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Everything posted by LC99

  1. I'll pay, its a great league, I would have paid from the start.
  2. And how did he get to that position? After he aleady got the job. Positions are the main thing people look for of course, but how you react after you already have the job is a huge important factor. Things happen over the course of a 4 year, or an 8 year course, which can or should cause positions to change. How Al Gore would have handled 9/11 is a guess on ones part, and that includes Gore himself, because it is easier to say what your going to do from the sidelines, when your not in the game. You can't compare Bush as President to anyone in the last 6+ years, when it is him who has the job.
  3. I'm not going to turn this into an Pro-life or Pro-Choice thread. You can't base a job performance on positions, when everyday in the world there are new challenges. How they handle those new challenges are just as big if not bigger then their views before taking the job. Bush is worship by Republicans as strong on terrorism, when 8 years ago who really knew his position on the matter. To say they would have done a worse or better job is a matter of opinion not fact.
  4. How can you say that President Bush is still the better choice? You can't compare Gore or Kerry to Bush saying that would have done the job worse, when you don't know what type of job they would have done, because they were never in the position. Also at this point you can't say they would have been the better choice either. All you can do is go by what Bush has done. Scary thought I know, that is why if you support him, you have think there is someone out there that would have done a worse job, eases the conscious
  5. Arlington National Cemetery is a very special place, so much history of men and women who have help make are country what it is today. I'm sad that I couldn't make it up their this weekend. I'm very proud to say my father is buried at Arlington.
  6. Don't forget the Dixie Chicks. Exactly my point, you worry about what they say, good or bad. If they speak against they protest to no end, and just keep them in the news crying about it. They speak out for they are ready to run for office, Arnold, Lynn Swan, Fred Thompson. ect. Talk of running in the past Ric Flair, Mike Dikta, Dennis Miller The vast majority of republicans get their news from an entertainer, yes they are obsessed.
  7. Is it time for Republicans to run Elizabeth for Office? Continue to bad mouth Rosie, keep in the news. Again I have ask this before, and never get an answer, but why are Republicans so obsessed with celebrities?
  8. When is the last time Corbin played in a Eastern region? Before the last set up they played in more of a Central Kentucky region since late 80's early 90's. It has been a long time since Corbin has traveled up the Daniel Boone, or Hal Rogers Parkway for a district or playoff game. The last one I can think of was 1990 against Whitesburg.
  9. Frankfort and Danville are very strong and Glasgow is traditionally a good football team. I'm curious who the other 3 teams Campbellsville is playing, I would assume one of them being Taylor Co. Dayton is a class a team that plays out of Beechwood's district. LC will be travelling to Dayton
  10. Lynn Camp non-district includes, Clay Co, Cumberland, Dayton, Harlan, Hazard, Whitley Co, and Middlesboro. This is a good schedule for LC should get them ready for district, which should be a three team battle for the top spot.
  11. Lynn Camp will need to have more production from Sidney Wagner and Kyle Scalf to have a chance at a distict title. Wagner was on the verge of breaking out when he got hurt in the Harlan game. Scalf at 6'4 225+ needs to be more of a force. The return of Michael Hall on the Wildcats O and D line will be a big plus. LC will need strong play from their linebackers after losing both Scott Bray and Justin Gorsuch.
  12. Who is Corbin playing in the pigskin this year? I thought they were playing Danville?
  13. What is Williamsburg's schedule?
  14. I scored a 350. What does Christina Aguilera or Modonna have to do with Politics?
  15. When someone from Hollywood or another type of celebrity wants to run or thinks of running as a Republican, they run right towards them. One thing I have never understood is Republicans obsession with Celebrities, and the comments they make and the things they do either way for or against, I'm mean who really cares what they think. One thing I never understood, is when Rush opens his big mouth, and says something crazy, its oh he is not a journalist he is a entertainer, but a lot of Republicans take what he says as truth, and a lot of things you see on this site and other sites, comes from Rush, so what is the difference between Rush and Hollywood?
  16. Her being electable will depend on who the Republicans run. The GOP hate the Clinton's the way the Dems hate Bush, and with a Country split even in their choices, it will be interesting. My support for President at this time goes with Barack Obama, since Warner has already dropped out.
  17. Well the American people did elect Bush twice.
  18. The U.N. civilian casualty count for last year was announced in Baghdad by Gianni Magazzeni, the chief of the U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq in Baghdad. He said 34,452 civilians died _ an average of 94 a day _ and 36,685 were wounded. But Dr. Hakem al-Zamili, Iraq's deputy health minister, told The Associated Press the United Nations may be using unreliable sources for its casualty count. "They might be taking the figures from people who are opposed to the government or to the Americans," he said. "They are not accurate." He said he would provide Iraqi government figures later this week. In early January, a compilation of Iraqi government figures put last year's civilian deaths at just 12,357. The numbers are gathered monthly by the AP from reports by three Iraqi agencies. When asked about the difference, Magazzeni said the U.N. figures were compiled from information obtained through the Iraqi Health Ministry, hospitals across the country and the Medico-Legal Institute in Baghdad. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/01/17/ap/world/mainD8MMS6SO0.shtml
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