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just 4 fun

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Posts posted by just 4 fun

  1. I know Heath is a decent team, but, this score is still surprising to me..I'd have expected Trigg to win handily in this one...What has happened to Trigg in recent weeks...If Heath were to pull the upset, Trigg could be looking at not even making the playoffs with a 3rd district loss..

  2. You've got to put Marshall Co RB Alan Williams somewhere in the mix...The guys already got 23 TDs in 6 games and most of thats been in one half or 3 qtrs a game, because of some of there lopsided wins..Being in the far west will hurt his chances, but, if Marshall Co can make some noise in the playoffs, don't be surprised to see his name surface..

  3. And yet, they still managed a big comeback to beat Lake County ...


    Yep...and it was still an upset like I said...For the record, Union City has lost a couple of key players, one during the Lake Co game and 1 during the Westview game..I know a couple of players don't make a team, but, when they're key players, it does hurt and at a class a school, hurts some more than others..

  4. Bottom line ... Lake lost to Union City, which was pounded by the good teams on their schedule. Lake looks like a decent team, but I doubt they would give Mayfield a real battle.


    Yes they did, but, they also blew a large lead. They were up like 28-0 at one point in that game and Union City beating them was an upset, which happens sometimes...I believe they would beat UC big if they played again..UC has talent every year, but, they're down a little this year..

  5. I didn't say that Lake County wasn't very good, only pointing out that they're not nearly on Mayfield's level.


    I think the Cards would handle Lake Co., but, it would be a close game. Traditionally, Lake's not on Mayfields level, but, probably closer than you'd think, this particular year..


    And since Fulton County was beaten soundly by Lake, it's a sign that they probably won't be as competitive with Mayfield as you seem to think they will be.


    I picked the score 35-14, so, I think the Cards win fairly big..I only said that FC may keep it close for awhile, but, the Cards superior depth will prevail..

  6. Lake County's last two wins ... 41-12 over West Carroll and 35-13 over Halls. Those two teams are a combined 1-10. Lake also beat Fulton County 38-13, a very comparable score.


    Union City, which beat Lake, has three blowout losses ... one was 52-7 to the Milan team that Mayfield handled in a preseason scrimmage.


    Key word to the Milan victory is scrimmage...Milans playing exceptionally well right now and there only loss was an opening game loss to 3a #2 state ranked Crockett Co, whos been very impressive...The West Carrol and Halls games you're referring to are region games that they have to play...If you'll do some research on both of those, the scores were very lopsided at the half and the starters were pulled in the 3rd qtr..Fulton Co was more competitive then those 2...


    I guess if your point is that Lake Co isn't very good, I'll have to disagree..

  7. Being a Admiral fan I like charlie Perry,but I love listening to the guys calling the game over at Mayfield especially the X Coach for Mayfield!


    Your talking about Paul Leahy...He definately bleeds Black and Red...I love listening to him and PBPMAN...They can get me rolling, at times.. You have to understand though, Coach Leahy has spent many years in the Mayfield program as a teacher, Asst Coach under Jack Morris for over 20 years and then was Head coach from 93 to 98, before retiring, so, i guess he has a right or maybe an obligation to show a little homerism...

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