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10 Good
  1. Kind of interesting that Erik Goetz did not call a time out to draw up something for that side out-of-bounds play. My guess is that most coaches would have done that. Looked like he just called one of their standard out-of-bounds plays and let the boys run it. Obviously a good call by the coach.
  2. Congratulations to Holy Cross! They're having a spectacular year sports-wise, to say the least. It's always nice to bring the championship trophy back to Northern Kentucky.
  3. From everything I have ever heard, Scott Code is a super human being, and from people I have spoken to in basketball circles he is widely respected as a very good basketball coach. This seems like a very bizarre decision by the Campbell County administration. I've always wondered why a school the size of CC doesn't fare better athletically on a consistent basis. Decisions like this make me wonder less.
  4. This is really a shame. Weber and "crew" do a great job. But wait, we now get 24/7 weather from across the Commonwealth. It'll just be great to know when it is raining in Bowling Green! Seriously, do you need anything more than the Weather Channel if you are that interested in weather? If Weber gets the axe, that's a real loss for ICN and for the N. Ky. community. And you watch, despite this cost-cutting move (I don't buy the "better programming for our customers" spin one bit), soon ICN will increase their price again, adding to what is already a pretty outrageous monthly charge. I think it might be time to go shopping for a replacement to Insight.
  5. What is the seating capacity of the Fieldhouse? I hear different numbers all of the time. Also, I am curious as to what the population of Mason County is and what it was when the Fieldhouse was built. Finally, while it is a great facility, I have been there a few times and it is never anywhere near sold out, notwithstanding large crowds. Was there ever a time or times when this facility was sold out? Maybe that was common back in the day when more folks came out for high school basketball games. If anyone can shed some light on these questions I would appreciate it.
  6. Walton is the only Northern Kentucky team to advance in the "A." Congrats to them and best of luck today and in the rest of the tournament!
  7. It is my understanding that the Enquirer simply reports the numbers that are provided to it by the high schools. I do not think that the Enquirer makes any of these calculations. The reason that you do not see players from certain schools is because for one reason or another those schools do not submit their players' stats to the Enquirer. Also, the numbers may not match up to your calculations because you may be counting every game while the school may have submitted their last stats that do not include every game up to the time of the Enquirer's publication. Also, the Enquirer that I received on January 15 shows Thelan's points average to be 21.5 and Bryan's to be 20.7, not the averages that you reported above.
  8. Congratulations and best of luck to this young man. He just may surprise a lot of people at the college level.
  9. Saw that article this morning. Really neat article that highlights these kids' will and perseverence. Those kids deserve all the kudos in the world. Good luck to them and the Colonels!
  10. Mustang's point is very well-taken. The object of the game is to win. In any sport there are varying coaching styles, all of which can be successful. But unless you are going to be blessed with outstanding talent year in and year out, you cannot just throw the boys out there to run up and down and take the first open shot they get and expect to be successful on a consistent basis. Further, and maybe I am in the minority, I think there is much beauty in watching a disciplined, fundamentally sound, hard-nosed defensive team play even if the score is low. The successes of the Brossart program over the last several years speak for themselves for the wisdom of their style of play.
  11. But a difference is that Holmes will be required to schedule all of the D II teams, some of whom may not currently be on their schedule.
  12. Congratulations to this fine young man. Watch for Daniel to have a great year this year for the Eagles.
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