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Posts posted by oldrambler


    Says he's been accepted at Manhatten HS in Manhatten, KS. Also said that his coach/guardian is soon to be named by Huggins as the Director Of Basketball Operations at Kansas State"[/i]

    If this is confirmed, how convinient for Kansas "thuggins" State University.:sssh: :p At any rate, I do hope the kid has sucsess and gets away from these AAU crooks.

  2. Gosh, this would just be an ever increasing degree of madness:scared:


    If true, I find it depressing that this talented young man (I think he's 18 now?) continues to bounce around and seems to have no stable influence to turn to OR is willing to listen to?:confused:


    I know the interest level in phenoms is higher than ever but we have seen lots of super talented individuals who are grounded enough that they aren't pulled into the orbit of selfish ideals and behaviors.:thumb:


    I don't mean to attack the player but I am attacking the system that allows, creates, and/or perpetuates this type scenario :fight: - and adults are an important part of it. Once an athlete turns 18 he needs to decide what path he wants to follow. I hope they eventually use some good advice on that path.


    Woody Jr

    I agree Woody, (great minds do think alike, don't they :D :D ) I sincerely wish the kid well (no matter what certain "expert" posters think) and I do agree that O.J. himself needs to decide what path to follow. In todays world especially,all teenagers and not just O.J. are faced with pressures of all types. There are only two choices imo, the right choice or the wrong choice. At some point you have to live life and make decisions for yourself and not ones that benefit some "leech" that only wants to benefit off of your talents and sucsess for their own gain :fight: or person's that are basking in your sucsess and wanting a piece of it or the popularity that comes with it :rolleyes: , these people are almost as bad as the "leeches" I spoke of in living off of someone else's talent . If a person (no matter what age) is doing the right things and making every effort to do so things usually fall into place. Everyone has "bumps" in the road and bad decisions. To me it is how you come out of those situations and learn from them is what makes you :thumb: . An athlete as talented and gifted as O.J. needs imo walk above reproach and make every effort to do the right things. That may not sound fair but someone is always watching and waiting for them to screw up. Again, I honestly wish this kid luck and sucsess but imo he nees to make better decisions than the ones he has been making.

  3. Oldrambler, I always assumed from your name that you were tied to Raceland. Nonetheless, it was not my intention to upset you but, instead, to state what I believe to be the obvious. By your hostility, I assume I hit a sore spot.


    I will be the first to admit that I am an unabashed supporter of Ovinton. That should surprise no one. Unlike most who post about Mayo, I actually know him. I don't have to look to heresay in developing my opinion.


    None of us fully realize the pressure that has existed for this young man since the seventh grade. I know for a fact, as do a very few more on BGP, of the enormous temptations that he has faced. I also know that he has never been and, to this point, still is not in control of his destiny. I won't go into any detail because I am, again, ath the NMB library and my 30 minutes on this computer are down to 6 minutes. However, those few who know the full facts know of what I refer. Let's keep in mind that Ovinton is eighteen years old. He is still a kid. A kid who is allowed to make very few of his own decisions. I seriously doubt if any of us could do better if faced with similar circumstances. I certainly couldn't.


    I say we should be a little less critical. It actually appears that many enjoy his problems. Their praise and good wishes appear to be superficial and insincere.


    Say what you will, oldrambler, but Mayo is obviously the best to ever represent a school in this area. Even you must, if honest, admit that.

    Dear scooterbob, You did not upset me at all, like I said it takes far more than a h.s. kid to really upset me, I tend to not live my life through them. My question on the O.J. saga was more related to the persons that he has obviuosly chosen or that someone has chosen for him to direct his future. It seems to me that these people are noting but scum of the earth vultures that want to make a name for themselves off of his talents. This is pretty sick if you ask me. If you know O.J. well then maybe you could talk to him personally and maybe help steer him in the right direction bc the one he seems to be on now, to me anyway is definately one that could cost the kid a great future. Just a couple of examples of this that come to mind are M. Clarrett and the younger Vick brother at Va. Tech. Wether you want to belive it or not I am not against the kid at all, I have openly said that I wish him sucsess. That is not an insincere comment - I don't get a kick out of bashing h.s. kids. IMO no 18 yr. old is in control of their own destiny, that imo is what mentors, close friends that have the kids best interest in heart, coache that are not trying to advance their own stature off of his glory and parents are for. As for you question/comment on I would have to admit that he is the best to ever come out of this area or represent a school form this area - he definately is one of if not the most talented, others that I can think of right off hand arethe Lynch boys from Ashland, D. Rigsby and J. Hall from Fairview, T. Roberts, a couple of the Hensleys at Russell. To me anyway the "best to ever represent a school in tis area" goes beyond what they do on the hardwood or playing field. It just seems to me that some of the decisions that are being made for this kid are not in his best interest and like I said, could ruin a very bright future in athletics for him. What does somewaht upset me is some people that seem to be mind readers and can say what I mean by a certain statement or question that I might have when they don't know me, what I go through on a daily basis or what my motives are or are not. So scbob, you did not "hit a sore spot" or cause hostility as you called it on me, so my advice to you would be that if you know O.J. like you say you do to use some of you efforts that you put forth on bgp defending O.J. (when no one imo is really bashing the kid himself) and use them to help him with some of the advice / bad advice that he seems to be recieving from people that help make his decisions.

  4. It is always nice to be missed, oldrambler. Thank you for mentioning me. I am presently down here in NMB attending to more pressing matters. However, I did find time to come by the local library to catch up.


    I continue to be amused by the level of animousity toward Ovinton and Billy- particularly Ovinton. I could cite another more current example in our mousity towards O.J.area of one who has been rather controversial lately. Yet, I see no mention of him or his escapades on BGP. Ovinton, of course, is viewed differently although he has been gone from this area for over three years.


    I can only conclude, as I believe most honest observers would conclude, that many are still haunted by the "Ghost of OJ". I see that our good friend, onetoya, brings up the transportation issue again. He does this on a regular basis. I'm relieved that all of the athletes at his school are residents of his school district.


    All in all, Ovinton was the best basketball talent to ever play in this area. That is undisputable fact. And that, my friends, is the problem. He wore Rose Hill colors and not those of your school. That is the heart of the problem, isn't it?

    I knew that you would be back - :laugh: As for the problem that I (for one) may have in being "haunted" by th ghost of O.J., it takes alot more than a h.s. kis to get me shook up. As for him not wearing the colors of my school, I would assume that you are talking about Ashland in which that seems to be the ones that you have the biggest problem with. I do respect Ashland, but that is not my alma mater or team. So you would be wrong again. As for animousity towards O.J., there is none there. The kid is an unbelievble talent that I do wish gets his priorities straight and is a sucsess. O.J. is definately one of the better talents to come out of this "tri-state" area but as far s being the best imo remains to be seen. There have been several players from all area schools down through the years that have went on to college ball and have been a sucsess in life afterwards. I do hope that O.J. can be one of them, imo he needs to surround himself with better people than the scum that seems to be representing him now. So, scooterbob you have been wrong on just about every accusation / point as far as my stand on things and/or the reasons for them. Please don't try to spin someone else's comments to make your position look better.:D

  5. I may have to disagree this time Rambler(that happens so infrequently:p )


    Many if not most of the colleges are/have/can/seem to? behave as patheticly as the rest of these people.

    It's just that the NCAA & schools have such wonderful PR mechanisms in place;) Like at post-game interview sessions when they issued the directive that all players MUST be addressed as "student-athletes" :sleep: :lol:

    I wonder if they provided puke buckets for all the sportswriters in attendance?



    caveat - I know I'm using a really wide brush in some of my statements, but I'm basically addressing the overall picture


    Woody Jr

    That is o.k. Woody :D .I respect your opinions on bgp as well as anyone's. Now that the "suckin up" is over :laugh: I am sure you are right about some universities are the same as these "leeches" that we speak of. I just thought that in would lessen the interest of some schools bc of all of this circus atmosphere surronding Mayo. I will still get a hold of you if I get any OSU / Pettry tickets - don't look for any to be available though :lol: :lol: . Besides Woody, I am married so I am very well used to being disagreed with :laugh: :laugh: , you are cetainly not the first one to question my opinions !:lol: :lol: . Even though they have some grey in them, I still like the old OSU jersey's better and I still hate the "black" U.K. baseball jersey.:flame:

  6. I'd like to see Majo play for a different shoe team (whoops, I mean AAU team) each weekend and drive these low life slime balls into insanity as soon as possible.


    It's just pathetic what all this has become:fire:


    Woody Jr

    :thumb: I agree 100% also Woody, It is a pretty pitiful human being that has to make a circus out of a very talented h.s. kid. :madman: By the time all these scum buckets are through there imo will not be a college that will take a chance on the kid.:fire:

  7. :thumb:

    I could not agree with you anymore. I think that AAU does a decent job of displaying athletes. However, I just think that it destroys an individuals unity with their high school teams. :irked:

    I love high school basketball but I too think that it is being destroyed by AAU because I feel that there are too many outside influences in the AAU. :rolleyes: Its getting old.

    Well said, it does seem to be becoming a problem.

  8. Be ashamed if you wish, but there are plenty of people, not only at Ashland, that believe that providing transportation to kids outside their district, not to mention out of state, is an unfair advantage. I guess it would be okay to send a Boyd County bus to Huntington and South Point to pickup a few kids:rolleyes:


    :thumb: Very well said!:thumb:

  9. Not really, He only had 14pts (I was being more tongue in cheek- as usual!). Marques and OJ did most of the damage. Were you there???


    BTW - That was a nasty roster in 03!!!:eek:


    Oj, Marques Dawson, Billy Walker,Zach Gillum, Michael Taylor,, Matt and Marcus Thomas, Mark King!!

    Austin Blair, Alex Baker didn't even play! Daniel Watts, Codey Gillum played about 30secs.


    Most were really young but dang!!!!! BTW I will repeat, Marques Dawson was one heck of a player that never really got his due!!!

    I was just saying that him along with the others put Raceland away:thumb: , not him alone - I said that wrong.

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