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Posts posted by oldrambler

  1. This goes back to what we were saying in other posts about how fast kids can change and improve in playing ball. Seems like Racelands kids have been eating their wheaties!

    Looks like that they have, I was just informed via pm from someone that would know that I was right about the Raceland youth state title teams. One of them had a girl on it that is now a 6yr. starter for the Lady Rams softball team. Was also informed that they (Raceland youth) had beaten BC on it's way to the title. I remember watching the kids in some of those years, both Raceland and BC were VERY good. I am just hoping with still cautious optimism though, I know that I have seen a few years in the past that Raceland had a very good team, almost dominating the regular season only to lose in the first game of the district. Baseball imo is a sport more than any other where you just never know, walks, a few errors here and there and you are beat.

  2. i do agree that numbers are a huge help if they are quality numbers not just warm bodies standing on the sideline or making for a big team picture.

    JB here in "Ram Country" football is all about PRIDE:ylsuper: . From the community to the faculty, administration and players not only on the varsity level but all the way down to little league (jfl). The coaches and players dedicate themselves to a winning season each year and possibly a state championship. Though we have been as a former coach used to say "Beechwood aged" with Beechwood knocking us out of the playoffs so many times. The Raceland footbal program is not all about the numbers and as you say "a great team picture". I think that the numbers show the amount of continuing pride in the Ram program. Key word again is PRIDE. Raceland has lost most years in the 1st or 2nd round of the playoffs but that has not taken away from the players work ethic. I believe that we have 17 district championships and been in appoxamately 4 or 5 region finals (before the playoffs were expanded). I can't guarantee how many wins each year but I can guarantee that the Raceland football players and coaches will not be outworked. A lot of people don't know or realize what kind of dedication that it takes to have a program with a winning tradition, not only at Raceland but Ashland and Russell in our area immediately come to mind and places like Beechwood and Newport Catholic know what it takes. I don't know what h.s. team that you support if any but it just really:irked: me when someone (not just you) post something that seems to try and find fault or something wrong with these kind of programs.

  3. My goodness, what is wrong with this team? The offense has been a non-factor the past few games and the players seem to be not meshing right...


    I just hope they don't play like this in district's. :scared:

    Raceland is 21 and 8, could it be that they just got beat by a better baseball team? This group at Raceland is basically the same group that had won a couple of state championships in youth (aabc) ball. I know that they won one and think that I heard that they won a second one a couple of years later, not sure. the year they did win the state they finished (I think) 6th in the nation in winning a couple of games in Atlanta that year. They have been taught fundamentals of the game from day one.

  4. As I was saying OldRambler, the first guy I'd take is that big tall guy in the dugout

    Woody Jr

    From the improvement in the Rams pitching staff he certainly is a plus to the program.:thumb:If I am not mistaken I believe that at one time this season they had a string of some thing like 6 consecutive shutouts and 7 out of 8 were shutouts by the Rams pitching staff.

  5. Goliath, Stephen Crisp was like a son to my husband and I, He was my son's best friend, and was a permanent fixture in my home for the past few years. Your comment was not only misguided but it was incredibly thoughtless. Did it occur to you that someone in his family or someone very close to him might read your inaccurate post? Well, someone did and that someone is me. This should be a forum for remembrance of Stephen and his abilities as an athlete, whether you competed with him or against him, NOT a place to speculate on the cause of his death. It is unconscionable to me how people assume to know details and start rumors when the truth is that Stephen's autopsy report will not be back for at least two weeks, possibly longer. And that information, my friend, will remain within the family unless they choose to release it. Please show respect and restraint when posting on such a painful, difficult topic. We are the Gregg family and we miss our "son" very much. Thank you

    Great post coacheswife, I as you can tell by my name I am a fan,alumni and suppoprt a big rival of Fairview. This goes way beyond rivalries and the like. Again may God bless and comfort his family and friends in this time of pain and grief. I really didn't mean to post on here again but I just hate to hear it when a kid passes way too early in life. Although I can't speak for goliath I would surely think that he didn't mean anything malice by his post. Anyway, may God bless the family and friends of Stephen Crisp.

  6. Though this is a tragic and sad time for Stephens friends I just remembered a thought that was told to me during some of my personel time of greiving over people that I have cared about. He will suffer no more of any of the problems that he might have had, GOD has a plan for everything in his Kingdom of Heaven. While it is hard to understand for us everything happens for a reason I really believe that. Through this tragic death a lot of young people will hopefully come together as one and will be stronger because of it. Prayers continue for his family and friends.


    I have a related question .........

    We see so many discussions of the combines that seemingly have sprouted up so much. Also, every level of recruiting from the NFL down seems to be putting more and more significance on those "measurables".

    Primarily we see bench repetitions(185 for HS?), shuttle time, 40 time, standing jump? and what else???


    Anyway, can someone tell me what speed & agility components we incorporate daily/weekly? Do we maxout similarly with "tests" or something?


    Also whether we make the standard combine drills a part of our regular workouts? - especially since that seems to be something that recruiters, scouts, coaches, bloggers, BGP'ers, etc use for comparison to every other athlete competing on the same level.?


    How bout it??? Anyone ??


    Woody Jr

    Hey Woody, I know that Raceland incorporates a lot of this "combine" type stuff in their workouts. They change depending at what pont in the practice seasons that they are in (spring, summer, fall,etc.). From what I understand they do what is caled plyometrics, this concentrates mostly on the core area. They do of what is called "shuttle drills" and incorporate weight training in with it. Besides the usual weight program they do a lot of "dips, squats.etc." and the premise behind this is that strength comes from the core area. A lot of "explosive type" drills are worked in. A good friend of mine who's son recently signed with Campbellsville told me that he (the son) was recently contacted by Coach Deaton at CU and was sent a workout schedule that he wanted him to do for the summer. This program is almost all of these combine type drills concentrating on the core area also. A combination of weights, sprints,combine drills are included in the workout.

  8. Very tough loss, it is no secret that the Cats are already "thin" in numbers and talent. This just makes it worse. On the other hand, if the kid didn't have enough respect for team policies / rules we don't want or need that kind of attitude no matter how good he is or how much that he could have helped.

  9. Good sermon coach. Life is so fragile.



    Heavenly Father, I pray that Stephen’s family and friends will feel your presence and be strengthened and comforted by your love. Please keep them in your watch care during this time of tragic loss. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

    :thumb: :thumb: Thank You graybeard and Amen.

  10. I was told yesterday that Coach Snyder at Marshall has offered his old high school coach a job coaching ends. My buddy also said that as a result of Coach Lutz resigning that all but 3 football coaches have quit, and most every other coach for nearly all of the sports at the school. I guess the people in Ironton are calling for Parker's head on a platter and have called a special board meeting at Tank's Memorial Stadium for next week.

    That would not suprise me one bit being from a small community that is crazy about football myself I can see this happening.

  11. If this is an accurate quote in SI, than another perfect example of adults putting money first and the student-athletes best interest....near the bottom.


    Mayo and Walker would have mad ANY team a national contender, brought in enormous fan support, school needed revenue but my question is this....who has served their own interest better, the players, school officials or call it a draw.


    This is not the last chapter in this book, probably about middle way through....:sssh:


  12. Where did this info on the # of players come from???

    This info came from someone who is very familiar with and close to the program. These #'s are verbal commitments from kids who said that they would be at the first workouts. Do I look for all of them to stay, no. That almost never happens no matter what school it is. What I was reporting that it is a significant number of kids in a class A program. Confidence at Raceland right now is quite possibly at an all time high. The Rams lost a lot of talent at key positions but they do however have some nice replacements that are capable of doing what needs to be done. Maybe with some new new kids coming out that haven't played before they could possibly find "unexpected" help. Only time will tell.

  13. Very true, the more kids you get out, the more chances you have of finding a surprise in the bunch or a key replacement due to injury in say week 5 or 6 of the season. I think numbers at a small school do the best job of creating a better practice environment for the kids. The #2's at a small school may not be as good as the #2's at a large school, but the more kids you get out the greater the chance that those #2's might be a little better on a squad of 60 players as compared to a squad of 40 players. There are always exceptions to this and people will differ on opinions, but I think the Raceland fans should applause the job the coaching staff, kids, and administration is doing with the football program. Interest and excitement is the first step in earning many W's in the upcoming season.

    :thumb: :thumb:

  14. Best thing for Raceland would be a move to six classes and moved away from NKY districts in playoffs.

    I will agree with you on that in moving away from the N.Ky. districts in the playoffs. I know that Coach Ross when he was at Raceland for years lobbied for a "rotation" of the playoffs each year. Meaning that one district would not play the same district in the playoffs year in and year out, would rotate as to which districts face each other in the playoffs each year. I personally think that would be a good system. The NKY class A schools are very good, the way the playoffs are set up Raceland (or other teams from our district) would not just have to beat one NKY power but have to win three weeks in a row against the NKY district in order to advance to the state semi's.

  15. I'm a little confused and amused by the number of various folks throwing cold water on someone noting a high turnout for football (not to pick on Jay;) )


    Stick1 covered several nice points - all of which should be easily understood by those who follow HS football. I find it hard to believe there are more than a few oddball coaches(Duffy?) who would NOT want a high turnout of players for their team. Simple common sense leads one to realize that more to choose from can offer more talent, competition, flexibility, comraderie(sp?), replacements for injuries, friend/relatives of players supporting your program, etc, etc....... It's like a snowball rolling down a hill - ever increasing positives IMHO :thumb:

    The downside is .... uh, ........ what, you have to buy more jerseys & pre-game spaghetti dinners? :D


    Bravo Raceland :ylsuper: and all the other programs generating such involvement by their young people in this day & age when so many kids are more focused on the release date of the next PSP3:cry: Besides, in the end the scoreboard is not the primary measure of success - is it?


    P.S. Jay, I guessing Morgans success in the last 2 years is due more to the nice run of talented players (& perhaps coaches) than the numbers?? After all, I doubt that you had a whole lot MORE than 30 boys for the numerous years of less than stellar success before this ? Correct me if I'm off base:sssh:


    Woody Jr

    :thumb: :thumb: Thank you Woody (and Stick1), very well said.

  16. Good numbers are nice to have, it shows that the kids are interested in the sport and there is some excitement within the program. However they do little in terms of success. Although large numbers look good for getting off the bus and pre-game Cals, they do little in terms of wins and losses. You only put 11 on the field.


    In 2003, Elizabethtown played Belfry for the AA State Championship and dressed 23 players for the game.


    Fact is, you can have 80 players and go 0-10, and as few as 23 and play for a state championship. Look at some of the H.S.'s in Texas, they love their football and you will continually see teams with Large rosters and 1-9,2-8, and 0-10 records. Good numbers don't equal success.


    It's nice to see a small school with good numbers and excitement about their program in this basketball crazy state.

    I fully realize what you and JB are saying. To me the numbers are just a sign of the interest in the football program at the school. With this many kids wanting to play it shows the tradition at Raceland and the love for football is in very good shape. Raceland has been down for a few years lately from what they were in the 70's,80's and most of the 90's, came back with a 7 win season last year with I think around 18 senoirs. At a class A school, that 18 is a large amount of kids to lose. the freshman class last year was big in numbers also along with the jr. high kids being very talented. Yes, you can only play 11 at a time and with numbers like that and I am sure that not all will stay out (teams usualy lose a few as practice/camps/workouts heat up) but with the more kids that come out you might get a few more that would not have that end up being pretty good.

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