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Everything posted by cooperstown

  1. While much of what Canseco said was undoubtedly the truth and did help open MLB's eyes to the severity of the problem, don't also forget that he was selling a book. Things can tend to get exaggerated when the desire is to increase sales and reach the top of the bestseller list.
  2. Nah. There's not really all that many high-profile, potential HOF-worthy players who are/were under suspicion. No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater . . . .
  3. I think CCH will struggle to control both Russell and Coleman. Ryle by 8.
  4. Interesting that McNamee also claimed that Andy Pettite used steroids and everyone (including Pettite) initially said "no way." Of course, turns out that he did use them. Interesting that McNamee says he injected Clemens' wife and they initially denied this claim, but turns out he did. Interesting that during Clemens' taped telephone call with McNamee, he never once had the guts to come directly out on tape and say, "You know I never did steroids." Clemens did steroids. Heck, just look at his balloon-sized head. And then to make matters worse he swore under oath to tell the truth and did exactly the opposite. The man lacks character. The fact that there were some other players who also cheated by knowingly taking illegal substances is irrelevent. What - because others also broke the rules somehow makes it less wrong? Show me a story in which someone - anyone - claimed that Maddux or Johnson or Griffey or lots of other top-tier players used these substances. There were many superstar-caliber players who didn't have to resort to cheating. The "clean" players were most certainly NOT in the minority and to think otherwise is naive. The ones in the minority were the ones who sought out an unfair competitive advantage over their peers by using banned substances. The "steroid age" in no way, shape, or form implies that everyone in the league was using these substances. Those that did don't deserve the honor to be enshrined in the HOF.
  5. 1) No one downgraded or disparaged Collinsworth's abilities, only that there may have been better options for first-team all-state. 2) Your comment, however, is rather disparaging towards those players. Not to mention silly.
  6. Thanks. So I guess we are in the wrong. I'll blame my wife. Since I probably plan to continue to do this anyways, let me ask this first. Briefly shining a light at a deer does not hurt them (their eyes) in any way, does it? I assume the point of this law was eliminate F&W from having to listen to people explain, "I wasn't really hunting them, I promise. I was just shining a light to look at them." (This, despite the rifle slung over the guy's shoulder).
  7. How many of them are legitimate HOF players? And how many of these players are already in the HOF? Clemens hurt his chances. Very badly. Maybe not forever, but for a long time.
  8. "Most" of baseball are not legitimate contenders to enter the Hall of Fame. "Most" of baseball did not embarrass the country's greatest sport in front of a national audience. "Most" of baseball did not clearly extend their careers and very obviously benefit from taking drugs that knew where illegal.
  9. I would most certainly agree with this. But it does give us something to debate . . .
  10. But could you imagine how utterly confused, complicated, and subjective the process would become if we were to take this into consideration, along with such claims of "if he played for a team that threw/ran more", "if he played against the same competition as . . .", "if he hadn't been recovering from an injury or tried to play through an injury", etc. . . . Stats do simply mean quite a bit when deciding these awards. I fully agree that Collinsworth is a stud and a very good WR. But - regardless of whether he COULD have had better stats under certain conditions - he simply did not have the stats at WR that many other players did. And, IMO, those players are more deserving of this honor.
  11. Who hasn't given him credit? He's good. Very good. And very fast. (And from all I've heard, a great kid to boot). But the stats you have listed above are not first team all-state.
  12. A liar and a cheat who apparently got some "help" acquiring those wins. He'll get in in time, but they'll be a strong backlash against him initially. Hate to root against him since he was one of my all-time pitching heroes, but he lost all shred of credibility and respect with me.
  13. I wouldn't bench MJD. He's getting all the carries this week with Taylor injured and going up against a poor run defense. Slaton has a tough matchup and SJax has been so unpredictable, but I think I'd go with Slaton. At least you know he's playing and won't split carries.
  14. Not first-team all-state numbers. Sorry, I'm sure that'll irritate the HHS faithful and Raiderbird will claim I'm anti-HHS (I'm not), but name recognition meant a WHOLE lot with that selection. Tony Bishop of Campbell Cty. was far more deserving from the NKY area.
  15. So if all goes well, Detroit drafts Stafford and Bengals get the huge OT from Alabama (Smith). Of course, they'll screw it up and win another game and end up drafting Wells.
  16. I love the statement given by his spokesman: "At the end of the day, the top priority for our office is to serve the people, and we have not lost sight of that, nor will we lose sight of that," said spokesman Kelley Quinn, calling it "business as usual" on Wednesday, the governor's 52nd birthday. I mean, seriously, there is absolutely no way the guy can be conducting his job as normal and working for the people of Illinois. Who would even work with him now? He's not only devoid of any ethics or intergity, but stunningly arrogant and selfish.
  17. Her red eyes are very intimidating.
  18. Not a new claim. He made this allegation - which has been corroborated by other sources - during the Congessional hearings. McNamee has about as much moral turpitude as does Clemens. Not that anyone really needed to hear him make the statement about Clemens' HOF chances (or cares), but he is probably right. I certainly hope he is anyways. Clemens has no place in the HOF.
  19. The Bible will not provide you with a specific, detailed plan to get yourself out of debt, what are the best stocks to buy, or if now is a good time to refinance your mortgage. It will, however, provide some strong biblically-based financial principles on which to base your life and spending habits and help put money in its proper perspective. One of the topics in which Jesus is most quoted in the bible is money and wealth and the importance and emphasis one should have on these things. Even if you were to go to or read an entirely secular financial class or book, there will still be overall themes, ideas, platforms, and concepts of investing and debt management presented to you - along with the "nuts and bolts" information. The Bible simply presents these themes and principles from a Christian perspective. (Not a bad perspective to have :thumb:).
  20. Is there a website that tracks the schools that participate in this sport and gives updates on scores/participants/standings/etc? A 202 average is pretty darn remarkable. I have no earthly idea - do any colleges give bowling scholarships?
  21. The final scene in 'Shawshank Redemption' when Morgan Freeman walks down the beach and meets Timothy Robbins. Final words of the movie, spoken by Morgan Freeman: "I find I'm so excited, I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope."
  22. I agree. He wanted specific advice on how to meet his goal of helping his church develop a bibically-sound financial class - not whether such a class was of any legitimate value. The Crown Financial Ministries class you recommended is sound and fits those goals. :thumb:
  23. 45 this year and starting to really feel it. As of 4-5 years ago, I could still put up around 300 pounds and threw a baseball very hard (pushing 80 mph). Five years later and my knees hurt terribly after I run, both shoulders kill me (especially my left thowing shoulder) when I lift or throw, and I have the same problem with my left elbow as Carson Palmer (tendon has pulled away from the bone). Can still whip my 16 year old son, but starting to wonder if in another year I'll be able to back up my threats that he "better clean his room or else" . . . :creepy:
  24. Will try to post some pics of the deer that hang around, but they're usually there in the early evening and not enough light. This year is the first time we've ever seen a buck in our yard (either a 6 or 8-pointer). Pretty cool. I know it's just deer, but I just find it fascinating when they are in the middle of your yard, 20 yards behind my daughter's trampoline. BTW, deer guys - I have a question. We keep a 5 million power spotlight by the deck door to shine out and look for them at night. Someone told me that this is technically illegal even though we obviously don't intend to shoot them. I assumed it was only illegal to spotlight deer if you were hunting. What's the scoop? Also, I frequently put out corn, apples, molasses, etc.. in the back to attract them. Anything wrong with this?
  25. He's not "bad" at all. In fact, he's absolutely a good player. He's just not one of the top 10 players in NKY is all.
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