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Everything posted by BigBlueFreak

  1. He has to get rid of that lazy streak he has or he'll be another Crawford.
  2. Oh you know how things are here...
  3. Numbers are on 32 and letters every where else...they hung these little green signs up in the middle of the stoplights.
  4. Did you notice that we now have numbers on letters on our stoplights:lol:
  5. I went to B-Dubs last night for a bit and it was pretty dead...at least when i was there.
  6. I hope UGA's punter brought his PSP, he's going to be very bored tonight...
  7. I hope Hawaii blows up and wears them out...it would make my evening to see the SEC lose another game...
  8. Me too...it's been the longest week and weekend and it's only Tuesday...I've drove over 600 miles from Friday to Sunday...
  9. I'm starting to wonder if you really work as much as you say you do:lol:
  10. What is Fall of Man like and how does it compare to Call of Duty? What one do you prefer?
  11. UK better be ready this weekend or the OVC is going to be added to the list of conferences that have beat an SEC team this year.
  12. It's nice to see one team from the Bluegrass state is doing good in the national spotlight!
  13. :lol:...it doesn't bother me too much, I'm a pretty sporadic person but this I'm not coping too well with...
  14. Thanks man, I wasn't trying to be a turd or anything just isn't a real good way to say it. What else is on your plate? The job situation taking a bad turn?
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