by picking the strongest teams to win thier regions/state is tough. Trying picking the winner of a game that requires a little more backbone.
  9. Congratulations to Assumption! Number 16 is a sweet thing!
  10. GRC by 2 points in a defensive contest. This is one of the better matchups in 6A opening rounds IMO.
  11. Congrats to RC on the win last night. GRC just couldn't get things to click last night. Looking forward to a good week and what will be an interesting matchup against Ryle.
  12. Henry Clay was a BIG win, but as KyTmcNcc said they have been getting better and better over the years. They have built a tremendous program. Congrats to all the other winners yesterday. Looking forward to hearing about all the great matches today.
  13. A great book that gives some light into some of the Zombie questions is "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks. I picked it during a cross-county flight to kill some time. It actually ended up being very interesting.
  14. I will second that congratulations to ALL 16 teams in the Volleyball State Championships. Thank you for all your hard work to get there.
  15. Why would they stop in the foyer on the school after he just blasted out the doors with a Bellini 12-gauge? I think the wife will end up saving them, unless they can figure how to have the woman ride up on the horse again (which was awesome). A lot of good points for zombies whose brains have been turned to mush by the virus can still travel in groups, gather in churches, and manage to sit randomly in vehicles and search RV's. They said they know it was a virus that overwhelmed the CDC/Military/FEMA national epidemic crews, but have the ever given a clue as to where it started (maybe similiar to the movie Contagion)?
  16. Congrats to NDA on the big win. I hope to see you all move on! Proud of the Lady Cards and good luck to all of the Seniors for a great run and memorable season!
  17. 5 - Madison Central 3 - John Hardin 3 - Bowling Green 1 - Danville 1 - Boyd Co 1 - Reidland 1 - Pike County Central 1 - Pike Co Central 1 - Fern Creek 1 - Marshall Co TB 42
  18. 5 - Madison Central 3 - John Hardin 3 - Bowling Green 1 - Danville 1 - Boyd Co 1 - Reidland 1 - Pike County Central 1 - Pike Co Central 1 - Fern Creek 1 - Marshall Co TB 42
  19. Rarely posting on this Forum - this is a subject that is close to my heart. Having done multiple tours in Iraq with the Navy (specifically working Civil Affairs), the Iraqi's are an industrious and energetic people who will make every effort to stand on thier own feet and becoming truly an independant nation. While I have litterally bleed in that country for what I believe was a good reason, it is time for us to go and let the good people of Iraq stand united in the Freedom that they have been given by the 9 yrs of liberation. Looking back at this point of my career and knowing that another deployment (Afghanistan) is looming in the distance, I do not in any way want to see the lives, efforts, resources, and suffering of the warriors amazing work collapse in front of our eyes. I believe the interest in keeping terrorist elements and the Iraninian influences are well worth keeping a close eye on for possible return if/when things go bad. We have been training them for the last 4 yrs. They are ready to stand on thier own. Final note: I don't believe this move is somekind of savior move by our countries leadership. This is something that has long been programmed, and is only used for re-election possibilities. I think this needs to be remember and kept in mind when voting in 2012.
  20. Poor Simon Kenton. GRC @ Ryle should be interesting.
  21. Tough loss for GRC. MC's final two drives were exteremly well executed with only one timeout called. Congratulations to them. GRC played a great game and came up short. Keep your heads up guys.
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