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  1. Well maybe not him but someone attached the picture of the Highlands players watching in awe of CCH warming up in the first matchup. Still trying to figure out how the HHS coaches said it. “Hey boys, let’s go watch CCH warm up and see how Champions do it.” Honestly, not that long ago, other teams use to emulate the Birds. Not so much anymore. But hey, good luck to the Birds this week. For some, Sat can’t come soon enough!

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  2. 2 minutes ago, GottaLuvFootball said:

    And it was strange to see Highland sitting around while CCH ran their pregame.   Highlands just did some warm up at the last minute.  Pregame at home first?

    Yeah that picture came from a parent that took it before the game. Strange like you said. I guess what they have been doing the last 4 or 5 years against CCH wasn’t working so coaches thought they would do something different for this game. IDK just confused. Oh well, maybe they have another Boone Cty team on the schedule for next week. Get back on track. Go Birds!!!

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  3. Just got word the the pick is in. Highlands will be announcing a new AD in the very near future. From what I've gathered from conversations, now albeit 6' away and with masks on, so maybe my info isn't all that accurate, but approx. 50+ applied for the opening. Whoever accepts the position will need to be ready to get it cranking with things starting to open back up. We will wait and see!

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