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Everything posted by JCHS_EAGLE_4_LIFE

  1. I don't put to much faith in these Picks.. Everyone that made the list deserved it and there were alot of ones that deserved it that didn't so I'm not going to take too much from this list... Congrats to the Guys that are here from 1st Team to HM
  2. The Power was out for Over 12 Hours Yesterday!!!
  3. I am always at work, Here Seven Days a week... But for $ 10.00 an hour and an easy job. I'll stay here all the time. I enjoy my job most of the time... Plus no one says anything about my Computer usage. I'm always on BGP and Ebay... So its not that bad...
  4. Sounds like fun. Are you getting Double Time or Do they know what that is????
  5. I'll be here all day and then come back for a Christmas Party tonight
  6. Not in my Bank Account. Our Business is suffering along with so many more that we deal with in KY, OH, and WV. The economy is bad, and not going to get any better anytime soon..
  7. Congrats to all everyone who made the list and also to the ones that didn't we know that you went out and played your hearts out and gave it your all.. Congrats to My Boy Shawn Grim from JC... Were Proud of you here in Eagleville.
  8. Prayers from Eagleville, In your time of need RebelK
  9. Never gonna happen even though we all would like to see these games???
  10. I've saw it happen many times. I was never pushed to church it was something I wanted... But the "Preacher Daughter" aka Little Miss Innocent... Wasn't so Innocent when we got into High School, Pregnant with a baby at 16.. Mom & Dad to pushy, it wasn't that they weren't good parents, Just Pushed To Hard... You have to let the kids have a choice now and make an informed decision... Just Remember They Will Be PICKING OUT YOUR NURSING HOME... :flame::eek::fire::cry::jump::jump::thumb:
  11. LBBC, it kind of is Brain washing if a child is burnt out on Religion when they are young they will turn away from it when they get older... Kids do need to get exposed to both world and let them be explained by the parents. But these kids will grow up.. Better for them to see wrong from right while there young.. That doesn't mean I support letting them do what they want, let them experience these movies and then expose them to The Passion. Give them a chance to figure it out while you can help mold them but don't be to pushy in your (views,beliefs,opinions) or it will backfire on you.. I know alot of kids that were done this way and now they are complete thugs, It doesn't always matter how the parents brought them up....:argue:
  12. No, didn't mean it that way I was just putting my 2 cents in. The reason I know is my Better Half (really) did not have her period for a year and they used birth control to regulate her.
  13. Birth Control is not bad.. It is used for other medical needs than to just prevent pregnancy.
  14. Predictions for the 2008 Football Squad.... Any and All Comments Welcome.:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa :flame::flame::flame:
  15. I know I already reply but Whitehouse Church is where I was Saved and Baptised there will always be something special there for me... The Pastor was Ellis Hamilton.. He is also gone on to another church
  16. This Thread is just spreading the anger....... Nothing is getting Solved.
  17. Thats True, but most guys don't become/ show how much of a scum bucket he is until she tells him she pregnant. Thanks
  18. First of all I am not Defending Gooch but the only reason these things are not legal is because the government can't tax them... I really don't think the government cares that much truthfully. And if Illegal Immigrants sent in tax money they would be fine as well... IMO Actually Pros is already legal in Nevada. Check out the Bunny Ranch... I most cases I am against abortion, Like I have said before In some cases I am all for it... When it comes to the Womans Life, The Woman has been Raped,Assulted,Incest. But there are other cases that a woman just can not take care of a baby. Most of these women have abortions because the low life guy doesn't want the kid... It will ruin his life, So if you want the mother be forced to have this child do the same to the man..... Sometimes these women have no other choice. I am pretty liberal also but you have to draw the line somewhere. That and these things are the reason the US is loosing it's hold on the world. We have become evil and There Will Be Another Sodam & Gomorrah Situation Very Soon If We Don't Take Back Control of Our Actions. For the Christians on here we shouldn't be judging one another and shouldn't be condemming those non christians, Its their lifes and we can only lead them to Jesus for there Souls... We need to stop all the Negative Threads and Attacks at other Members. Gooch I am not Judging you but this was a Negative Thread from the beginning and should have never been started if you had a problem just send the guy a PM and don't attack people. Guys we shouldn't attack Gooch either he can life his life the way he wants, it's his life and soul. All we can do is pray for each other and pray for others that don't have the same believes as us... I along with everyone here has sinned. Especially on this thread. We have judged other people and we need to ask for forgivness. God Bless
  19. I cannot tell you the name of Church. But it was with my youth group we went on a Youth Mission to Grand Rapids, MI. We Stayed at a few churches while we worked on Missions. But it was a Christian Reform Church. There was another one we went to for Sunday Services and was recognized for our Missions.. My Home Church where I am a Member. Whitehouse Community Church And Golden Memorial United Methodist Church in Inez All these were wonderful places.
  20. She was also strong in her religion, She said god would take care of her and her baby... Your right it was just my Opinion, but if you would have saw him you would come to the same Conclusion. To lay in a bed, never walk, talk, or be able to do anything on his own.. He suffered through Suizures his entire life, Actually a Grandma Suizure is what finally he succummed to... IMO he is better off where he is now... And as bad as it is to say, he would have been better off to have never been born... All that baby did was suffer. I would have no problem with someone in this situation or someone being raped/sexally molested/Incest or the such. I agree with you on the Women doing it for convience... It is wrong and should NOT be allowed... Congress doesn't need to go as far as a total ban, but have a limited Pro- Choice Plan for Such Things as I mentioned Before. I really don't know/ Haven't decided yet when a life actually starts. I have trouble with this sometimes and hopefully one day I will actually come to some conclusion in my mind. Ok, a child has their rights I understand to some point, but doesn't the parents make the choices for there children until they reach legal age. If a child did/does have rights what are they limited too??? Can they choice to Drink,Smoke, and do other things without there parents. There has to be some kind of line there And I don't know where it is??? :argue:
  21. LBBC, What about the situation I presented??? What should be the course for a woman in that situation????
  22. I am Pro Choice.. I think a woman should have the right to choose. If you want my reason why I'll tell you.. My Aunt Conceived in 1992. She was a Christian who didn't believe in abortion. The doctors told her she was going to have problems during delivery but she wanted to have the baby. Well She Passed away during child birth but the baby lived. He was born with brain damage and Cerebral Palsy ( sorry for the spelling) he died on Thanksgiving day 1997 at age 4. He never had a life all he could do was lay there he had a feeding tube and constant medical attention.. So in my Aunts mind she made the right choice, but what if some woman wanted to save her life by having the abortion shouldn't she be allowed??? If it's Illegal then should she be sent to jail.... I am not for a woman going out with 10 Guys in 1 night. Getting Pregnant, Doesn't care about the baby having an abortion, if she does it just to kill the baby to keep on living her lifestyle she needed tied up and beat with a whip... That is why I'm pro choice..... You cannot Outlaw a woman trying to save her life.
  23. I understand both sides here. I am a Christian and I watch Wrestling also. I have voted and replied about the wrestling matches and see nothing wrong with it. Why does that make you a bad person???? You just have to understand this is not Reality.... Its just like movies... Its all made up. So if you guys the one that started this thread and the first to reply are Christians, I have a question to ask you guys??? Do you watch Movies,Wrestling,Play Video Games, or Fantasy Sports????? Wouldn't most of these be void of morals. I will explain further if need be. If you are a Christian, then why point out a problem you have with someone in a Thread and not just send them a PM.... But it has been Opened so lets see where this goes...
  24. I like that !!!!!!!!!! I'd like to see JC back in the Greenup, Ashland, Lawerence, Boyd, Sheldon Clark district... I miss those good games from the past and the trips weren't that bad either...
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