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  1. There is no reaction by any officer at all until after the arresting officer engages at the second stop that Scheffler made (the one visible in the pole camera video.)
  2. Here is some Zapruder-like fodder. The 4 minute Pole video and the 55 minute dashcam video synch up at around 0:27 seconds and 22:47. You can not see much in either until Scheffler's vehicle comes into view. In the short video a bus still on Shelbyville Road blocks the view of the approach. In the Dashcam video the bus that is stopped in a partial left turn blocks the specific view of Scheffler's approach. Though not directly visible the Dashcam video picks up Scheffler's head lights reflection on the wet roadway at the 22:33 mark and appears to come to a complete stop at 22:36. It appears he likely drove up in the median lane since busses are stopped on the main lanes and there is a bus blocking the lanes coming from the other direction. At 22:45 (12 seconds after coming to a complete stop) it appears he proceeds toward entrance. There appears to be no sudden, unexpected acceleration at all. The last notable from this video is at 22:52 what appears to be the arresting officer is running towards and behind Scheffler's vehicle. He is not being dragged at all but running and is not physical contact with the vehicle. Switching to the Pole video it appears he is chasing and cutting the turning radius to intercept Mrl. Scheffler's vehicle. The interaction in the Pole video last 22 seconds from the time the vehicle stops and two officers start to forcibly remove Mr. Scheffler from the vehicle. They immediately handcuff him upon extracting him, forcibly, from the vehicle. The grassy knoll in the background was not a factor.
  3. While not confirmed, it seems there is no close contact until the detective runs after the vehicle and appears to strike the window forcibly upon initial approach. He seems agitated and aggressive at the onset of this contact.
  4. 44 seconds from contact to start of arrest. Contact is at 32 seconds with officer reaching out to car apparently trying to grab the door handle while the vehicle is in process of braking. Arrest starts at 1:16 with forcible opening of the door. During those 44 seconds the detective clearly reaches into the vehicle for some reason. He also puts his head and upper body inside the vehicle. The vehicle never moves after completing its braking action at the start of the contact.
  5. Either you believe it was dark, raining, confusing in a chaotic situation with an over-reactive and controversial detective doing traffic work or you believe that a new father woke up and decided he was going to go Mad Max on those managing the tournament Friday. The former sounds more likely. A lot more likely. The arresting officer owns a private crash reconstruction business. The incident could be an Interesting way to get your business noticed Its FB site is offline as of now. He also apparently failed to follow body cam rules. There are some comments in some places that he tripped over a speed bump and was mad that that happened. We could see that in the bodycam - if it was on per apparent policy. Some footage of arrest on twitter.
  6. Radars on web seem stuck. Wife uses LEX18 and I use Wonderground. Both are way behind and not updating for some reason.
  7. Old age and treachery overcomes youth and exuberance. Just sayin'.
  8. I just watched Cowherd segment. What I take away after watching it is that under-achieving is survivable. However, becoming an object of ridicule at the national level likely is not. At least not survivable in the longer term. The used-car and snake-oil salesman label is now at a national level. And its not just Cowherd. Other media or talking heads have shown they are now openly critical. Barnhart not taking any questions is a data point that likely indicates he knows he has to look at all options. Did he have a plan for this scenario? Does he trying to make a quick move to maybe steal a potential candidate from Louisville? Can that move happen that quick? It is hard see a knee-jerk firing with out a back-fill identified and named. Being in the same situation as your in-state rival at this point is not a good path. So it is more likely that Calipari stays head coach one more year.
  9. I have never done the medicine balls. That is something to look at to add to keep things fresh. Here is a video showing how the exercise ball and dumbbells can be used for chest presses and flys. This show how a bench is not needed to do some advance things. The content creator is the daughter of neighbors.
  10. When it comes to exercise I never could get used to the social gym settings. So have tried to do it at home. I find that dumbbells (ranging up to 15 lbs), kettle bells (15 and 20 lbs) and the large and small exercise balls form a great foundation. I also have some Nike ankle weights and a low end BowFlex. But that's it. There are lots of tiktoks or FB Reels that show good routine using dumbbells and kettle bells. I found that focusing on squats was a game changer. At some point I realized I could only do 4 total squats at a time. So now I do squats 3 times a week in 3 rounds of 20 reps and recently moved from using 15 to 20 lbs kettle bell while doing them. For some reason this seemed to add impact to the morning work outs.
  11. I took notice of that 9.4 pounds. Obviously, that is tough to sustain. And its not really safe according to some. I think 2 to 3 pounders per week is very doable. 3 to 4 is aggressive but possible. Over 4 lbs. a week over time is very hard. Its definitely not linear. My bet is that as you establish a routine you will see trend. They key is keep from giving any back week to week if possible. I found I could lose 4-5 lbs in one day - all in water - working outside on warm/hot summer day. It is amazing how much water in weight you can sweat out doing yard work on a Saturday morning. Aggressive loss in one or 2 days maybe dehydration in disguise. So keep hydrated! Also, sodium intake will cause variances. It will cause water retention. Have some hot wings for dinner and all of sudden you are 2 or 3 lbs more than the day before. Alcohol will drive up the numbers for a day or two as well. Those days after a visit to BW3s are hard! Find what works, and maybe what does not and move to something else. It's the proverbial marathon and not the sprint.
  12. In May of last year I had my 4th Pulmonary Vein Ablation (PVA) to address a-fib that was persistent. It seemed to work finally and after that I committed to dropping the pounds. I went from around 235 to a low of 206 in 3 months. Things that seemed to make a difference: 1. Eliminating wheat (mostly) from diet. Wife was diagnosed with EOE and wheat (not glutton) was a primary trigger of episodes for her. Her throat would constrict during a meal sometimes - making for scary moments) . So, I just synched up with her diet since it did not make sense to cook two meals anyway. We continue with a very low carb, somewhat carnivore / keto diet. No specific strategy or program but almost no bread, no bagels, no rolls, little pasta. What we do in way of those is glutton-free (usually rice-based). 2. Eliminating the late evening snacking. That late evening spoon of peanut butter and milk had to end. 3. Eating early dinners. In combination with item 2, this led to an intermittent faster period. We would eat around 6 p.m. or earlier most nights. Not having a breakfast until 8 a.m. gives the 14 hours that most say you should shoot for. 4. Basic workout in mornings before breakfast using dumbbells and exercise balls. Working out before breakfast causes the body to get its energy from stored fat instead of recent meal. 5. Walking and swimming. in evenings, usually after dinner. This helps burn the evening calories before they get stored. 6. Eliminated as much processed foods from meals as possible. Frozen glutton-free pizzas are still a weekly or so item though. Look for and eliminate items with high-fructose as sweetener. That means going organic for a lot of things. 7. No soft-drinks. I do water, coffee, tea and small amount (4 to 6 oz) of OJ in mornings. Weight result is noted above (almost 30 lbs in 3 months). Another major data point was improvement in blood glucose levels. I get regular blood work done, and I always tracked above 100 as long as I can remember. Since last summer it has been tracking below 90 the last two cycles. Recommendations include: 1. Be comfortable with being hungry. When you do the intermittent fasting you will feel it if you are used to late night snacking. And you will be hungry when you wake-up. Its noticeable at first. Eventually it becomes normal. 2. Stay in the overall routine and make it a daily routine. But vary what you do inside the routine. Workouts vary each morning. Some nights we would walk, some nights we would swim, some nights we did both. But we always did one or the other each night barring weather. I can tell I am missing the swimming during the winter months for sure. 3. Age makes it harder and it may take longer, but it should not be a limiter to results. At 62, I feel I am in the best shape I have ever been in. Certainly, the best since early college days. And this after 4 PVAs, 17 cardio-versions and a few years of light smoking before that. Along with exercise you will also need to work on flexibility if you are older. Learn the basic yoga moves - they go a long way.
  13. Portal, NIL, playoffs. This not the world Mr. Saban was successful in. And it’s a different world. I am not say old dogs can not learn the new tricks. But do you want to? It seems like a good time to do a Jimmy Johnson and enjoy some life.
  14. The finishing cast from the first juror to the end seemed good. There was no villain. Maybe that was missing. They will need to better screen going forward. The early on quitters and almost quitters were a turn off.
  15. Jake fumbled the trible. As soon as he tells Austin he lost a great opportunity. He could have done a good rope-a-dope and lured all the votes to him and he could have gotten what he wanted. Now that final immunity is done I think we have a winner at this point.
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