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Posts posted by GusMcRae

  1. The economy is going to continue to decline until jobs stop being purged. The stimulus bill is designed to increase spending on projects and create jobs to stop this. Will it work, who knows, but I do think that further deregulation and additional tax cuts on the wealthy would only have made things worse.


    Whats your rational on that? I can tell you for a fact, that when I have extra money that I reinvest into my business' and/or look for other opportunities to grow new ones.

  2. I am still really excited! If those guys on wall street hate BHO then he must be doing something right, they did more than thier fair share in creating this mess. Time table to get out of the war, no more torture, a plan albeit imperfect to try and turn the economy around other than less regulation and less taxes on the wealthy. Whats not to be excited about??


    I'm going to try and discuss each one of your points...


    This country doesnt go without a strong economy, and that starts on Wall Street. Our country goes with our stock market.

    Time table to get out of Iraq? This is bogus! It'll be 18months before soldiers start to come home. This is the EXACT same plan as was layed out before BHO became President. BHO has also stated that 50K soldiers would stay indefinetly!!! Your right...they are going to close Guantanamo. But who said the prisoners were being released? Many will be moved to "undisclosed" locations. Probably have crumpets and tea there. Economy...BHO has ZERO clue!!!!

  3. I am still really excited! If those guys on wall street hate BHO then he must be doing something right, they did more than thier fair share in creating this mess. Time table to get out of the war, no more torture, a plan albeit imperfect to try and turn the economy around other than less regulation and less taxes on the wealthy. Whats not to be excited about??



  4. On two seperate occasions this week on two seperate networks (CNBC, FoxBiz) the one thing that was discussed at length....was Wall Streets hatred of BHO. I guess I should clarify, their hatred of his so far proposed policies. I dont remember the exact numbers, but they showed some graphs of what the DJIA does everytime he speaks, and it was downright SCARY. :eek:

  5. Elvis HANDS DOWN!!!


    No one had the range that Elvis did. He crossed more genre's than maybe anyone ever. Could sing rock, country, gospel, the blues. On top of that he had a naturally ability to entertain.


    Also, Paul Potts. Dude who won Britians got talent. His album is AWESOME!!

  6. Its $57 a month for FF and I. ( not per person) If we want to add the family ( which is our 2 young children) its $67 a month. No charge for childcare. That's the "corporate rate" through FFs Job.


    No nothing about 5 seasons...but Urban's childcare facilities are usually worth the price. Your child will actually want to go there as they have climbing facilities, bball, etc. One easy way to look at the childcare is cost per visit. Would you pay them $1 a visit? Average gym member uses the gym between 15-20 times per month.

  7. One question...how does anyone know Pete Rose never used steriods? Because he said he didnt? LOL! Like Pete has any credibility. I remember reading an article several years ago about Pete. The article was about Pete running with bad and notorious people during his playing days. The article was also about how Pete was one of the first to bring strenous off-season training into baseball. The article talked about how Rose could be seen at a local gym in Cincy regularly during the offseason working out and hanging out with the owner. Per that article that gym owner was a known steriod dealer and I think even served time.


    Does this mean he ever used? No, but dont be so sure he didnt either. Steriods were RAMPANT in sports in the 1970's and 1980's!!! Contrary to populart belief...Canseco DID NOT introduce steriods to sports. What most people dont even understand is back in those days you could buy them at basically any pharmacy. The new rules on how steriods were monitored by the FDA werent even put into effect in 1991.


    BTW...Pete Rose is probably my favorite Bball player.

  8. Your right it does say a lot about Franklin. He would love a chance to get at Troy. I hope Troy runs all over him and gets him out of town like Auburn did. This system that he has doesn't work. He isn't the right guy to run it. He was just a blip on the screen and needs to go back and write another book or sell out again. He goes around and tries to put these systems into high school and makes a ton of money doing that he doesn't need to be in college.


    I may get into a little trouble for all that but Coach Franklin and I DO NOT get along. Let's just say we don't see eye to eye. Again this is all one mans opinion.


    You can say what you want about him personally...but the above Bolded is ludicrous. There are many....many high school teams that have had a ton of success in a short amount of time.

  9. Not necessarily weight loss but more for definition. I know you can lose weight doing high weight and low reps. I am currently doing it. But for someone who has low muscle mass and a higher body fat % would they not see a faster fat loss with higher reps? I consider 12 high because normally I only do 3-8 depending on the routine I am doing.


    Not really...but let me add. I've been around powerliftind and bodybuilding for 20 years. I know many competitive guys on the local and national level of both. Most everyone of them do different workouts. Some are high rep some are low. The last 4 Mr. Olympia's have all done totally different workouts. Lee Haney was know for high reps and tons of sets. Dorian, very few sets, moderat reps. Coleman, almost a power lifter, with very few reps. Cutler is kind of a mix of them all.


    Traditional when I hear low reps than means less than 5. Most of the people I know who train low reps only go low on the last couple of sets.


    When I hear you say high reps...I'm thinking 15+. Many women get in this trap of thinking. They think really high reps and low weight is going to get them really lean. My wife has won several fitness and figure competitions and she lifts what most would consider heavy.

  10. Any where from 10-15. Normally in the 12 range. Lower weight is only so you can acheive a higher rep. If you are doing 5x5 bench with 225 you sure aren't going to put 225 on there if you want to switch to a 3x10 or higher rep sets.


    I wouldn't really consider 12 reps as being high reps. But the reason I asked , you stated early that...you would want to do higher reps and lower weights...for weight loss. I was just curious as to why you have that opinion.

  11. Also, I used to do a lot of the higher reps and it never really worked that well for me. I never do more than 8 reps per workout (lifting weights) now. For my strength training I do no more than 5 reps per set.


    A good work range is the 8-12 range. Me nor anyone I have ever worked with never responded well to higher reps. By high reps I mean more than 12 or 13. The only time we ever do higher reps is if we want to change a work out up (usually legs)...we will put 225lbs on the bar and do 100 squats. Do as many reps as you can...rest 30 secs...repeat. I've seen powerlifters and bodybuilders puke in trash cans:lol:

  12. Back when I started to gain weight my freshman year in college, I started working out a different body part each day.


    I would do something like


    Chest/Triceps on Mondays


    Back/Biceps on Wednesdays


    Shoulders on Thursdays


    Legs on Friday or Saturday.


    I would also do cardio on the says in between as well as the days I was lifting.


    I stopped drinking soda's and eating a lot of candy which really helped, and I lost around 15 lbs (which is about what I gained in the first place).


    I pretty much eat what I want now and don't gain weight, but that's only because I workout for 2 1/2 hours with kickboxing and jiu jitsu on Tuesday/Thursday, and I lift for strength on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. I am also going to start back doing circuit training routines on Monday/Wednesday/Friday starting next week.


    I need to start eating better so I can get shredded though :lol:.



    Also, I used to do a lot of the higher reps and it never really worked that well for me. I never do more than 8 reps per workout (lifting weights) now. For my strength training I do no more than 5 reps per set.


    Push-Pull method. Been my workout for over 15years.

  13. I agree, you are starving your body by reducing to 1300. You should be consuming 2400 calories and it needs to be primarily protein. You need to feed your muscles as you lift so you can burn more fat. The more muscle you put on the more fat you will burn.


    Like Mr. Network said, you need to increase your metabolism by eating 5 to 6 times a day. You need to eat when you are not hungry.


    My wife is training for a figure competition and trust me, I see it first hand. Here is what she does daily.


    Eats protein right away when she wakes up. 4 egg whites or protein shake and half cup of oatmeal with splenda for flavor. Yes you have to buy the old fashioned Quaker oats that are bland.


    2 1/2 hrs later

    Usually she goes and works out. Comes home and within 1/2 an hour most important thing to do is feed the muscles. Eat protein !!! A Shake or tuna, or some sort of protein.


    2 1/2 hrs later

    More protein. Chicken breast and some sort of fiber. Salad or vegetable. Oatmeal or sweet potatoes or brown rice for carb.


    2 1/2 hrs later- Another shake or protein bar. Pure protein bar is best brand. You can buy at Krogers.


    2 1/2 hrs later- Eat more protein. Fish/Chicken/Tuna pattie. She sometimes takes 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal and can of tuna. Make a tuna pattie, fry it up in pan and add mustard when you put on a plate for flavor.


    2 1/2 hrs later- Shake or Protein Bar for snack.


    2 1/2 hrs later-(usually half hour before bed) yes you need more protein. 4 egg whites and one yolk. Scrambled up. Whole can of vegetables. Green Beans, Asparagus, etc. NO CORN.


    Go to BED and get your rest. GET up and do it again.


    You will feel like all you do is eat but it works. I am watching her transformation and it is unreal.


    Is she working with Beverly?:thumb:

  14. Not necessarily.


    If you are doing a heavy weight lifting routine and you are not doing the proper amount of reps, or getting the proper amount of rest, you will add size which will prevent you from losing weight.


    So it's entirely inaccurate.


    You should be more specific as to "heavy weights". I have never not lifted heavy...nor anyone I know or have worked with. Heavy is a relative term. We lift to failure every set with the most weight possible for the desired reps. This is the most effective way for fat burning. This and very little rest between sets.

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