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Posts posted by GusMcRae


    Baucus (D-MT)

    Bayh (D-IN)

    Biden (D-DE)

    Breaux (D-LA)

    Campbell (R-CO)

    Cantwell (D-WA)

    Carnahan (D-MO)

    Carper (D-DE)

    Cleland (D-GA)

    Clinton (D-NY)

    Daschle (D-SD)

    Dodd (D-CT)

    Dorgan (D-ND)

    Edwards (D-NC)

    Feinstein (D-CA)

    Harkin (D-IA)

    Hollings (D-SC)

    Johnson (D-SD)

    Kerry (D-MA)

    Kohl (D-WI)

    Landrieu (D-LA)

    Lieberman (D-CT)

    Lincoln (D-AR)

    Miller (D-GA)

    Nelson (D-FL)

    Nelson (D-NE)

    Reid (D-NV)

    Rockefeller (D-WV)

    Schumer (D-NY)

    Torricelli (D-NJ)


    81 House Democrats voted in favor of the resolution.


    Is that before or after he was against it, before he was for it, but then against it?

  2. Chris Wolfe (formerly of Hancock Co, Waggener, and PRP) ran the double wing...of the Flex bone variety. That was his system but what he ran out of it depended mostly on his talent. At Hancock it was mostly option n stuff because of Atwell. One year at Waggener (semi year) he ran almost exclusively the zone because of that big FB he had that year. Then when he had A. Smith he ran a lot of sweeps etc.

  3. That's certainly possible, but I'm not sold on it happening. I'm assuming Okami is going to be next...I'm not sure why, but that's the guy they're hyping now. Franklin beat him just a couple of fights ago...


    As much as I like Dan Henderson (I picked him to win this last fight), I don't think he can beat Anderson Silva. In addition, I think Dan Henderson is better as a LHW and I think that's where he'd prefer to be and I think he'd stand a better chance of winning a rematch with Rampage than Silva. Who knows what Dana White will do, but they should re-sign Hendo and let him fight at 205.


    As for Anderson Silva, he's just spinning his wheels at middleweight now. He needs to up the ante and fight some of the 205 pounders...there's no one in the UFC's middleweight class who can test him. He's made beating some of the top 185 pounders in the world look easy...Franklin (twice), Henderson, Marquardt.


    Silva is just too good...I don't think you can go 5 rounds with him without getting caught at some point, and once he catches you and rattles you, I've never seen anyone better at finishing the fight whether it be KO, TKO or submission.


    The UFC could probably make some major money on a PPV that involved him fighting an elite LHW, particularly Rampage or Liddell, IMO. They should seriously look into that, but I doubt that will. Dana would probably prefer to let Silva beat up on an overmatched MW class so he can continue to hype him and claim that he has the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world.


    Silva seems like a once-in-forever type of fighter...I hope we get to see him push himself to the limit. I'd like to know just how great he is. Can he dominate the LHW division? I think it's possible and I'd love to know.


    I think he can beat Silva, and may be the only guy in the UFC capable. I also think Hendo would beat Rampage in a re-match. I personally think the wrestlers game-plan better than the rest in MMA, and are always really tough to beat in rematches.


    Time will tell!!!

  4. No this is the one on Dixie Hwy. I only went there for a few weeks with a buddy to spot him but I would say of the 10 times I went, 9 times did the incident occur I speak of.


    I would give their staff a -1 on a scale of 1/10. And I am NOT exaggerating.


    Given they have to get off their stool every 10 mins to key someone in and take a break from texting or watching the music video's they could at least acknowledge the member and say a simple "hi."


    All of their gyms are this way...They have a great facility but lack in the customer curtesy department...But I dont care becuase I usually dont talk to them either.

  5. Registered Republican:


    Extreme conservative, probably libertarian on economic issues.


    Very moderate on social issues, but not moderate to the fact I think our govt should be setting up programs, agencies, etc to oversee the issues. Just moderate to the fact I could care less what people do with in their private lives. And I do not vote on social issues.


    I could probably be best described as a capitalist.

  6. Well, I have been gathering my thoughts....I thought the movie was my second favorite in the series, for the fact that Zahn studied the character. But I agree with Call in that they didnt play up the friendship between the two nearly enough. If you read the books you will find how tight the two were.


    Now all they need to do is make a movie of Dead Man's Walk. And yes, I know they've already made one. But it was painstaking. David Arquette(sp) should be shot on site for butchering Gus' character.



    "Well, we dont rent pigs!"

  7. Usually whatever time I wake up....Different everyday. I havent used an alarm clock in 8 yrs. I work for myself so I can get to the office at whatever time I get there. I am a night owl though, always have been. My normal schedule is....wake (usually between 8-8:30), have coffee & read the paper, hang out with my kid and wife, have a protein shake, then shower and head to office. Usually get to office about 10. Work till whenever. Usually hit the bed between 1-2am.

  8. Not true. Article today had him receiving an earmark for something in Arizona.




    In 2006, the senator teamed up with fellow Arizona senator Jon Kyl ® to funnel $10 million toward the University of Arizona for an academic center named after the late Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist.


    In 2003, McCain also slipped $14.3 million into a defense appropriations bill to

    create a buffer zone around Luke Air Force Base in Arizona. As Roll Call reported in 2003, this project violated McCain’s own anti-pork rhetoric:


    The only problem is the project to acquire more land near the base was not requested by President Bush or fully authorized by the Senate Armed Services Committee - two of McCain’s criteria for identifying so-called ‘pork.


    Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK), a notorious porker, was overjoyed that McCain had joined his side. “One man’s pork is another man’s alternate white meat,” said Stevens. “If he asked for it, we put it in.”


    This was addressed on TV last night. McCains not the one who asked for the $ for UofA and he didnt ask for the 14.3 either. But he did not oppose them either....


    Regardless, I doubt any other Senator has that kind of record when it comes to earmarks.

  9. Now, I am just the opposite. I hear a pledge like that and I hear politically speak to make my ears feel good and I don't believe a word of it.

    Oh I def believe it...McCain has NEVER had an earmark in his tenure as Senator. As a matter of fact he despises earmarks. He has been on record many times as saying he will cut the pork out of the budget.

  10. You forget the horrible economy that Carter left to him. Reagan managed to outspend the Soviets WHILE bringing back the economy.


    And re-building a military that was suffering from post-vietnam and archaic infrastructure. The Carter admin devasted the military by cutting funding for tech, etc. Not only did RR help restore the infrastructure but brought esprit de corp back. This is one of the biggest factors always overlooked in the Reagan presidency.

  11. Amen.


    McCain...as with all the Republicans....has things I dislike about him and things I like about him. I am a moderate Republican, but I am a fiscal conservative. The one thing that has always resonated with me about McCain is I do believe he will cut spending. And he will obviously be strong on defense. These are the 2 of the most important issues for me.


    And I can assure everyone of this...If it comes down to McCain vs Hillary Republicans will NOT stay home. They will come out in droves to see that Hillary is NOT elected.


    One question...who do you guys think will be his running mate?


    Huckabee? or dare we say Lieberman:eek:

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