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Everything posted by Give&G083

  1. Manual got out to a great start in the 1st qtr. But teams went back and forth most the rest of the game until Montgomery had to start fouling.
  2. I believe WMST 1150 AM and 107.7 FM will be carrying all of the boys and girls 40th District and 10th Region games.
  3. LCA is a different team without London this year, she was such a dynamic player and the Lady Eagles don't have anyone close to replacing what she brought to the team. Montgomery Co. on the other hand lost an outstanding player in Danis but replace her with 2 or 3 players that bring a lot with size, and athleticism. Montgomery Co. can guard and score on anyone. They are like chameleons, they can adapt with any kind of style of play. A very tough team for anyone to have to play, but Bourbon Co. will be an interesting first round district match up considering they split with Montgomery in the regular season and have confidence going into that match up. Hey, it's almost March Madness, anything can happen.:dancingpa
  4. It still falls in GRC's administrations lap, they knew since re-districting happened that they would be hosting this year. It should've never been an issue.
  5. That makes too much sense Cardinal Fan, but then again they would get that extra night at the gate, haha!
  6. I've heard a similar thing, that the gym is reserved for a musical or something. Don't know anything else.
  7. Webb didn't play and that is scary, Mason Co. defensively can't match up with Montgomery Co. The 40th district teams can match them better. Chambers is the the only one that can provide relief in the middle for Mason Co. against Montgomery Co. They put on a clinic in the high/low game in the second half. Not that Mason Co. can't beat Montgomery Co. but it's gonna take alot of things to happen for it to happen. Their best chance may be for someone else to knock Montgomery Co. off, because they just don't match up with them well and that is a major factor in basketball. Montgomery Co. is a big team inside and Jehlik and Colliver showed they were the difference in the ball game.
  8. I believe my earlier statement was taken out of context. I wasn't saying Montgomery was going to win the Region just because they've played the tougher schedule, that would be ridiculous of me or anyone else to say but what I am trying to say is Montgomery has virtually played a season full of big games and that sometimes takes toll on teams over a long season and playing Bourbon Co., a team that they hadn't lost to in some time, a well coached team with 2 outstanding players, that they may have been overlooked and it didn't affect Montgomery's seed in the district at all. Montgomery had already lock up the #1 seed. Montgomery is the team with the target on the back night in and night out in this region. So anyone that thought I was punching Montgomery's ticket to Bowling Green took my statement out of context. By the way Montgomery beat Sacred Heart at Sacred Heart tonight just proof that they still are a top notch team to win at their place.
  9. All In, the Bourbon Co. floor isn't a hardwood surface, it is what they call a "Tartan" floor which is a synthetic rubberized surface. It's very unique and some players have said they didn't like it, some believe it helps them jump better, so on and so forth. A floor burn is a floor burn regardless the surface! Haha!:flame:
  10. Montgomery Co. also has a makeup date with Henry Clay on Thursday. Montgomery Co. sounds like they still won't be at full strength as Webb may be out longer. Also the regular season match up in recent years hasn't meant much of anything because Mason Co. has had success each year in the regular season only to lose in the regional tournament. It's usually always a good show between these two teams however. The 4 best players in the region will be on the floor in Cline, Chambers, Lee and Prewitt. Should be a great show.:ylsuper:
  11. A great ball player and an excellent young lady, congrats to her on this great accomplishment.:dancingpa
  12. Yes, Randall played at USC after high school and had a good career there, I think she was at the Montgomery Co. game tonight. I remember the name from Estill Co. it was Jessica Puckett, she was on those good teams in the late 90's into the new millenium. Yeah can't forget Fleming or Bath Co. , years gone by.
  13. She is a sometime starter or first off the bench! She is a beast of an athlete!
  14. It's a hand injury I believe, she had it wrapped tonight and I think it's on her shooting hand!
  15. Wow, there have been some huge statements made about the Lady Indians on here tonight. Granted they didn't play their best tonight and Bourbon did everything they needed to to pull off the upset but their are some big statements being made about how good they really are. Let's take a look at the Montgomery Co. resume so far: 5-1 in district play Have beaten: E-town, Mercy, Notre Dame Academy, Shelby Co., Simon Kenton and Clay Co. losses: Dunbar, Lex. Catholic (twice, both at Cathoic), Pike Central and Bourbon Co. all on the road. Tonight they were without a key player in Webb that would've been a great help on Norton or Livingood. Now someone put up a comparable resume for another team in the region. I have to take up for the lady Indians on this one, as good as Mason Co. is there is no comparing the strength of schedule and results at this point. Now we will get to see the head to head match up next week but I don't think that Webb will still be available then so we may never know unless the teams are fortunate enough to make it to Regional play and match up again but at this point no one can question the Lady Indians or their toughness. They've played more top teams then most teams play in two or three season with much success. Coach Robinson is doing a fine job considering the pressure that has to be on her to excel. Now tell me another team in the Region that comes close to that resume and
  16. I agree on Clark Co. getting on the ball to nominating players for their school. Montgomery Co. has a few that should be nominated from their past such as: Jenny Randall Daphne Scott Sophia Renfro Contributor Billy Whitaker Raymond Parker Dan Manley(he is already in on the Boy's side but does all things Mont. Co.) St. Pat: Coach Jerry Ormes GRC/Harrison Co. Coach Larry Allison Harrison Co. Ronnie Herrington Libby Purcell Meghan Gray(When eligible) Brooke Faulkner(when eligible) Bourbon Co. Anya Hawkins Don't know if former schools are eligible but Estill Co. would have a few: Toni Stevenson Jessica (I forget her last name right now, it will come to me later) Paris Terrence Brooks When I think about this more I will come up with more but there needs to be someone for each school that can go back and not forget the people in 70's and 80's for their school before just putting in the more recent players!
  17. I hate to be a coach basher but this team hasn't performed to expectations and if I was a GRC fan, I would be upset with where the program is right now. With the history of that program and being the largest school in the 10th Region, you have to blame it on the coaching. This isn't his 2nd or 3rd year with the program, so you can't buy that as an excuse and only so much can you blame on the players not performing when you've been there that long. Part of coaching is earning/demanding respect and building team chemistry along with putting players in positions to succeed and you just don't see that. When you look at the successful programs in the region and the state for that matter those coaches exhibit that or at least much of that. I agree that GRC is usually prepared going into games as to what to expect from a scouting standpoint but that is the only strength that I've seen as being consistent all the rest is suspect.
  18. Mason Co. is more noted for their ability to put a great amount of points on the board than their defense. It's been the one thing that has caused them problems over the years in my opinion. Holding them to 63 pts. sounds like a good job by Highlands. Usually if Mason Co. scores 70 plus they will win.
  19. Should be some interesting match ups and strategies in this game. Both have a Big 3, Catholic with Novosel, Green and Wilson and Mason Co. with Chambers, Cline and Litzinger! Catholic role players may be a little stronger right now and have more big game experience, that may be the difference. Mason Co. better take care of the ball or it could get ugly, they make you pay for mistakes made, that's a Catholic trademark, year in and year out! This game on paper could be a 4 popcorn bag rating!
  20. This just validates the strength of he 40th District compared to the rest of the region. Tony Sosby a good guy and an excellent coach has now put Clark Co. behind the 8 ball in the seeding race with that loss. Clark Co. already has two losses in the district, that is huge.
  21. My point is not to bash him either, but when his biggest win is a regular season game and all the others mentioned have either had big wins or has done a lot with little resources, it is hard to put him in that conversation. I think Sosby is a good coach because he hasn't had the type of talent as some of the others but he keeps his team competitive. True has the resources and the closest he's come to doing anything with it was the loss to Mason Co. in the Regionals. If it hadn't been for a couple really bad calls by an official in that game that would've been his big win that could've put him in that conversation but in my mind I have a hard time putting him there as is.
  22. I don't want this to sound like I'm bashing but when you challenged the idea that True is that much better than Geiman and she has made it to the Championship game then I have to say something. Not that True isn't a capable coach but what is his biggest win while at Clark Co.? Albeit Geiman is young but you can't take away her early success. My biggest problem with True is the handling of the players. It's obvious certain players do whatever they want. I can't imagine that would happen under Whitaker, Brooks or Sosby for that matter. Coaching is more than x's and o's, it's about making a decision that is better for the overall team chemistry and not stroking the egos of players for the sake of having their athletic ability on the floor. That's my biggest problem with True. I'm sure he is a great guy and I've seen him out scouting the opponents on many occasions but what good is it if players don't respect him as it seems at times some don't. This is totally my observation and opinion so don't get bent out of shape if you are a fan of Coach True or the Lady Cardinals.:argue:
  23. I would have to know what kind of team I had before committing to any one coach. I think Coach Whitaker might intimidate some players and that could be a problem. Some players respond well to that others don't so it would depend on my teams personality as to whom I'd pick but he definitely get top consideration. The team would be prepared for sure.
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