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Posts posted by GusMcRae

  1. Some keep saying "no athlete is worth that much"??? Obviously he is...If someone is willing to pay him that much then he is worth it. ARod is no different than any other professional. He generates revenue for the ballclub. Regardless if people like it or not...professional sports is business...BIG business. Now we might not like it or think its ridiculous...BUT...teams will be lined up to pay him...which means, "he's worth it".

  2. HGH was banned in 2005. And if I'm not mistaken, HGH could be bought at any sports supplement store, such as GNC. So, you can't say that Ankiel was cheating. As long as he stopped using it when MLB banned it, then he done nothing wrong. Now, if he used steriods along with HGH, then that would be a problem.

    You are mistaken...HGH (Human Growth Hormone) has NEVER been available OTC. You are thinking of GHB....BIG DIFFERENCE!


    The other thing is this...there is still NO test for HGH...so who knows whose on it or not.

  3. It doesnt matter if the D gives up 40 if the O scores 41. I (a UK fan) just don't see too many teams shutting that offense down. Slowing it down maybe...but not stopping it. I think we could be in for some fireworks next week...TWO great offenses (loaded with KY talent) going head to head...this could make for a lot of fun in Commonwealth stadium...and possibly a classic!

  4. Don't forget his military service as Task Force commander aboard a Nuclear AirCraft Carrier in the Atlantic during


    The Hunt for Red October :thumb:


    Plus he has the education background during his stint as President of the Texas State Armadillos in


    Unneccesary Roughness



    and best of all he was the President of NASCAR during the Days of Thunder so he understands what a "Japanese Inspection" is all about.


    I can think of many ways this might come in handy in Washington.

  5. Here's mine. What's yours?

    Note: This is your team, positions can be what you decide...not where they necessarily played.


    QB (limit one)- Craig Yeast

    RBs (limit four)- Henry Parks, Donald Smith, Andrew McCloud, Wayne Jackson

    WRs (two) - Corey Jackson, Brandon Ford

    TE (one) - Tootie Ford

    OL (four) - Derrick Johnson, Josh Hardman, Brandon Sallee, Eddie Bast

    DL (four) - Dennis Johnson, Adrian Patton, Julius Yeast, Sam Blackburn

    LB (three) - Venus Meaux, Chris Lewis, Sonny Ransdell

    CB (two) - Brandon Scheller, Rashad Buster,

    S (two) - Joe White, David Smith


    It's almost criminal who all I left out.....some of you old timers chime in!

    Timmy Rogers is probably the best LB to come from the area.

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