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Everything posted by cooperstown

  1. Heard an audiotape of some radio interview gave yesterday or day before in which he walked out in the middle because he did not like being asked about his recent car accident. I thought it was a bit childish on his part, but have to admit I was very surprised at how well-spoken and articulate this guy sounded during the interview.
  2. It's pretty tough to "re-construct" a past drug deal for prosecution purposes, so I would agree there's not likely to be any charges, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear some names leaked out. Not officially released, but leaked by some inside source with knowledge of the investigation. You'd be surprised how many people are privy to this type of information during an investigation.
  3. Went with the $179 white Dre Solos. Not the $400 Pro ones that she undoubtedly would have preferred and were "definitely worth the money", but think she'll be happy. She also recommended we get the higher grade iPad because that, too, is apparently well worth the added expense.
  4. On my way to Best Buy. Guess I will consider the Solos at $179. Ridiculous for a pair of headphones IMO, but at least on the lower end of the ridiculous scale. No question the kids are all about name brands these days.
  5. I don't necessarily disagree with your last statement, but if you're going to allow such displays, how do you define whether one has a legitimate "religious" premise? Simply because the "artist" says so? I'm not talking about a display involving a religion with which you simply disagree (i.e., Muslim, Buddha, etc). Stealing from Fastbreak's analogy, what if I took a montrous dump and placed it on a pretty red and green board and claimed that it's message was that the true Christian meaning of Christmas has gone to crap. Is this a legitimate expression of my religious beliefs that has some inalienable right to be displayed? Probably same question as Clyde was asking - is something "art" just because the artist says it is?
  6. Looked them up at Best Buy site - they are $79. Just so you know - they are "noise isolating" and not "noise cancelling." Hate to see you embarrassed in front of your friends......
  7. What is brand? I'm told that the "cool" headphones these days are the big fat ones that look like they came out of the mid-80's? (Which makes me like them, though I'm thinking they ran about $7 back then).
  8. What exactly was wrong with the 8-track player systems that they needed to be upgraded?
  9. So amongst the numerous crazy expensive techno-crap gadgets my daughter wants for Christmas are some $400 Dr. Dre White Monster Beat Headphones. She has informed us they are "definitely worth the money" because they have the ultimate "noise cancelling" abilities, which I believe is her way of saying there will be no possible way she will ever again be able to hear us calling up to her room. Unless these headphones come with a large screen TV, new tires for my truck, and tickets to the Super Bowl, they ain't gonna happen. I've noticed that my $15 Walgreens earbuds pretty much cancel out all outside noise when I turn my MP3 player all the way up. Not sure why this isn't also sufficient for her. Anyways, since I am to technologically cutting-edge what Rosie O'Donnell is to hot, I wanted to see if any technogeeks (no offense intended) could answer the following for me: 1) Is there any earthly reason to spend $400 on these headphones? 2) Surely "noise cancelling" abilities of headphones has to be some sort of marketing scam? 3) Can someone suggest a reasonably-priced pair of "hip" headphones for an 18-year old girl? (I would like to say "reasonably-priced" means under $25, but I'm told by my wife if we don't spend at least $150 on these things she'll just toss them under her bed). Also, $500 for an iPad, which apparently is more important to her than oxygen, is a ripoff. Not that I really have a clue what all it does, other than help keep my checking account at a pitiful level.....
  10. Pretty cool on Frease' part and glad to hear Gates apologized. I think it would be huge if eventually Frease and Gates could appear together at some type of charity event. Would do wonders to finally put this entire affair to bed.
  11. Not only that, but they have dropped precipitously over the past five seasons.
  12. Glad things have worked out. Hope the progress continues.
  13. Fair enough. I think I once had teething youngsters also - just hard to think back that long ago...
  14. This will be one of the more ignorant comments I've ever posted on BGP: Michelle Bachmann looked pretty darn good last night. I am not talking about her debating ability BTW. Not claiming she should be in the same Hot 100 list as Jennifer Aniston, but she ain't bad. Just saying .....
  15. So are you expecting the media to cut, edit, paste, judge the apology to everyone else (teammates, coaches, school, students, fans, public)? Or is the Frease/Xavier the only group you would expect them to distort? That's the part of your explanation I don't buy. Heck, if you're that concerned about your apology being twisted, release a written apology. I just think a public (not personal) apology by the teams/involved players to one another now would go a long way to helping heal this situation. I do agree that a personal meeting between the players is a bit too soon. Emotions are still a touch raw for something like that. It would be pretty cool if eventually they could work together at some type of community service event. I think that would restore a ton of good will with the public regarding the Shootout in the future.
  16. Are you referring to Madonna now or Madonna in her mid-80's prime? Madonna now - hideous. Hasn't aged gracefully at all. Madonna in 80's? Pretty hot. Not in the top 50 of my list, but she certainly had her day.
  17. Fair enough. You're in the business so I won't question your knowledge at all. But ultimately, I still think you and GT are making a simple apology way too difficult and conspiratorial. Somehow they managed to get out their apologies to everyone else in the world without any problems, but to add one other person (Frease) or group (XU) would be dangerous to do? Sorry, just don't buy it. Like I said, I liked the apology news conference. I like what Cronin says and how he says it. I think UC overall has handled the situation a little better than XU. I just think they needed to take it the extra step.
  18. Do they have to be read in a certain order? If not, is one of them considered the best? I've never even seen any of the movies. Not really stuff I enjoy, but I am willing to crack open one of the books and see if I might like it.
  19. It would be a little hard to argue he does not have "it" right now. The guy is a proven winner on and off the field. I'm not sure how he keeps winning on the field, but he does it on a regular basis. It'll be interesting to see what Elway can do with him in the offseason.
  20. I just looked him up on Google. I was right, he is a rapper. Or apparently, was. Wasn't aware he died a while back. I still get some props, right?
  21. I am the first to admit I'm not particularly hip. I don't own an "urban dictionary." Barely even know who Tupac is (he's a rapper, right?).
  22. I haven't looked up Webster's definition to know if it matches yours. One of MY personal definitions of "thug" is a "punk with a disrespectful, selfish, all-about-me, 'I don't care if I hurt anyone else' attitude." And lest there be any confusion, as I'm not completely certain to what Habib was referring, it has nothing to do with race.
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